QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 260 My Sister-In-Law Is My Surrogate 19

The nurse frowned impatiently and Han Rong glared at He Yuan. "The question should be what are YOU doing?! The doctors asked for the father of the babies and that is A'Tao!"

He Yuan grit his teeth. Did nobody see what was wrong with Chen Meili's request? With Han Tao's collar tightly fisted in his hand, he turned to the nurse and said calmly, "The woman in there is a surrogate. It's a little inappropriate for my husband to go in there. How about some of the women here go in to accompany her instead?"

The nurse blinked in confusion. Husband? She looked from He Yuan to Han Tao, then to the other members of the family before looking to the equally confused standby doctor and nurses seated a few feet away.

Although it wasn't unheard of for biological parents to accompany the surrogate together during a pregnancy, this case of a surrogate specifically requesting for another woman's husband alone to accompany her was new.

The nurse eyed the distressed Han Tao. This man wasn't the pregnant woman's husband? It didn't seem like it. To be sure she asked, "The woman behind you... Is your wife?"

Han Tao grit his teeth and tried to dislodge Xu Lifen's grip but unexpectedly, her grip didn't budge. His chest heaved slightly as he answered instead, "Chen Meili is family too."

"That is correct, Xu Lifen let go!" Han Rong added immediately.

Min Yanyu stood up and snapped her fingers at He Yuan angrily. "Xu Lifen, now is not the time to make trouble. The babies can't wait!"

Fu Lan looked at the angry faces of everyone before turning to He Yuan. She'd watched the relationship between her nephew-in-law and his wife get worse and worse over the months and now, she was saddened. She understood that the core of this was the dislike that Xu Lifen seemed to have for Chen Meili but now was not the time.

She sighed. "Xu Lifen just bear with it this one time. You have to think of the twins."

As everyone stared He Yuan down, Gu Longwei eyed Han Tao. He could quietly accept Han Tao making Chen Meili carry his babies and using that as an excuse to follow her around but this... This was a step too far!

He turned to the Han Madam. "Mother-in-law, this is not the time for this. Xu Lifen is a woman too, let her go instead."

Everyone turned to Gu Longwei with a frown and Han Rong sneered. "What nonsense are you saying? Don't you know how careless Xu Lifen is? Besides, her relationship with Chen Meili isn't too good. What if she does something in there?

-A'Tao is clearly a much better option. He is the father of the twins and he has a good relationship with Chen Meili. He deserves to be there!'


The Han Madam stomped her cane heavily before eyeing He Yuan in disatisfaction. "Lifen girl. Let him g-"


Another nurse walked out of the labour room then. "WHERE IS THIS HAN TAO?!"

Han Tao quickly looked at the door of the labour room and his eyes reddened. Just thinking of Meili going through this alone made him mad with rage. He was a single breath away from beating Xu Lifen to death. "Xu. Lifen! Let go and stop being unreasonable!"

He Yuan raised a brow. "I'm being unreasonable? That woman is your deceased brother's wife! Why are you so eager to rush forward and view your sister-in-law's nakedness?"

The nurse who just stepped out froze in surprise, the first nurse and standby medicals looked between each other as they contemplated the recent development whilst the Hans looked around with dodgy eyes.

Han Tao was the only one who remained unfazed. Instead, he grit his teeth before elbowing the space behind him with force.

He Yuan immediately picked up on the action and moved back a second before the elbow could land.

In the hallway, every single person froze. Han Tao was a well built man and a trained policeman. The force put into that elbow was not only enough to shatter a few of the smaller Xu Lifen's ribs but was also enough to have her throw up said broken ribs and her guts.

It was a good thing she managed to move in time.

Unlike everyone, Han Tao did not even bother to rethink his actions. The minute he was set free, he dashed into the labour room like his life depended on it.

The nurses from the labour room eyed He Yuan awkwardly before walking into the labour room one after the other. The standby medicals also eyed He Yuan awkwardly before looking at the rest of the Hans not even bothering to hide the judgemental look in their eyes.

The Han Madam's face burned with shame. They were a well known elite family and Han Tao's actions just now, coupled with the fact that they all allowed him to accompany his sister-in-law against his wife's wishes and adding that the said wife was of no-name origins made it seem like they were abusing Xu Lifen.

Min Yanyu eyed the Han Madam's expression with a dreadful look. She was also aware that what just happened did not look good on them so she laughed dryly and looked to He Yuan.

"Xu Lifen, you can't be stubborn like this all the time. So if A'Tao did not scare you just now, you wouldn't have let go? You shouldn't be too forceful all the time."

