QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 268 My Sister-In-Law Is My Surrogate 27


He Yuan was still standing at the window when the loud cry suddenly came. Startled, he quickly turned around and walked over to the cot.

Inside the cot, one of the twins had woken up and began crying. "Shh, shh..." He hushed softly as he picked up the crying baby. Thankfully, the other one was still asle-


Tsk. Nevermind. As soon as the first baby was carried, the other one woke up and began whimpering. He Yuan adjusted the first twin in one arm before gently picking up the other with his other arm and walking began about to placate them.

They'd fallen asleep immediately after eating and that was about fifteen minutes ago. Lately, he noticed that the babies were becoming more and more active. One more so than the other.

In the original timeline, Han Tao had named the boys a week after birth and placed them in the Han family register -only telling Xu Lifen about it after. The leaser had already been used to Han Tao's 'straightforward' ways and although she was very dissatisfied with it at the time, she had accepted it anyways.

Since Han Tao had been the one to name them, it wasn't hard to figure out who exactly had given Han Tao the idea for the names.

This time, Han Tao had also given He Yuan a paper containing the names he'd chosen for the twins a week after their birth but He Yuan had directly ignored it. He didn't even bother to stop Han Tao from putting the names in the Han family register because it was irrelevant.

As soon as he gained full custody of the twins, they would take on the Xu surname so it didn't matter what the Hans placed in their register. Besides, Xu Lifen had decided to rename the boys in the original timeline. Right before she was cruelly killed and they were snatched from her.

Xu Xiaoli and Xu Cai. One intellectual and the other wealth. He Yuan looked down at the babies in his arms, who had both become quieter after he began rocking them. Although they were identical twins, he didn't find it difficult to differiante them. The baby who had cried loudly was actually the second born twin, Xu Cai, whilst the one he'd picked up after was the first born, Xu Xiaoli.

Another differentiating feature was the fact that Xu Xiaoli had a tiny birthmark right behind his ear whilst Xu Cai did not.

The babies were very quiet now. Xu Cai had a tiny fist close to his mouth as he blinked his large eyes at He Yuan whilst Xu Xiaoli gave out a soft yawn as he slowly fell asleep.

He Yuan smiled and looked out the window. It wasn't sunny and neither was it windy. It was the perfect weather outside. He decided to take the babies out to the garden for some fresh air.

At that thought, He Yuan walked over to the cot and placed the babies back in so he could take out their stroller.

As soon as they left his arms,


Xu Cai began crying immediately and Xu Xiaoli, who had actually fallen asleep, opened his eyes in shock. Less than a second later,

"Eee.. eeee...eeeee... Waaahhh!"

The face of the eldest twin twisted and became red as he slowly cried out. He Yuan winced at the baby's expression. He couldn't even blame the kid because even he would get angry if he was suddenly woken up with a scream.

He quickly sent out a text to the wet nurse before picking up both babies once more.

Two minutes later, the wet nurse showed up. Her eyes moved from He Yuan to the babies in his arms. "Any problem with the babies Mrs. Xu?"

He Yuan shook his head. "I want to take them out to the garden but..." He rocked the babies -who were blinking at nothing in particular with large eyes- to show his point.

The wet nurse laughed softly before walking over to fetch the stroller and pack up some supplies for the babies.


After seeing Han Tao off, everyone was about to return when the Han Madam received a call from Han Yuanjun stating that he was on his way home. Han Yuanjun had gone on a business trip a night before the babies were born and he had taken his wife, Fu Lan, with him.

Min Yanyu smiled. "Since they're almost here, we might as well wait and welcome them." Everybody nodded in agreement and she walked over to support her mother-in-law to a bench located by the entrance of the mansion -right under a flower arch.

Ten minutes later, the huge gates of the estate opened up to reveal an expensive black car. It took another five minutes for the car to be parked in the garage and for Han Yuanjun and his wife to walk up to the waiting family members.

"Aunt Fu!" Han Yi and Han Jiao called out excitedly before rushing forward to hug Fu Lan.

Fu Lan laughed happily as she hugged them. "You two have to remember that you're no longer little girls, you're going to crush my bones if you keep this up."

Han Yi let go but Han Jiao held on stubbornly, causing everyone to laugh.

Han Yuanjun smiled softly at his wife who smiled at him in return before they both walked up to the Han Madam. "Mother."

Creases formed at the coners of the Han Madam's eyes as she smiled up at them. "You both took so long~"

Han Yuanjun smiled helplessly and said a few words whilst Fu Lan went around exchanging pleasantries with everyone. When she got to Chen Meili, her smile increased. "Meili dear, I never expected you to wait out here with everyone else. Can your body handle it?"

Chen Meili lowered her head shyly. "I can manage. Besides, it's almost a month now."

