Qinglian Chronicles

Chapter 41

[This translation uses links as reference material. If you don’t see any links, then this a stolen copy and you should be reading on chichilations.]

I actually let my cat out of the bag.

Even if I knew this day would come sooner or later, I’d always felt like I could hide it one more time, always felt that I could get through the perils surrounding me, purposelessly paranoid.

It’s a lot like someone who’s having an affair that there will be a day they can’t hide anymore, but will keep it up again and again until they’re found out, and then still feel full of disbelief.

Now Shao Qing knows.

I went to find him, but he’s already returned to Luoyang. I think… he doesn’t want to see me for a short time.

I looked at Jinzi several times, wanting to ask him, but I swallow back down what’s on the tip of my tongue. He’s proven to not want to shed light on this, so why bother bringing trouble to myself?

Everyone acts like they don’t know.

Jinzi’s been getting progressively uncommunicative these days, and I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve taken steps towards ascetism or not. My mood has inevitably also been negatively affected. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t want it to be like this if possible, but the last time was way too painful, and the effect it had on me was too agonizing. I find it embarrassing to say this, but while I was lying in bed for five days, I didn’t even dare to eat solid food to minimize the amount of times I’d have to go to the restroom. The first time I did so I nearly passed out from the pain, and still didn’t succeed.

The pain of constipation I assume many people know very well, but what if an outside factor enforces it?

How can I be blamed for my fear of the consequences?

What’s more is that I have so many things going on in my mind, I haven’t been in the mood to be slept with.

One day, in order to recalibrate my mood, and also due to being self-conscious, I decided to make a face mask. Lots of women want to pretty themselves up to make themselves feel better, and I am no exception. I haven’t done any maintenance since coming to ancient times, and Zhang Qinglian is older than me and over-indulgent in debauchery, so I have to take care of this face well or it’ll be a huge waste. To tell the truth, though, I’m already a lot better from when I first looked in the mirror, now glowing with vigor and delicate skin. Abstinence really is beneficial.

I use salted honey to exfoliate, the used adlay power, pearl powder, and eggs whites mixed together to make a mask. Hong Feng saw the cream-like stuff on my face and seemed to be half-horrified and half-amused, withstanding it by a thread. In the spur of the moment, I pull her down to sit and wipe the remainder in my hands on her face. Hong Feng resists with a “Sir”, leaning her face away in avoidance, but she didn’t dare to make use of her kungfu, so her face still got smeared with it.

Jinzi saw this scene and supposedly jumped out of his skin, but still stubbornly kept his cool. “What are you both doing?”

I smiled and say, “Hong Feng and I are maintaining our pretty faces. Jinzi, you were born with such beauty, you have to protect that face well. Do want some smeared on you too?”

Jinzi looked at me with the utmost disdain, as expected. “A man shouldn’t grow up like this, learning how to put on makeup like a woman!”

His words and expression are about the same as what I’d guessed. I nearly laugh until my stomach hurt.

Jinzi saw that I was not taking his advice and also laughing at him, so he walked away furiously. I kept laughing for half the day.

Gao Yushu sent an invitation for wine and a show. I rode Shao Qing’s gift Akhal-Teke (that I’m not sure even is one or not) over there. This horse is willing to let me ride it now, but every time before I do I have to feed it two pine nut candies. I fear that if it goes on like this, it’ll be the first precious blood-sweating horse with no teeth, or whose blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood lipids are three times the amount. I’ve tried to steadily replace the candy’s status as an incentive with passionately sugar-sweet flattery, but the results are unclear.

I gave it the name ‘Hearth’ to commemorate the hearth in my 300 square meter modern living that I’d spent a lot of money and effort on getting people to make it genuine. I fireproofed half the room for that fireplace, which was really a tragic sacrifice, and then I didn’t even have the time to use it for winter… alas!

No one had much comprehension of my horse’s name. Someone asked me about it, and I feigned waning enthusiasm as I recited a poem in soothing voice, “Fresh and unfiltered green-ant wine over a small, red clay stove. Evening comes, sky expecting snow; can we have a cup, anyhow?” [1] After that, the group of people were shocked as if they’ve seen a heavenly being, enlightened with flawless wisdom, having epiphanies, mesmerized by the words. My literary fame grows by the day; if it goes on like this, I suppose the Imperial Academy will be inviting me to perform a libation.

