QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 238 Little Mandron Soldier 61

The Marshals of the panel all turned their eyes to He Yuan at the end of the recording. What could they say? If there was one thing every single species of the Plexar Federation had in common, it was their love for chivalry. This was why Ding Weimin had been exalted and this was why the eyes of every single Marshal on seat finally held recognition for Yang Xue.

They'd all been to war and having a comrade who had your back no matter what was more valuable than the most precious stone.

A mosaic screen slowly rose from the floor of the podium and covered the Ten Marshals from view of everyone else. The audience knew it was time to decide a verdict.

The Second Marshal eyed the screen heatedly. What would they decide on? He regretted the fact that it was popular knowledge that Jin Qi was his granddaughter. If not, by now he would have been on the other side of the screen deciding her fate with the other Marshals!

He was very much aware that they would use this opportunity to take her down knowing fully well that the Jin family's military might would have to depend on her in the future.

A strong headache hit the Second Marshal and the urge to throttle Jin Qi came back in full force. Why had she been too hasty?! He looked to the plaintiff box but his granddaughter had her head lowered. Now she knew how to be silent? Why didn't she respect herself before all this?!

After thirty minutes, the screen was lifted and all ten of them slammed their gavels down simultaneously. "A verdict had been decided," The First Marshal began. Then continued, "Sergeant Major Yang had been found to be... not guilty!

-On the other hand, First Lieutenant Taephar would be demoted two ranks and sent to the disciplinary committee of the Third Army. As for Lieutenant Colonel Jin, she shall be dishonorably discharged on the count of attempted murder, fined 25,000,000 credits and serve a jail sentence of twenty years."

First Lieutenant Taephar fisted his hands and closed his eyes. His chest hurt so much from hearing his verdict. He had worked so hard to get here and and ended up screwing himself over because of his unwillingness to appear below a mandron.

In the Plaintiff box, Jin Qi stared at the First Marshal with wide eyes. "You can't do that to me!" She hurriedly looked to her grandfather. "Grandfather, you can't let them do that to me!"

What could the Second Marshal do in this situation? He could only remain silent and watch as Jin Qi was taken away from the courtroom and then the Marshal Court was dismissed.

The reporters tried to get an interview with He Yuan after but he had politely declined. They all had no option but to let him be. After all,, they were on Crest, a military base Planet and not Earth so they could not afford to be stubborn. On the flip side, they'd already gotten enough scoop as it was and couldn't wait to return to their various media outlets and submit the recording in for censorship.

Over on Jin Qi's side, the now former Lieutenant Colonel was taken into a special holding facility to await her transportation to Earth where she would be serving her jail time.




"LET ME OUT!" Jin Qi screamed in anguish as he hit her hands and wheelchair against the door repeatedly. She was still very weak from her injuries but stubbornly kept on hitting the door and screaming until she passed out from fatigue.

The next time Jin Qi woke up, she was strapped to the bed and hooked up on several machines. Looking at the spot where her limbs were meant to be, she lost it and struggled against the bindings holding her down.

"LET ME GO!" She couldn't accept it. How was she going to survive in jail with no legs?! How was she going to live the rest of her life with no legs?!

Yang Xue was not innocent! He'd harmed her and yet he was walking free! She began screaming in anguish. "THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IS RIGGED! YOU'RE LETTING A CRIMINAL WALK FREE!"

At that moment, the door opened up and in came the Second Marshal and Jin Yusheng. The Second Marshal had to pull a lot of strings to actually buy sometime to talk to his granddaughter. Staring at the disheveled Jin Qi, his heart hurt. This was the granddaughter he'd pampered right from when she was so little, he couldn't stand to watch her in pain.

Jin Qi stared at her grandfather and brother like she's found a lifeline. She desperately struggled against the bindings, even though all it did was make her dizzy. "You have to get me out of here! I can't go to jail!"

"JIN QI!" The Second Marshal called sternly and she froze. He did not like her current image at all! She'd been too rash and had tried to trap Yang Xue but had ended up trapping herself instead! The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, he matched up to her, "Did you learn nothing from me all these years?!"

Jin Qi shut up with her chest heaving slightly and her face covered in tears whilst Jin Yusheng placed his hands in his pockets and scowled. "I think she learnt a lot from you. Too much in fact. How else do you think she developed such a twisted personality?"

Jin Qi turned to pin him with a hateful glare. "You think I have a twisted personality?! You engage in all sorts of debauchery with that other Yang malue slut and I'M THE ONE WITH A TWISTED PERSONALITY?!"

"JIN QI!" The Second Marshal shouted angrily. Just what was this?! "You've put yourself in such a tricky situation and you still have the guts to spout nonsense?!" Now was not the time for them to be fighting! He had to think of a way to reduce Jin Qi's sentence and as for the Jin family as a whole...

He looked to his grandson with a tired expression. "Yusheng don't you think it's time to drop all this your business nonsense and become fully involved in the family legacy? You're not up to 30. You're not even 28 yet. If you join the army now, even if you'd be a little behind your peers, you could still-"

"I could still what?" Jin Yusheng cut in with a sneer. "Jin Qi isn't enough and now you want to ruin my life too?" He directly turned and walked out of the room. He was not wasting any more of his time on those two.


An hour later, He Yuan put in finishing touches to all matters that had been given to him to handle in Yang Xue's office. The allocation of merits was still in another four days but he wouldn't be here for that. He walked out of Yang Xue's office and headed towards the Barracks. His job in this realm was done.

The luck of both Specials ones had definitely been drained at this point. Jin Qi was due to return to Earth for her jail sentence soon. She would also never walk again which was a fitting retribution for making Yang Xue loose his limb in the first place. The Second Marshal's retirement was in less than ten years so before Jin Qi would be able to leave prison, the military power of the Jin family would be long gone.

Even if she the Second Marshal held on until Jin Qi returned. What could she actually do? She had been dishonorably discharged. It was done and dusted. Finito for her army career.

As for Ding Weimin and the Ding family, ha. The Third Marshal had actually miscalculated and placed too much hope on Ding Weimin. Unlike Jin Qi, Ding Weimin had the opportunity to return to the army once his confinement of 12 months was over but things would definitely be different for him this time because.... He had already lost his halo.

What made Ding Weimin stand out were three things. His hard work, his chivalry and of course the luck drain from the realm. The only thing he would be leaving confinement with was his hard work. What good would that do when his reputation had been completely massacred in the eyes of everyone?

No matter how hard he worked in the future, he would never be able to get very far because whatever merit he earned would be perceived as stolen and even the Marshals would not want to bring attention to the fact that they hadn't dishonorably discharged him so he would be constantly buried and suppressed.

As soon as He Yuan stepped into Yang Xue's quarters, he sighed. He was a little nervous. Yang Xue hadn't been specific about his wishes so he could only hope that all he'd done was good enough.

He felt a lot of goodwill for the mild natured mandron and had even stamped a lot of sticky notes and digital reminders all over Yang Xue's office and bracelet to warn the leaser not to face life with his usual whatever comes my way attitude.

He didn't want the mandron getting bullied again.

888's voice came then with barely hidden excitement. [Are you ready?]

He Yuan smiled. The system never liked being confined in one place for too long. He walked over to the bed when a prompt appeared before him.

[Leave Task Realm, Yes/No]

Five seconds later, Yang Xue's frail body collapsed on the bed.


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