Fu Lan smiled warmly Han Yuanjun looked around then. "Where are the babies?"

At that moment, He Yuan walked out of the mansion, pushing the stroller with the wet nurse holding a supply bag besides him.

"Oh, there they are!" Fu Lan said happily and stepped forward to peer at the babies in the stroller.

Han Yuanjun was a step behind and with a firm nod at He Yuan, he carried one of the babies whilst his wife carried the other.

Fu Lan rocked Xu Cai here and there happily before looking at everyone else. "Ah, so chubby and handsome. This one looks a lot like our A'Tao!"

The others merely hummed in agreement before going silent once more. Fu Lan frowned at their lack of enthusiasm but then something caught her eye. She perused the wet nurse beside He Yuan from head to toe.

She was very sure that she knew every single servant in the mansion so where did this one come from? She turned to Min Yanyu in confusion. "You guys hired a new servant?"

Min Yanyu and Han Rong exchanged looks. Actually, they hadn't informed Han Yuanjun and Fu Lan about the things that had happened because the Han Madam had left strict instructions not to distract Han Yuanjun on his business trip.

Even when she had been admitted in the hospital, they didn't dare tell Han Yuanjun.

Han Jiao sneered at He Yuan before turning to Fu Lan. "Aunt Fu, Xu Lifen had hired a wet nurse to feed the babies."

Chen Meili's eyes widened and she grabbed Han Jiao's arm. "A'Jiao, you shouldn't say anything and let sister-in-law explain herself."

Han Jiao's sneer increased. "What other explanation is there? We were all there when it happened! Wasn't that the reason grandmother had almost gotten a heart attack and spent weeks in the hospital?!"

The heads of Han Yuanjun and Fu Lan both snapped to the Han Madam at the speed of light.

He Yuan calmly stepped forward and plucked the twins one after the other from the shocked husband and wife before placing them back in the stroller.

Han Yuanjun finally reacted then. He frowned at He Yuan. "You had caused mother to be hospitalized?!"

He Yuan looked up at the skies and sighed. "It's not easy to find such a good weather." He turned to Han Yuanjun. "How about we postpone this anger fest for later, hm?"

A vein popped on Han Yuanjun's forehead but before he could speak,

"Excuse me," One of the security men guarding the gate stepped forward. Everyone turned to face him as he turned to He Yuan. "There's a man outside with a delivery for a Mrs. Xu."

He Yuan nodded. It was most likely the syringe he'd ordered. He made a please gesture with his hand and pushed the stroller after the security man. As soon as the package was received, he returned to the mansion entrance to find that everyone hadn't moved an inch.

He looked down at the babies with a sigh. "I'll take you to receive fresh air some other time, alright?" Even if he decided to ignore the Hans and proceed to the garden anyways, their mere presence had already made the atmosphere 15 degrees foul.

As the Hans eyed the box in his hands curiously, He Yuan directly walked past them and entered the mansion.

For the rest of the day, the Hans all gathered in the living room and discussed who knows what in hushed tones.


By 12:00 midnight that very night, He Yuan slowly twisted Chen Meili's door open and walked in like an experienced thief.

The lights were off and the large duvet in the middle of the bed steadily moved up and down as Chen Meili slept peacefully.

He Yuan automatically drew qi into his body and used qingqong to move stealthily across the floor until he was by the bedside, looking down on Chen Meili's face as she slept.

To make sure she didn't suddenly wake up, he took out some paralysis dust and held it under her nose. As soon as it was sniffed in, he simply took out Chen Meili's left arm from underneath the blanket and used a tight band to wrap around her upper arm.

Next, he took out the syringe that he'd filled up with the solution he'd made earlier, a cotton swab, and some alcohol from his first aid kit.

Two minutes later, He Yuan had successfully injected the mixture unto Chen Meili's blood stream and a bright smile stretched across his lips.

As for what he'd done? Well... there was a special hormone called the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone (hCG). Also known as the pregnancy hormone.

It was referred to as the pregnancy hormone because the hCG hormone was only produced during pregnancy and made almost exclusively in the placenta.

Usually, an ultrasound could only be able to detect a life form about six to eight weeks after pregnancy. Before then, a different test is usually conducted to determine pregnancy status. This test is carried out by detecting the hCG hormone levels found in the mother's blood and urine.

Another special thing about the HCG hormone was that, most times, it played a part in the nausea and vomiting often linked to pregnancy.

He Yuan happily cleaned up all traces and breezed out of Chen Meili's room as easily as he'd breezed in.

In essence, what he was trying to do was not only to trick Chen Meili's body into believing she was pregnant, but also to cheat the medical system into diagnosing her as pregnant too.

Over the next days, He Yuan subtly observed Chen Meili and exactly one week after the injection...

The special one began experiencing morning sickness and fatigue.


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