Han Rong joined in with a dry laughter of her own, "If you're always like this, you would make people misunderstand,"

The others also spoke up, trying to lighten the tense and awkward atmosphere. The standby medicals still did not look convinced and Min Yanyu eyed He Yuan pointedly.

He Yuan eyed all of them calmly before locking eyes with Min Yanyu. "You know very well that he wasn't just trying to scare me."

And then he stood against the wall with his arms folded across his chest as the expressions of the Hans became constipated from embarrassment.

888's voice came then. [Why even bother to stop Han Tao in the first place?"]

He Yuan shrugged. The first woman he had counterattacked for had somehow ended up with the men who had joined hands to orchestrate the events that led to her death. Xu Lifen would have no memories of her past life three months after she returned so he was merely gathering experience.

With the memories of the past months, Xu Lifen had no excuse to get back together with Han Tao in the future. If she even dared to do so after looking back on the particular memory that had taken place a while ago, then maybe she did not deserve a counterattack in the first place.

For the rest of the night all that was heard in the hallway were the occasional screams of Chen Meili and the sounds of rain drops falling to the ground outside the hospital. At some point in time, the eyes of everyone began to drop and the Han Madam directly fell asleep.


At exactly 7:00am in the morning, the cries of the babies filled the hall. He Yuan lifted his head immediately and so did the Hans. Everyone stood up and gathered together as they stared at the door of the labour room heatedly.

Almost 45 minutes later, a smiling nurse walked out of the labour room. The first person her eyes landed on was He Yuan and her smile stiffened a bit before she continued, "The babies have been born safely."

Happy cheers rang out in the hall and the Han Madam trembled. They were here! The heirs were here! Due to how emotional she was, her cane fell off her hand but she paid no mind and slowly walked up to the nurse with trembling limbs. "Where are they? Quick, let me see them!"

The nurse smiled. "They've been placed in specialized cots in the adjoining room. You just have to go in through the next door."

The standby medicals left the area since they were no longer needed whilst the nurse led everyone else into the room next door.

The VIP room was decorated with warm colors. There was a glass demarcation between this room and the labour room containing Chen Meili. This was because some new mothers were prone to paranoia after giving birth so the glass demarcation was installed to let them see their babies as they rested.

As everyone focused on the twin baby cot at the centre of the VIP room, He Yuan's eyes were on the glass demarcation. On the other side, Han Tao held Chen Meili's hand tightly in both of his hands as he watched her sleep with a gentle expression.

The nurse saw He Yuan staring and a pitiful look crossed her eyes. This situation was kinda off. As a woman herself, she couldn't imagine how she would feel to watch her own husband stare at another woman with such an expression.

At that moment, He Yuan suddenly turned to the nurse. "Has he seen the twins yet?"

The nurse blinked in surprise. She quickly looked at the other side of the demarcation, opened and closed her mouth a few times before saying, "He asked us to take the babies to rest first. He wanted to make sure... the...uh... lady in there was okay first."

He Yuan chuckled. There were two doctors and nurses in there. Chen Meili had already given birth and had to be cleaned up but Han Tao had stayed through it all. Not just that, now Chen Meili was clearly asleep but he was still there watching over her.

All this was done without even taking a peek at the babies that he had repeatedly told Xu Lifen to be considerate of over the months. It was no wonder why the inheritance of the Han family had ended up with the son Han Tao and Chen Meili had had together instead of the eldest twin.

He Yuan nodded at the nurse before walking over to the cot. Probably because of the lingering embarrasment, no one made a fuss and gave him some room to see the babies

The babies were sleeping peacefully in the cot. They were so tiny and wrinkled. They were also very red and had sparse hair on their heads. He Yuan suddenly remembered the first time a new born baby had been brought into the street shelter he'd spent his earliest days in.

All the kids had been so freaked out, including him. He soon found himself smiling subconsciously. The babies were quite adorable.



I'm so sorry if you're reading this chapter again but I realized I missed a chapter and after contacting my webnovel content editor, I realized that the only way to change it was to switch out the contents of each chapter until I got to this point.

The missed chapter was chapter 4 of this arc so if you unlocked chapter four, you can go back an find different content in the chapter without re-unlocking.

I am so, so, sorry for this. Please do forgive me.

I'm so sorry if you're reading this chapter again but I realized I missed a chapter and after contacting my webnovel content editor, I realized that the only way to change it was to switch out the contents of each chapter until I got to this point.

The missed chapter was chapter 4 of this arc so if you unlocked chapter four, you can go back an find different content in the chapter without re-unlocking.

I am so, so, sorry for this. Please do forgive me.I'm so sorry if you're reading this chapter again but I realized I missed a chapter and after contacting my webnovel content editor, I realized that the only way to change it was to switch out the contents of each chapter until I got to this point.


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