QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 222 Little Mandron Soldier 45

Not a single sound could be heard as everyone tried to digest the words Xia Yueyu had just shouted. The Third Marshal was frozen stiff and the other high profiles on the podium raised their eyebrows in surprise.

Jin Qi exchanged a shocked glance with the Second Marshal and even He Yuan was a little taken aback.

Over in the adamantine glass, Ding Weimin had his body frozen stiff and his eyes widened in horror. After a couple of seconds, he slowly looked down at his arms covered in bloody scars and strained, pulsing, veins.

He couldn't believe it. "That's..." His one word finally broke the silence and everyone turned to the glass. Not knowing the situation outside, he continued softly, "How is that possible?" The last time he'd been infected, he had six months. Besides, this time was merely a relapse... it shouldn't be this way...

He Yuan slowly looked away from the adamantine glass. He'd been a little curious about why the Dings were doing too much. It turned out Ding Weimin was almost at the end of the road. He tapped on the metal tube in front of him. This development only made things easier for him.

After a couple more seconds passed. Xia Yueyue could no longer hold back. She'd mistakenly blurted out those words but since it was already out, her father-in-law should understand. They really couldn't afford to wait any longer or.... or... her eyes reddened. She couldn't imagine her son paralyzed!

She clenched her fists. "Father-in-"

The Third Marshal slowly raised a hand to cut her off and asked with barely contained fury. "How long have you know about this?"

Xia Yueyu looked to her husband and Ding Wang gulped. "A- About three or so weeks ago?"

The chest of the Third Marshal heaved slightly. About three weeks... and he wasn't informed?! "Ding. Wang. You-" He held himself back in the end. He was a Marshal and had to watch his composure at all times but it was hard at the moment. He couldn't believe that his son hadn't thought it fit to inform him of this development!

How was he meant to handle this situation now?! His eyes trailed to He Yuan as he began reevaluating his options. To get the mandron to aid Ding Weimin, his grandson had to admit the truth but that would lead to him getting kicked out of the army disgracefully and according to Military law, face a jail sentence of 6 to 12 months for his deceit.

On the other hand, if his grandson remained silent then the extraction would not be carried out and then he would probably die in six months. Although... he would die a hero.

The third option was to carry on with his earlier plan and wait for the government to let go of Yang Xue but that would take longer than 5 days. Even if the plan succeeded in the end, Ding Weimin would end up paralyzed for the rest of his life. The boy was only 28 and with the average lifespan of humans being 150 -longer if you were in good shape- what would Weimin be doing for the remaining 122 or more years?!

Who would care if he was a hero then? Living like that... The Third Marshal was certain his grandson would never want such a thing!

Another tricky part about all three options was that the Third army would have to leave the control of the Ding family. He was an old man nearly 165. He had to retire soon. Ding Weimin leaving the army would only land him in the same situation as the Jins!

Finally, the Third Marshal grit his teeth. All three options were bad options! If he could just find a way to convince the mandron. He eyed He Yuan, "Name your price. Whatever it is."

Everyone was paying rapt attention and the reporters had their cameras up high as He Yuan chuckled softly. "How could I bear to take anything from Marshal Ding? I just want what belongs to me."

"Yang Xue!"

The sudden call came from the adamantine glass. Even without looking, every person present could recognize the voice of their beloved General.

Ding Weimin lifted a trembling hand to rub his pale face as he said, "Let me see him."

The technician looked to the Third Marshal before obeying Ding Weimin's words and slightly opening up the side of the curtain surrounding the adamantine glass.

Since the Marshals Government officials and distinguished guests were sitting on the highest point on the podium and the rest of the people were below the podium, Ding Weimin only had to turn sideways to face He Yuan who was also at the center of the podium with him.

This meant the people below and the people above could not see him as the front and back of the adamantine glass was still covered with the curtain. It would be a different case if they all moved to the edge and looked from the sides but the guests high up in the podium were too dignified for such nosiness and the people below could hardly move to the edge of the podium and look from there because of the security personnels guarding the podium.

Once Ding Weimin finally saw Yang Xue gracefully standing with his hand on the metal tube, his trembling increased slightly. The mandron still had that cruel and detached expression he had back at the military hospital.

At this point, fear pooled in his heart. He didn't want to become paralyzed but he also didn't want to give up the army... He regretted it deeply now. Stealing the merit had been a mistake, why had he stubbornly held on to it? Those merits were not worth the trouble he was currently facing! His eyes reddened and he opened his mouth.

He Yuan calmly watched as Ding Weimin opened and closed his mouth a few times without saying anything. The man's face and arms were uncovered so he could clearly see the effect the magnetic energy had on him.

Honestly, the special one looked horrible and most importantly, the amount of pain he was going through was so obvious and yet... yet the reluctance in his eyes was clear as day.

This was baffling. Ding Weimin wasn't planning on holding onto the merit even now was he? The special one really looked like he would rather die... The heck?! "888, if this man decides to die instead, that has nothing to do with me right?"

888 rolled his eyes with a thin smile. Wasn't his host the one who had injected the magnetic energy back in the special one in the first place? But he understood what He Yuan was asking. Taskers weren't allowed to kill the special ones until all their luck was successfully drained.

[It would take six months or so for Ding Weimin to die. That's enough time for the realm to do it's magic. Besides, what would kill him would be the magnetic energy of the Xor queen which was a product of this realm. Also, he has the option to do the right thing and live so if he chooses to do the exact opposite then his death could only be his fault.]

"Oh," He Yuan released a breath. "That helps a lot."

The people watched as Yang Xue only stared at the adamantine glass and the General in the glass remained silent. They were becoming really impatient.

