QT: Don't fall in love with the Male Lead

Chapter 2: Don't let your bodyguard bridal carry you

Chapter 2: Don't let your bodyguard bridal carry you

Ni Ni chimes, and a list of information shows up on the holo screen. Including a picture of Xi Zirui and what he assumes is information about his identity in this world.

"As part of the Transgmigrator 4000, host will be able to experience life as a famous and successful idol, now taking his first steps in acting. Host will need to be careful about the character's reputation and public perception. This will be measured by the bars on the top screen. If they ever reach 0 the mission will fail."

That gives Xi Zirui an idea. "Will I be able to leave the...uhm...simulation, if I fail the mission?"

"If host fails the mission, he will die," Ni Ni says, in that same monotone voice.

"What do you mean I'll die? What kind of simulation is this?" Xi Zirui wishes the screen wasn't just a holographic projection so he could pick it up and throw it to the floor.

"The Transmigrator 4000 is a parallel universe travel experience, with game components that offers a one of a kind opportunity to its hosts, who'll be able to play a variety of roles through contemporary, ancient, and future settings, while interacting with real life humans, or alien life-forms and have the chance to form meaningful relationships."Ni Ni says, parroting what seems like the investment pitch for whatever demented experiment Xi Zirui now finds himself in.

"But why can I die here, if I fail the mission?"

"The Transmigrator 4000 is only in it's alpha phase, we appreciate host's feedback and recommendations as we improve our system."

Talking with Ni Ni's disembodied voice is giving him an headache. "What about not letting clients die?"

"Thank you for your feedback, we welcome any more that you might have in the future," Ni Ni says.

Despite nearly volcanic levels of frustration, Xi Zirui knows arguing with an AI won't get him anywhere. He'll make the best of whatever this is supposed to be. He can keep his head down and be an actor, he just has to be professional, and not fall in love with his co-star, which seems easy enough to do.

He rubs his temples, only belatedly remembering his face is caked with makeup, and tells Ni Ni, "Show me the screen with the information about this actor again."

The system chimes and the page with his face shows up again. This actor has the same name as him, Xi Zirui. Started young in the idol business, joining a training camp to become a member in a boyband, called X-Tasy.

Xi Zirui is mildly horrified when the holo screen shows him a brief run through of Xi Zirui at 15 dancing in one of X-Tasy's music videos. Seeing himself dance in such a sensual manner, when at 15 he had a face full of pimples and his only interest was playing video games is jarring to say the least.

X-Tasy lasted three years, before disbanding. Several members pursued solo careers, including Xi Zirui, who released his solo album, "Golden Boy" last year. At nineteen, the agency representing him, decided it was time for him to try his hand at acting. His popularity among young people landed him a lead role in the live action adaptation of "Demonic Sect Leader I'll make you fall in love with me!"

Xi Zirui's eyebrows climb up to his forehead when he reads some more information about the drama he's acting in.

Being one of the most popular danmei at the moment, there was a lot of buzz online when the live action adaptation was announced. HuaHua made a big deal of the cast announcement.

Xi Zirui's casting led to mixed opinions. While many praised his looks and said he was a good fit to play the evil sect leader, Hai Yaomei, many others questioned his acting skills, and complained that he was only cast because his agency paid the production company a large sum of money to make it happen and raise his star power.

He hears a chime, and then Ni Ni's metallic voice, "Opportunity to increase reputation and public perception: Deliver a good performance as Hai Yaomei."

An exclamation mark shows up on the corner of the screen, and when Xi Zirui taps it he sees the information of the task, and tips on how he can finish it, such as practicing his acting, and asking more experienced actors in the cast for their help.

That will be a huge hassle, but at the moment there's nothing else Xi Zirui can do. He clicks away from the task menu, and continues reading.

He's going to be acting opposite Han Yu, classically trained in acting, and at 26 already an established, and highly requested actor. Han Yu is very handsome, his generous lips seem to always be stretched in a mischievous smirk. His sharp eyes, slanting upwards at the corners give him an air of mystery and danger.

Xi Zirui isn't sure about falling in love, but he definitely wouldn't mind falling in bed with Han Yu.

Unfortunately, because everything about this "travel experience" seems designed to make him pay for some unknown karmic debt, he'll have to keep it professional.

There was commotion on weibo when Han Yu was announced as the main lead role, the righteous sect leader Xiu Xianren.

Xi Zirui has to stop reading to sigh, what was the author of this novel thinking with these names, and how did it become so popular?

He continues reading, and learns that most weibo users found that "Demonic Sect leader," was beneath Han Yu's usual productions, which tended to be more high brow. This of course generated a wave of speculation. The most popular of the bunch being that he joined only because he was madly in love with Xi Zirui.

"Uh," Xi Zirui says out loud, reading over that information. He sincerely hopes not. That will make his life much harder.

There's a sudden knock at the trailer's door, that almost makes Xi Zirui trip on his own robes.

He isn't sure if anyone can see the holographic screen, or just him, but rather than risk it he tries desperately to make it go away.

He taps anything he sees, but that only makes more windows pop up.

"Ni Ni, shut off," he says, as the knocking outside grows louder.

"Command not recognized," comes the monotone answer.

"Ni Ni turn off," he tries again, grown more frantic.

"Command not recognized."

"Ni Ni go to sleep!" The knocking now sounds like it's coming from inside his own head.