I leisurely rode through the long street, many people unable to resist stopping to look at me. I assume that it’s I seem now like one of those fops with bright clothes and a spirited horse, a person as beautiful as jade. Looking other people in eye causes a lot of yearning and envy, yet how could they grasp that I’m actually facing troubles both internal and external, as if I’m sitting on pins and needles?

Hearth seems to be in a good mood, as it suddenly broke into a bit of a run. I promptly pulled on its reins, yet it paid me no mind; furthermore, it seems like it’s practiced martial arts of some sort, also knowing to dodge pedestrians, and is more agile than Ol’ Tian following behind us, leaving him far behind in the dust after a while.

A little girl with a basket of flowers suddenly rushed out. I startle, immediately pulling tight on the reins in desperation until they’ve chafed a bloody mark on my palms, yet they still slip out of them, unable to rein the horse’s overlarge momentum in. I almost have to close my eyes in unwillingness to see the scene that’s about to unfold, yet the horse abruptly screeched to a halt, only about a cun away from bumping into the young lady with its front hooves.

I’ve been scared into a cold sweat, and taking into consideration the inertia from being on the horse’s back, all my gentlemanly elegance is eradicated.

Damn horse, it had to have done this on purpose! I furiously slide off the saddle. If it weren’t for my self-awareness I’d kick it, but I still really want to stomp on its foot.

The young lady had fallen over in fright, seemingly terrified. She stared straight at me, basket overturned and flowers scattered everywhere.

Though I know Hearth hadn’t trampled her, I fear that she’s bumped or scraped something. I quickly step forward to help her up by the arm, yet she takes the opportunity to whisper extremely lowly into my ear, “The Princess invites you to go see her.”


My first reaction is to think of the Liuyang Princess of Xue Yongfu’s family.

In antiquity, if a woman from high society – whether married or not – secretly sends someone to invite a young and attractive man to meet in private, it usually means only one thing: an affair.

Does the Liuyang Princess have me in her sights?

However, if the target of this situation is Zhang Qinglian, then there’s still another possibility: the Princess uncovered her husband’s feelings towards me in his subconscious mind, so she’s sending advance notice.

I spend quite a chunk of time hesitating.

The little girl sees my dithering and quickly whispers, “The Princess wants to thank you personally for the favor of saving her life.”

It took me a moment to register that she’s talking about the Huihu Princess.

Done hesitating, I get up and say, “Lead the way.”

Old Tian had already rushed over panting and sweating. I get a feeling that I’m still going to need a bodyguard, and Old Tian can still be trusted, so I have him come with. The little girl isn’t too happy about that, but she also can’t do anything about it.

Only some twists and turns later, and we end up in a place I hadn’t expected at all yet was originally going to: Lan Guan’s Everfragrant House.

Lan Guan’s business here flourishes more with each passing day, becoming the first or second best brothel in the capital. It not only does business in male prostitutes, but females one too, divided into the East and West Buildings.

Very few brothels do both things simultaneously; for one, the consumer base is very much not the same, and for two, managing it is difficult. Lan Guan actually manages to keep it nice and orderly, though, so it seems the person behind the scenes is fairly talented.

However, the Huihu Princess is hiding out in Lan Guan’s place, so could it be that the person she said was coming to her rescue is…Yuan Qingyun? He doesn’t look like the usual male escort, yeah?

While Gao Yushu and the rest are waiting with refreshments for me in the East Building, I was sneaking into the West Building through a small side door with a shabbily-dressed flower-selling little girl. If this is discovered, there’ll be hell to pay… fortunately, it’s relatively easy to blend in here. Old Tian waited for me outside.

I lowered my head and avoided eye contact, obscene words floating around me. I followed the flower girl as the tap-tap-tapped up the wooden staircase and ducked into a doorway.

The area within the door isn’t very small, the smell of cosmetics in the air. Just as I went in, my mouth was covered with a hand and someone grabbed me from behind, leaving me almost completely unable to breathe.

Only when the person got a good look at my face did they release me, whispering, “I’m sorry for wronging you, Sir Zhang.”