A protester finally spoke up, "Why aren't they saying anything?"

"Shuush!" A reporter snapped with a glare.

After a while an idea slowly creeped into Ding Weimin's mind. As a last resolution, he spoke up, "Yang Xue... Let's... Let's get back together."

He Yuan literally facepalmed whilst the people in the hall blinked in surprise.

"HA!" The Tenth Marshal burst into laughter. Originally, he was just here because of the word going around about some mutated genes with amazing potential but at this point, he was here solely for the entertainment.

He never really liked the Dings much -obviously because of the tight competition between the different armies- so this event was a feast for his eyes. So wonderful. He couldn't keep himself silent anymore. "Whatever the mandron is asking for must be so special for General Ding to want to date him so openly."

"I'm also surprised." A protester uncomfortably spoke up whilst looking at Jin Qi. "Saying such a thing whilst his recently engaged fiance is nearby. I never thought General Ding would be such a person..."

Jin Qi's face reddened in shame and anger blazed in the Second Marshal's eyes. His military power might be slowly sliding away but he still had his pride! He turned to the Third Marshal. "Marshal Ding, what does the General mean by this?!"

The Third Marshal completely ignored him. Ding Weimin's words dissatisfied him a little but his priorities were set straight. This was actually a good idea. If Ding Weimin managed to use this method to convince and coax the mandron then the worst that could happen would be a little outrage by people on the Federation Network. It wouldn't be so hard to fix everything after a couple of months.

Seeing the Third Marshal silent, more people began to speak up.

"I've always admired the General, who knew he was this sort of person?!"

"It's true what they say, you could only admire these sorts of people from afar because once you get close... Tsk."

"Lieutenant Jin is such an amazing woman. She deserves better!"

Xia Yueyu looked at the increasing amount of people condemning her son and she became a little panicked. What was with this situation?! She moved a little closer to the podium. "Quick Min'er, tell them it's all a misunderstanding! You just misspoke now. You love A'Qi remember?" She turned to Jin Qi with a strained smile. "Min'er was not being serious just now... It's all..."

She looked around desperately until her eyes fell on He Yuan. "It's all because of him! You evil soul! What are you using to blackmail Min'er?! This has been your plan all along right?!" At this point she was trying to get onto the stage to grab He Yuan but Ding Wang swiftly pulled her back. She struggled. "Let me go! He's doing this on purpose. He's trying to wreck Min'er because he's jealous and bitter!"

'...' He Yuan could barely hold back his amused smile. He hadn't even said anything to Ding Weinin and Xia Yueyu was blaming him for the words that came out of her own son's mouth! Words that he had been equally embarrassed to hear. Even a blind person could see what was wrong with this situation!

Ding Weimin heard the words of his mother and the people and raw shame filled his heart but it was too late to take back his words. It was better to deal with this shame than the shame of admitting the truth or even becoming paralyzed.

He hardened his resolve and smiled softly at He Yuan. "Yang Xue let's get back together and put everything else behind us. As for the..... It had been a misunderstanding. I didn't mean to do it." His eyes turned desperate. "Please understand my situation."

He Yuan scoffed. "If you're not ready to speak up then," He looked to the researchers. "Let's continue with the main event so I can leave this place. I don't have time for this nonsense."

"Yang Xue don't be too much!" The Third Marshal warned in anger. Why was the mandron making things difficult for no reason?! It was just a little merit so why was it so hard for the mandron to just let go?!

He Yuan blatantly ignored the old man's words and directly turned around to return to his seat.

"Yang Xue!" Ding Weimin called out in shock but the moment Yang Xue turned to face him once more... he knew it was completely over. There wasn't even the least bit of acknowledgement in those brown and red eyes.

His mind drifted back to when he'd first met the mandron. Yang Xue was the sweetest person he'd ever met. Where did it all go wrong? Desperately.... he decided to try one more time.

He Yuan watched as unshed tears welled up in Ding Weimin's eyes and then with the rawest desperation he had ever seen, the man silently uttered the word 'Please."

[Pfft.] 888 laughed unfeelingly.

On the other hand, He Yuan's expression remained the same as he calmly and decisively looked away. Ding Weimin's feelings were not his to care about. He was here to deliver justice for his leaser and fix the fucking task realm.

Besides, just because the special one was desperate did not mean he deserved pity.

Ding Weimin's heart completely shattered to pieces the minute Yang Xue turned away and he closed his eyes in pain. This was it. There was no other option. It was either let go of his dreams or become completely paralyzed. Both options were horrible so he decided to choose the lesser of two evils.

He smiled bitterly, "You win."

The Third Marshal's eyes widened and before he could hold himself back, he called out. "Weimin!"

Ding Weimin ignored him and shakily uttered, "T- The Second Xor queen had been killed by Yang Xue."

It hadn't been loud but had somehow been heard crystal clear by everyone. The initial smile on the Tenth Marshal's face froze and mouths of the reporters and protesters widened in surprise.

Most importantly, this information finally got an extreme reaction from the other Marshals as some of them froze in shock whilst the eyes of others widened.

The reason for the shock of everyone was the sheer absurdity behind the meaning of the words Ding Weimin had just spoken. Yang Xue was a mandron. A mandron! The weakest of all three species!

And the second Xor queen was well... A Xor queen! A creature that was capable of singlehandedly crushing fully armoured soldiers in top grade Tech suits! The kind of creature that had placed their most talented General in this state in the first place!

A smile slowly bloomed on He Yuan's face as he turned to Ding Weimin again. "Now that wasn't so hard was it?"


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