"Command not recognized."

"Fuck off! Just fuck off, Ni Ni," Xi Zirui hisses, hoping the person outside can't hear him.

Luckily, Ni Ni does seem to recognize 'fuck off' as a command, and the entire screen disappears, as well as any sign of her disembodied voice.

Breathing a sigh of relief Xi Zirui opens the door, smiling apologetically at the short girl with the neat bob haircut glaring at him.

"Sorry, I fell asleep," he says.

The girl's perfectly manicured eyebrows disappear into her straight fringe, as she walks inside his trailer, holding a clipboard to her chest.

She's followed by a tall man, who nods politely towards Xi Zirui.

Xi Zirui is taken aback for a moment by the man's height and appearance. He's very handsome, with sharply sculpted features, high cheekbones, straight eyebrows and large humid eyes framed by thick full lashes.

He runs one hand through his hair, close cropped and faded on the sides and longer on top, artfully arranged in lush waves away from his forehead. Xi Zirui can't help noticing the definition of his biceps in the fluid movement.

This can only be another actor.

"Xi laoshi, this is going to be your new bodyguard, Su Xueyi. He comes highly regarded by the agency, and until Lu Feng's health recovers he'll be assisting you." The girl, who he assumes is his assistant says, reading from her clipboard. "I'll leave you two to get acquainted. You're expected on set shortly, so please be ready."

She leaves the trailer without another word, closing the door behind her with a loud bang.

Uh, Xi Zirui has the impression she doesn't like him much. It makes him wonder what kind of person this actor Xi Zirui is supposed to be.

Her departure leaves him alone with this handsome stranger, and without much idea of what to do next. "Uhm, can I offer you something to drink?" he asks, motioning awkwardly to the kettle plugged in to a socket on the trailer's wall.

Su Xueyi nods with a smile, dimpling his cheeks, the consequences are devastating for Xi Zirui's heart rate.

He turns around to pour him some tea. He really can't believe that with a face like that the man decided to become a bodyguard, of all things.

"Here you go," he says, handing the cup to Su Xueyi.

"Thank you." When Su Xueyi accepts the cup from him their fingers brush for a moment, and it sends shivers down Xi Zirui's spine.

Why is he reacting like this? How come he's acting like a flustered teenager.

That train of thought leads him to remember the last time he had sex. A depressingly long time ago.

Ah, that would explain it.

"Is Xi laoshi excited to be acting in this drama?" Su Xueyi asks, clearly trying to make polite small talk.

Xi Zirui has no idea what the plot is even about, other than the fact that a romance exists between his and Han Yu's character. So is answer is a mild, "Sure, it's a great opportunity."

Su Xueyi nods, looking vaguely bored. It compels Xi Zirui to add, "Ah please, call me Xi Zirui, or just Zirui, you'll be taking care of me after all."

He seems taken aback by that, but his devastating dimples make another appearance, so Xi Zirui chalks it up as a win. "Then, please, call me Xueyi."

They just met, so Xi Zirui wouldn't dare. He nods all the same.

Another knock comes from outside, and a gruff voice shouts, "Shooting in 5!"

"I better go," Xi Zirui says, feeling a swell of anxiety settle at the pit of his stomach.

He's never acted a day in his life. He's counting on this body to have some muscle memory of how it's supposed to go.

Su Xueyi opens the door for him, letting the sun stream in into the trailer.

The bright glare almost blinds Xi Zirui. He steps into the threshold, and notices the steps are further away from the ground than he expected. He's going to have some trouble navigating the narrow stairs in these long robes, and the platform boots he's wearing for some reason that as of yet, still escapes him.

"Allow me," Su Xueyi says, and jumps outside the trailer.

Xi Zirui doesn't know what he's going to do, until the feels his strong arms under his knees and back, as he lifts him in the air and carries him out of the trailer in his arms.

"So you won't trip on your robes," he says, in way of explanation, probably noticing Xi Zirui's red face.

He deposits him on the ground, once they're a few steps away from the trailer. None of the many people walking around them seem to find anything odd about one of the actors being bridal carried by a bodyguard. Maybe it's a common occurrence?

Xi Zirui smooths down the front of his robes. "Right, thank you."

He looks away from Su Xueyi's face, and notices for the first time, the sheer size of the shooting location around them, and the amount of people walking from side to side. Carrying entire lighting fixtures, props, filming equipment and gear, none of them paying him the slightest attention.

They're shooting outside, surrounded by greenery, with a few pavilions, which Xi Zirui assumes are sets, sprinkled here and there.

A man with a backwards hat and a headset approaches Xi Zirui and tells him, "Make up is ready for you, we're filming the scene with the first confrontation after Hai Yaomei's rebirth."

None of those words make any sense to Xi Zirui, but he still follows after the man blindly, being trailed by Su Xueyi.

He's led to a clearing, where a huge crew is setting up reflectors and light sources. Han Yu is already standing on his mark, his eyes closed while two people retouch his makeup furiously.

Xi Zirui moves next to him, and two other makeup artists materialize out of thin air, to start attacking him with their brushes as well.

Han Yu opens one eye when he senses movement at his side. "Ah, I feel better already now that I'm seeing didi's beautiful face."

The smirk he levels at Xi Zirui is sharp as knife's honed edge.


didi- younger brother, term of endearment and closeness when used between people who aren't actually related.


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