I choked and coughed, turning to look back at the Huihu Princess. She had changed out her nocturnal outfit and unfitting maid clothes and is now wearing her own. Though her lower body’s attire is still quite form-fitting, her upper garment is short red dress embellished with gold thread and pearls, just like a fiery multiflora rose.

Even so, this blazing beauty’s expression is very cold, saying she’s sorry without any true remorse, and even more so not about to perform the lie that is thanking me in person.

I was livid, but on the surface had a calm and graceful smile. “You flatter me, Princess.”

The woman completely disregards social niceties and gets straight to the point. “I invited you here to request something of you. We have to escape back to the Western regions to return to our country, but the capital is currently under martial law, and everything coming out of it is searched thoroughly. The one in the capital who’s helping me doesn’t have enough power. Do you have a way?”

Because of Shao Qing’s assassination attempt and the clean getaway of the assassin, the whole city is now under strict martial law.

I ask out of curiosity, “Who is your benefactor? Is it the proprietor, Lan Guan? Why are you hiding here?”

She stared. “Lan Guan? Oh, there is a caretaker here. Lan Guan isn’t the proprietor, he only takes care of things on his behalf. He doesn’t know about this, either.”

“Is it Yuan Qingyun?”

She stared even more. “Who is Yuan Qingyun…? I have something of an agreement with this person, and I can’t reveal their identity. Please don’t guess at it, Sir Zhang.”

I actually guessed wrong?

Though the Princess sought me out, she still looks rather unyielding. I’ve always believed that if you invest in something, so long as there is no foreseeable loss in prospects, that you should still add additional investments. Otherwise, won’t the foremost expenditure have been a waste?

For that reason, I promised to help the Princess.

Her expression relaxed, looking a little gratified, but also seeming like she never doubted that I’d help her out. I’m unable to stay more, so I take my leave. Before my departure, the Princess gave a small, round jade plate, engraved with the Huihu script that I’m unable to recognize. She looked very serious as she tied it to my waist, saying, “This is recompense for your kindness. When repayment comes, I will then redeem it. You must be careful not to lose it.”

I nod, presuming that this is a token of their royal family or something. It might have some major use in the future, so I’ll keep it on me.

I ran into a minor inconvenience when I went out. A lavishly-dressed, 30-something drunkard suddenly grabbed my waist as I passed by, holding me in his arms and saying lewdly, “Darlin’… you’re slippin’ out from the East Building, right? Why? Goin’ to your lover? Hehe, I won’t tell Boss Lan I saw! …If you don’t want to get punished, come serve this uncle all nice like…”

This git reeked of alcohol. I want to throw up, but I can’t reveal my identity, having just come out of the Princess’s room. I’m afraid that if any trouble arises, I’ll have to deal with the consequences. The guy kept trying to get a direct look at my face, and I did my best to keep my head low and not let him see. After a long back-and-forth, the situation is gradually getting less encouraging, and I’m steadily losing my energy. Right when it got desperate, a hand suddenly seized me from the man’s own, pulling me into an embrace.

Separated from the foul air at last, I hide my face in the arms of my rescuer and gratefully take big gulps of air, but then I went rigid: the one who saved me is Yuan Qingyun!

Yuan Qingyun faced the man harassing me with a lazily enchanting smile. “Second Master Li, why didn’t you do what I say and wait for me? You even dared to run off to this side! …And you’re bothering our freshly-arrived kid! Seems you weren’t looking for me at all!”

The man looked at Yuan Qingyun’s smiling face and half of his bones went soft, drooling over him, “Xiao Yun, who wouldn’t look for you? I couldn’t wait for you to come here… I was only messing around with him…”

Yuan Qingyun pushed me out the door with a “You go ahead.” Then he left to entertain that Li person.

Unbelievable! I actually owe that Yuan Qingyun bloke a favor!

I later found out who that damnable son of a gun that made me owe Yuan Qingyun was. He’s Li Minguo’s second son and the older half-brother of the former Empress – them having different mothers – and can be considered the current Emperor’s maternal uncle. He’s a useless dandy that his own father doesn’t deign to look at much.

This is a debt I will remember.

Two days later, I arranged for the Princess and her groups to be mixed with the goods in Lin Guiquan’s caravan.

[1] Ask Liu the Nineteenth, Bai Juyi. I translated this one myself, but I checked my work on ; poetry is hard.


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