QT: Capture The Villain's Love

Chapter 87: Exclusive Bed Scenes!

Chapter 87: Exclusive Bed Scenes!

The zombie story was very simple. After reaching the safe zone, the protagonists rested a bit before encountering a zombie tide that destroyed the boundary wall, killing many people along the way. They had no choice but to use all the manpower to protect themselves, but some of the close survivors died on the way.

Soon, they had to find some other place for survival since the current safe zone was destroyed. After traveling for another week, they finally found a safe zone with more security than the previous one. They even had cars and petrol. It was likely that some people with more electrical power were putting their energies to use.

After settling down, the safe zone leader heard what had happened to the other safe zone and lamented. He also crafted a plan saying they would go out in groups to spy on the zombies and determine how things actually worked.

Neil was chosen as one of the leaders of one such group, and he took off with the female lead.

They wrapped their bodies with zombie blood and found the zombies. When Tyler remembered this scene, he couldn't help but feel that this scene was a bit cringy.

After this, they realized that zombies sucked up the human's power core, and they quickly realized what had happened. Some of the survivors had read many such novels and searched the zombie bodies too. Later, they found out that even the latter had a power core hidden inside their bodies.

The people from the safe zone quickly gathered sources and started powering up for survival, but the male lead and his teammates conflicted. His close confidant was angry, seeing that Neil was taking up most of the core. So he argued and eventually separated from the male lead and his followers, finding another group in the safe zone.

Unfortunately, the male lead was only left with Hope and few other people with mediocre skills. They killed even more zombies for their survival. Soon, the protagonists became even more powerful, so much so that everyone around them was jealous.

The male lead and his group were just celebrating when they reencountered a zombie tide, and this time, the zombie king entered the scene.

As a result, everyone was caught off guard, and many people died in the end while trying to defend the safe zone. But it still felt like the zombie king was playing with them, and even left them alive because he wanted to play with his food another day after eating his fill.

But the result was, even this safe zone collapsed. This time, the protagonists created another safe zone in another secluded area with remaining survivors. Still, they didn't manage to find this zombie king at all!

Soon, many zombies started coming, and they even placed several traps to capture the humans, which led the survivors to think that perhaps someone with a high IQ was leading these zombies. They doubted that the zombie king was more intelligent than he seemed.

Somehow, the protagonists discovered that the zombie king became powerful after powering up like others. It was just that the zombie king killed more than the normal ones.

At this point, even Tyler felt disgusted when he thought that he had taken up the body of a zombie king who had eaten the brains of many humans.

After a long struggle, the protagonists were finally powerful enough. Even enemies from the previous safe zone joined hands to defeat this zombie king. They eventually met the king face-to-face again and won in the fight. Of course, when the male lead was going to die during the fight, Hope had saved him again. And after that, they finally killed the villain.

The story ended with how the protagonists established another safe zone and became the most powerful beings on the planet, killing many zombies. After years of struggle, the number of zombies finally reduced.

Of course, Tyler wanted to ponder this story more, but since the male lead was already here, he thought it was useless to even think about the storyline. What should he do when the male lead himself refused to follow? He could only let the man do whatever he wanted.

So after a while of staring at each other, Tyler lowered his head and bluntly said, "You're doing this again."

The male lead shrugged while putting his hands in his pockets. He cocked his head and said, "You really should have known I would do this."

"Then...am I going to become the female lead again?" Tyler muttered under his breath, thinking that person wouldn't have heard it. But to his misfortune, the male lead smirked.

"Of course, you will. You will even get all the exclusive bed scenes."

Tyler pursed his lips. If his body could react, he would have blushed so much that his ears would turn red as blood. Then he suddenly thought of something his eyes lit up.

"But you can't do anything. A zombie body cannot react." Tyler would never tell this man about how sensitive his private parts had become. Otherwise, he might end up dying on the bed because of excessive exercise!

"Oh?" Neil was amused after seeing this, clearly knowing well that perhaps Tyler was hiding something from him. But he didn't expose that poor zombie king and opened his system. "I have a way."

Then the male lead bluntly clicked on the human disguise option, setting Tyler's body as a target. Just when he pressed the enter button, Tyler suddenly felt changes in his body. He suddenly felt as if blood had started flowing in his body, and his heart pounded against his chest. The blackness of his nails was gone in the blink of an eye.

He suddenly understood that this was the male lead, who had perhaps purchased something to make it easier for him. Tyler couldn't help but glare at the guy, who seemed to be walking toward him. To what extent would this person go for satisfying himself on the bed?! Neil even purchased a human disguise for him!

The changes in his body were so vast that even Tyler couldn't tell whether he really was a zombie king or not!

By the time this human zombie king recovered from his shock, the male lead was already standing before him. Before Tyler could do anything, the male lead had already embraced him, securing him tightly. The latter swiftly pressed his lips against Tyler's.


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