QT: Capture The Villain's Love

Chapter 110: A Villain Suddenly Appeared!

Chapter 110: A Villain Suddenly Appeared!

When they were returning, they could clearly see that Gavin and the group had weird expressions when they glanced at the male lead. They had probably decided on something in their hearts silently and couldn't wait for it to happen!

And as soon as they reached halfway, as expected, Gavin suddenly stopped and said, "I don't think Neil should be the leader."

'As expected.' Tyler thought to himself. He rolled his eyes but didn't bother with this person. He didn't want to stop the argument from occurring.

At first, Gavin was afraid that Tyler would say something just because he had decided to go against the stronger man's person. But who would've thought that not only did Tyler avert his eyes, but also he didn't say anything at all? It clearly suggested that whatever Gavin had to say, that person wouldn't hinder!

He couldn't help but secretly thank Tyler in his heart and lick his lips. To be honest, he also wanted power, like the male lead. But he didn't really step forward after seeing that his power wasn't enough.

But now, when he saw a full-proof plan to power up, why should he still suppress his desire to follow someone else? He was clearly a better leader than Neil!

So with a few people by Gavin's side, he suddenly became confident that he would be able to do well even if he failed to follow the male lead. And as soon as they reached halfway, he couldn't wait anymore and voiced out his words.

The male lead, who didn't want to bother with this person anymore, didn't say anything. He just calmly nodded. But in his heart, he was cursing this person.

Gavin had interrupted him and Tyler multiple times already! So it was better to separate rather than to be forced inside one single group.

On the other side, all the men who had agreed to go with Gavin were surprised. But since they had decided that they would separate, they didn't overthink. So Gavin and a few people walked away, leaving only Tyler, Neil, Ray, and a few others.

"This is awkward." Ray scratched his head. "I really didn't know he would leave just like that."

"Don't worry about it. Let's go."


After returning, Clay held another meeting with different leaders. And this time, Neil and Gavin both had to attend.

When the safe zone leader saw this, he raised his brows. Although he didn't ask what happened, he clearly realized that the group had separated. So he didn't ponder more on this topic and started the discussion.

"Okay. As everyone reported, after coming back, the zombies would eat our power core and become stronger. So consequently, we would have to take their core and level up as well!"

"Um" Someone from the crowd raised his hand. "Do we have to eat that thing?"

When others imagined eating the core, they couldn't help but grimace. It was disgusting even in their imagination. They couldn't help but shiver even at the thought of eating that core!

"Why don't we just collect first and deal with it later?" Gavin stepped up. He really wanted to show that he was much stronger and more intelligent than Neil. So he would try everything to gain the favor of others. "Perhaps we might find a way."

"You're right. Let's collect the cores first."

And after that, it was decided that everyone would go ahead and collect the cores from the zombies, bringing them back to the base. And then Clay and others would experiment and confirm various methods of sucking away powers.

Of course, Neil had nothing to do with any of these. He already knew how to suck away the power. The storyline had mentioned that the male lead just had to put the core on his palm and wait for a while. The power would automatically be sucked inside the body.

Since it was a power that was meant to be something spiritual, they won't even need to eat it. Just by touching that thing would be enough to suck away the power.

But the male lead didn't mean to tell this to anyone. He would just quietly walk with his group, collect a few cores, and send them back with his group to the base while secretly leveling up with Tyler.

And they did just as they had planned. First, Neil's group separated and collected several cores. Since they didn't know how to use the cores, they just stuffed them all in a bag.

But Neil was different. He had Tyler by his side, who was a zombie king at present. And if Neil wanted a monster's core, his baby would just bring one zombie and order it to dig out the core from its heart.

Since the zombies were afraid of Tyler, they would follow his commands and die in the process. In this way, Neil was able to collect more than what the normal person would have.

So Tyler forced the male lead to suck away more than half of the cores before heading back to where the group was standing.

At this time, what they didn't know was that someone was observing Tyler's and Neil's behavior for a long time already.

That person was wearing a hoodie, so it wasn't easy to see the person's face. But that person's keen eyes kept following Tyler and Neil for a long time until the couple disappeared.

Then that person sneered and left the area.

On the other side, Tyler was already aware of the fact that someone was following him, and as soon as that person's eyes left him, he suddenly stopped and turned around, squinting his eyes toward the area they just left. It was a theatre.

Just who was this person? Who was capable of staying away from his radar and spying on him at the same time?

If it were any other person from the group, they were in trouble since Neil had sucked away many cores alone. But if that person was a villain, then it was likely that it would be a zombie king, as powerful as Tyler. Since the latter couldn't scan that person's power instantly, it showed that it would be as powerful as him.

So did the villain finally decide to appear? If yes, then who was it?


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