QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 302 After Dying, I Woke Up In Ancient Times With My Pharmacy 1.0

Chapter 302 After Dying, I Woke Up In Ancient Times With My Pharmacy 1.0


He Yuan suddenly opened his eyes to a chaotic environment. The first thing that hit him was the blazing hot sun, causing him to squint and subconsciously raise a hand to block his face.

That was when he discovered the sword... And the armour... And then the sounds registered in his brain.


Two swords clashed right before his eyes and one of the fighters turned to him with a confused frown after dealing with the opponent. The enemy soldiers were already so close and yet the general was unmoving.

He took a step forward. "General He?" Before he could utter another word, another enemy soldier got close and he became immersed in fighting.

He Yuan's brows furrowed and his hand subconsciously tightened on his sword. What was going on? The last thing he remembered was going to sleep, as usual, in his comfortable king sized bed so how did he suddenly get here?


He was still in the middle of processing his situation when a huge bearded man in spiked armour suddenly charged at him with a huge axe and an angry roar.

Less than a second after, He Yuan's body automatically reacted.


He blocked off the man's axe with his sword, gave it a little twist until the axe fell lose and then stabbed his sword forward, right into the man's neck.


Thick ropes of blood gushed out of the hole in the warrior's neck and dyed He Yuan's face -and the mane of his black horse- red.

He Yuan's hands shook and and he felt the need to throw up but his throat felt dry. As the warrior's lifeless body hit the ground, he felt disgusted. Disgusted at himself because deep down... He knew he wasn't really disturbed by the sight before him.

Almost like he was familiar with it.

He looked around as each warrior fought fiercely for their lives. There was no way any of this was real. It was probably a fucked up nightmare. How had he gone from his bedroom to whatever this fucked up display was?

He Yuan desperately searched his memories but nothing came up. He couldn't even remember where he kept his cellphone but as more people fell at the mercy of cold weapons, realization swiftly settled in.

Everything was real and He'd just killed a person.

Although that realization terrified him, when more warriors charged at him, aiming for his life, he had no issues pushing his worries to the back of his mind and slaughtering his way through the noisy battlefield.

48 hours later, the battle came to an end and it took He Yuan another 5 hours to find time alone for himself in the small lake at the rear of their camp.

As he soaked himself in the cool water and stared up at the full moon, he went through the information he'd managed to gleam in those 5 hours.

Apparently, he'd somehow been transported to ancient times from his own bedroom. Worse, was the fact that he had ended up as the General of the Northern army of Xiangshan -of one the four major countries of this time.

Funny, because he'd never heard of such a Country in history.

The time period was the Shan dynasty and the Imperial family was surnamed Tian.

Again, he'd never heard any mention of such a time period ever existing so what was going on?

With a tired sigh, He Yuan lowered his head until he was fully submerged underwater before coming out five seconds later with a splash.

Under the light of the full moon, he stared at his reflection in the water. He was 28 this year but what he was staring at was a younger version of himself. His 19 year old self -allbeit with uncomfortably long hair.

Everything felt quite surreal so he slowly fisted his hair until he got to his scalp and tugged at the mass of hair in his hand.


It really hurt so this situation was definitely real. What exactly did this mean? The other soldiers did not act odd around him so that could only mean that they knew him.

If they knew him then did that mean that a different him existed in this time before he transferred over? Did that mean he was occupying the body of himself from a parallel universe? If so, where was the 'him' of this Universe now?

His mind trailed to the parents who had shown up when he was 16 in his own Universe and he froze. Did this 'him' have any family members? He searched through his memory but nothing came up. It was completely blank.

So many questions bombarded He Yuan's mind and he groaned in frustration.

The sounds of screaming from the battlefield rang in his ears at that moment and his nostrils were filled with the smell of blood and steel.

With a gasp, He Yuan tilted his head towards the sky and gave it a little shake. He didn't want to dwell on the happenings of the past 48 hours mostly because he didn't want to face the reality of what he'd done... The lives he'd taken.

In another 30 minutes, He Yuan was done cleaning up. He'd just finished putting on his black robe when,


His eyes narrowed sharply at the cluster of trees a few feet away. "Who's there?!"

The next second a young soldier nervously stepped out of the darkness. "Ge- General He. I was sent by Deputy general Wei. He says an urgent information just came in and all the strategists are gathered in your tent."

