QT: Capture The Villain's Love

Chapter 120: I Have Five Male Gods In My Harem!

Chapter 120: I Have Five Male Gods In My Harem!

When Tyler finally opened his eyes in the next world, he was shocked, seeing that he was suspended in mid-air. He wore long white robes as he gripped an ancient sword-like thing in his right hand.

Why did he call it a sword-like thing? It was because somehow, for some reason, he could tell that swords shouldn't be so light weighted. Perhaps it was an instinct that told him about this even after he had lost his previous memories.

And why were his robes so long? What the hell was happening?

Then suddenly, he heard a sharp sound that yelled at the top of his voice in an English accent.

"Cut!" The director said in an irritated voice, "What the bl**dy h*ll are you doing? Quinn! If you don't know how to fly in the air, just don't fly at all!" 

Tyler was stunned. So his name was Quinn? He blankly looked at the entire scene unfolding before his eyes.

The director, glaring at Tyler from the ground, stood just outside the stage that was brightened with multiple lights. People spread all around the set, except for the area where Tyler was hovering in the air. His waist was tied with a suspension cable securely.

Was this an entertainment world?

He still didn't know where his senior was and what the story was. He even didn't learn about his character settings. So he could only scratch his head awkwardly and say, "I need a break."

"You-" Director was just about to say something when someone, wearing grey-colored ancient Japanese robes and long hair that reaches his waist, walked up to the former.

"He must be tired. After all, he had scenes for the entire day."

The director's expression softened when he looked at the man in grey and nodded, glaring at Tyler again.

It looked like the character Tyler was playing this time had probably used a dozen 'takes' to make the director dissatisfied with him. So Tyler silently thanked the guy in grey dress and waited for others to lower his suspension cable.

Once he was finally on the ground, he sighed in relief and was about to find his resting place when the man in grey walked over to him.

"Junior Quinn, you should be careful. I already told you before. If you have any problems, you should ask me."

Tyler stared blankly at this person before stiffly nodding. Ever since the past few worlds, he had developed an instinct to identify if someone liked him or not. And the way this man in grey dress looked at him screamed 'pervert' in bold letters. This person's gaze was filled with burning desires to strip him naked.

Although people had looked at him with a fiery gaze in the previous worlds, it wasn't as apparent as it is now.

Perhaps this person was his senior?

Tyler frowned but shook his head. No, even if that person would lose his memories, he wouldn't act so gentlemanly like this. The first thing that guy would do was flirting and talking endlessly. Tyler was well aware of that man's personality.

So he quickly opened the system and used it to locate the resting place of the character he was playing. Finally, after being alone, he opened the storyline and started reading.

The name of this story was 'I Have Five Male Gods In My Harem.' But Tyler didn't think much of it and started reading.

And after ten minutes, a word squeezed out of his gritted teeth. "F*ck!"

This was the first time he felt that this transmigration system was doing this on purpose by digging such a pit that he couldn't find a way out!

The damned system found such a world where he didn't know who his senior actually was!

If he could, he would've killed the system a million times already! It's because there were about five male leads and five villains, and who the final main lead was, it was not revealed in the end!

Wasn't this the system waiting for him to jump in and just commit suicide?!

Tyler glared at the transparent screen for a while before thinking about the storyline again.

The story was about a female lead who was unlucky enough to have ten people pursuing her, making her life very hectic. No one knew who the real male lead was, but they did know who the group of villains were!

And the female lead got so much headache that she eventually decided to retire. After all, she was still at the top and had so much money that she could still live leisurely for three decades without doing anything at all.

But things went against her plan. After the first movie ended, she joined a singing competition and met the villain, who turned out to be her childhood friend.

So they continued to meet in private, which clearly upset the rest of the male leads. They would always disrupt the villain's and the female lead's meeting time and would later act innocent.

At first, the female lead couldn't figure it out. But later, she was a little bit angry at this behavior. Still, she didn't want the villain to suffer because of her. So she started canceling the meetings until the villain no longer asked her out.

But during this time, the villain's feelings for her grew stronger and stronger. So much so that one night, he just went to her home and proposed with a diamond ring.

Unfortunately for him, the female lead only considered him as a friend and gently rejected him.

After that, the female lead didn't get more chances to talk to the villain, but the latter only thought of this as an excuse to ignore his presence. Things got out of hand when he saw the female lead interacting with other male actors and singers in the promotional shows and photoshoots.

Some of them were even the male leads in the female lead's harem. And the villain even realized that those male leads were in love with his childhood friend!

He got so angry that he directly approached the other four villains, who were also in love with the female lead. He even came one of those male leads and turned him into a spy.

But who would have thought that this spy would also end up falling for the female lead? The actress even started dating this spy in secret, and the villains didn't even realize it. They were all busy fighting the other male leads when the actress had a good time with her boyfriend.

By the time the villains found out about this, they were so angry that they wanted to puke blood. Since this group of villains was all bigshots, they could do anything to take revenge, and no one would point fingers at them.

So to destroy the traitor, they created rumors, bought ghostwriters, and destroyed the reputation of the female lead's boyfriend. The situation was so dire that the spy didn't get any work, and his image was damaged.

But just when he was about to go back to the villains and ask for help, several male leads, who were still in love with the actress, suddenly stretched their hands to help him. It turned out the female lead had begged them to support the spy.

The other male leads finally realized that something was going on between the actress and the spy, but they didn't say anything. They just gave their blessings and retreated depressingly.

At last, the female lead finally found out everything about the villains and their plans. She went to argue with her childhood friend. When she found out about the spy, she broke their relationship.

But when all of these things were being revealed, the actress also found out that one of the male leads was diligently helping her in the shadows for years. Even when she fell in love with someone else, he helped her hide her secrets, not letting anything destroy a beautiful flower.

The female lead was so moved that she got together with that person, and they married. That was the end of the story. And the thing that made Tyler so angry that not a single thing was mentioned about who that person was in the ending scene! This was the first time he had seen something like this.

Why didn't the system say anything about the male lead?!


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