QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 278 My Sister-In-Law Is My Surrogate 37

Now everyone turned to Han Tao. This seemed like a more reasonable question. Although the mole was behind the second twin's ear, it was easily spotted if you carried the boy.

They had all found the mole either the first time or the second time they carried the second.

Han Tao looked from one twin to the other. Yes he had been with the twins before he left but he never paid close attention to them. Each time, they were either in the stroller or in their bed. Seeing that everyone was waiting, he grit his teeth and said, "The second."

"Yes!" Han Jiao shouted and clapped happily. The others also had proud smiles on their faces. Xu Lifen was such a fool for that question. How could the father of the twins -who had spent enough time with them- not know this?

He Yuan smiled. There was a 50-50 chance of Han Tao guessing the right answer afterall so he said, "Good guess. Now, where is the mole located?"

Han Tao stiffened and began thinking hard. Since he had no idea of the mole but everyone else did then it had to be located in a place that could be easily found by random chance. He eyed the twins in the stroller before confidently saying, "His neck."



"Ha ha!" Min Yanyu suddenly laughed out loud and tried to cover it up. "A'Tao, that joke is too funny." She blinked at him desperately. "Now tell us where the mole is."

He Yuan watched their interaction with a cold smile.

On the other hand, Han Tao clenched his fists. It seemed the location of the mole was not as obvious as he thought. He grit his teeth again before saying, "His lower back."

Every single person closed their eyes at the same time and Han Yuanjun directly slammed a hand over his face. Even he knew the mole was behind the second's ear and he'd only carried him once!

888 eyed Han Tao's red face and chuckled. What a perfect way to embarrass himself. It would've been better if he just kept silent.

He Yuan listened to his System's soft laughter and his mood automatically became better. He eyed Han Tao from head to toe. "Now you know why I demand full custody. Quickly sign the papers so I can leave."

Han Tao's eyes darted around the room. He felt so much anger in his heart at Xu Lifen for putting him in this situation but he still hesitated. Giving up his right to the twins...

Chen Meili suddenly began coughing and he turned to look at her. Seeing that his mother had already acted and Meili was fine, his eyes trailed to her stomach and a thought crossed his mind.

If he let didn't let go of the twins and all five boys grew up, would they end up fighting for ineritance because they had different mothers?

What if one of the triplets turned out to be most qualified for the inheritance but he, Han Tao, had to hand it over to the eldest twin because he was the eldest child? Wouldn't the Han family go downhill from there?

What if the twins grew up and got influenced by Xu Lifen into taking some sort of revenge against Meili and the triplets?

After thinking for several seconds, Han Tao took out a pen from his breast pocket and advanced towards the document he'd thrown at He Yuan's feet.

Seeing the direction things were going, Han Yuanjun's eyes widened. "Han Tao have you gone mad?! You're just going to cut off all ties with your own children before they understand a thing? They aren't even weaned off of milk yet!"

"A'Tao..." Min Yanyu simply called out. She wasn't very comfortable with the idea too. She wanted Xu Lifen out of the Han home but she didn't want to lose her grandchildren.

The Han Madam pursed her lip. Normally she would have been the first to stop Han Tao but she was thinking far ahead into the future. The Han family had never had so many male descendants within the same time frame.

This meant that such a thing as fighting for inheritance had never happened. The worse part was that the children were not all from the same mother. She felt that if things weren't handled now then it could be chaotic in the future.

Besides, she was a little biased towards the triplets. With an upright policeman father and an elite opthalmologist mother, adding the fact that they would actually feed from the breast of their mother... it was pretty clear that they would end up with good heads on their shoulders.

So she threw her head to the side and pretended not to see anything.

Chen Meili watched as Han Tao stood in place and she panicked a little. Brother Tao wasn't going to change his mind and let Xu Lifen stay... Right?

He Yuan observed Han Tao and scoffed inwardly. He decided to give the man a little push. Mocking a nervous expression, he quickly rasped, "Uncle Yuanjun is right. You have to think very well."

Then he exaggeratedly raised his chin and made it look like he was feigning confidence. "You Hans are lacking in descendants afterall."

Realization dawned on Han Tao then. Xu Lifen was expecting him to beg her? So all her talk about getting a divorce and taking the twins away was just a tactic she was using to get his attention? She was thinking he would become alarmed and not want to lose her?

What did she think this was? A movie? Well... she had miscalculated! He was just about to open his mouth when,




The Han Madam slammed her walking stick and stared at He Yuan with furious red eyes. She planned on quietly observing things for a while but Xu Lifen's last sentence had triggered her. "If you want to leave with them then GET OUT!"

How dare the Xu girl?! Just because her Han family had dwindled over the years, even a random orphan thought she could look down on them?!

Did she think their lack of numbers would make them desperate?!

What was even so special about the twins aside from the fact that they were boys? With Xu Lifen's genes in them it was very possible that they could grow up to be mediocre. No one wanted mediocre heirs!

Besides, Xu Lifen had the guts to talk now but she didn't have a single penny to her name. What was she going to use to raise the twins?!

Han Rong looked from her mother to He Yuan. "Xu Lifen, you can talk big now but just know this. If you leave this mansion with the twins and end up finding out that you can't afford to take care of them, you better not come running back because we would never accept you!"

He Yuan chuckled and said arrogantly, "I'm trying to leave but you are all coming up with different excuses that could potentially keep me here. That would have been fine if I was one of those women who could.." He turned to eye Chen Meili provocatively. "Tolerate a disgusting mistress."

Chen Meili gasped and leaned back on the chair like she'd been punched in the stomach whilst Han Tao saw red. Xu Lifen was doing too much!

"You really think I don't dare to divorce you?!" He walked forward and snatched the documents from beside He Yuan's feet.

Han Yuanjun's eyes widened. "A'Tao, don't be stupid!" Was his nephew not thinking? He was about to sign away his rights to his sons! This indirectly meant that they, the Hans, would also not have any right to the twins.

Chen Meili stared at Han Yuanjun's sour expression and grit her teeth inwardly before stepping forward. "Brother Tao, hold on." She turned to He Yuan and folded her hands in a pleading position.

"You might see me as a mistress but I never really planned for this to happen. It had been an honest mistake on my part and.. and.." She turned to Han Tao with teary eyes. "..I don't want brother Tao suffering for my own mistake. I think-"

"Meili, don't." Han Tao cut in. How was this Chen Meili's fault? He was the one who had come home tipsy that day and taken advantage of her when she'd innocently asked for his company because she couldn't sleep. He refused to let her take all the blame!

Chen Meili smiled softly at Han Tao before firmly shaking her head. "Brother Tao, you know what kind of person I am. I don't shy away from taking responsibility when I should." She turned to He Yuan, "Sister Xu, I'm s-"

"Shut up." He Yuan cut in directly. "Who's your sister? Do you see the words 'desperate homewrecker' written on my forehead? How are we related?"

Han Tao's face twisted in a sneer. He was done. Xu Lifen was an ungrateful idiot! He directly began signing the papers aggressively.


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