He Yuan relaxed his shoulders, mostly because he recognized the young soldier as the one who'd earlier called out to him in the middle of battle. "Lead the way."

The young soldier nodded and walked ahead.

After taking two steps after the soldier, He Yuan suddenly paused, looked down at his long black hair and then grabbed a small dagger from his boot.

With one quick slash, wisps of thick black hair fell to the ground.

He ran his hand through his now shoulder length hair before walking back to the other side of the camp with the young soldier.




By the third day of battle, He Yuan had fully gotten the hang of his situation. The cause of this battle was the territory between the Xiangshan country and the neighbouring Qinmen country.

Qinmen was located in a climate that caused extreme draughts so during these intense draughts, most of the natives of Qinmen travelled South to Xiangshan for refuge.

Because of the fact that they were usually in small numbers, the government official in charge of the border town had turned a blind eye to it but over time, more and more refuges began to move over and Qinmen saw this as an avenue to take over the border town from Xiangshan.

There was no way Xiangshan could take this lying down so He Yuan had received an imperial decree from the Emperor to come over and put Qinmen in their place.

Although He Yuan had no idea when he'd accepted such a decree, he chose not to question things and just focused on doing the job right.

It wouldn't be too late to look for answers when he returned to the Imperial Capital.


It took another three days for He Yuan's Northern army to completely wipe out the Qinmen soldiers and return to the Capital in victory.

"General He!"

"Deputy general Wei!"

"A'Di! Look here!"

"Look, look! There's my Shu'er!"

The streets of the Capital were full of people who came out to welcome the victorious soldiers with cheers and screams of jubilation.

The men pumped their fists and the older women shouted out encouragements. The young men looked at the soldiers with eyes full of worship and inspiration whilst the young ladies shyly threw out scented pouches at whichever soldier caught their interest.

The head of the procession -where He Yuan rode his horse with his deputy by his side- received the most pouches of course.

Which young lady did not find the young general a good match? It was rumoured that General He was rich enough to rival the Imperial family. Not just that, his household register contained him alone so the thought of not having to deal with a mother in law and being in full control of the household was tempting in itself.

Not to mention the fact that the General did not have a single concubine even though he was as handsome as a descended immortal.

He Yuan took in the happiness of the people with a cool facade. Mostly because he had no idea what to do with it. He was still trying to figure out his purpose in this Universe afterall.

Whilst all these was going on, two plain carriages were coming from two adjacent directions. As soon all three sets of people reached an interception, something spectacular happened.

The horses of the plain carriage coming from the right became startled due to the large amount of people following the procession of the soldiers and with a frightened neigh, it stood on it's hinge legs.



After those screams, a young lady flew out of the carriage and without thinking, He Yuan dashed forward on his horse and caught the young girl.

Lu Xuilan closed her eyes tight and held her body taut, bracing herself for the fall... That didn't come. In confusion, she slowly opened one eye only to gasp in shock a second later.

Sharp brows slightly furrowed in concern, unusual but large pretty eyes, chiseled jaw, high cheekbones, heart shaped lips, smooth clear skin and shoulder length hair as black as midnight framing the masterpiece of a face.

"So handsome~"

He Yuan blinked in surprise. "...Thank you?" He said and gently set the young lady on her feet.

Lu Xuilan landed on her feet, tilted her breathtaking face upwards and smiled at the man who'd helped her. "Thank you!"

He Yuan nodded at her.

Lu Xuilan blinked once more before remembering her mother who had been in the carriage with her and running off to check on her.

He Yuan watched her go in amusement before looking away... only to lock eyes with the owner of the second plain carriage coming from the other side.

The person in question hurriedly closed their curtain a second later but He Yuan had already gotten full view of that person's features.

That had to be the most beautiful face he'd ever seen with hooded and unfocused cerulean blue eyes, long silvery hair and-


Silver hair.

Cerulean blue eyes.

He Yuan's head began to ache and he gasped in pain.

Deputy general Wei quickly took notice of this and leaned in to whisper. "General are you alright?"

He Yuan raised a hand to his forehead. He was in too much pain to speak.

Deputy general Wei's eyes widened and he slyly guided He Yuan's horse, making sure to make it look like they were going to check on something before leading the general to the carriage at the back of the procession.

It wouldn't do for the people to see their General in a moment of weakness.

As soon as He Yuan entered the carriage, his head immediately landed on the cushion and he lost consciousness.


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