Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 65: The Kingdom Project I (1)

Chapter 65: The Kingdom Project I (1)

The elders of the Sakiel Knights.

The so-called Five Godfathers gathered together for the first time in a long time to discuss the current dire situation.

Has everyone heard the news?

Of course. Wasnt this something we had foreseen to some extent?

Even so, I never expected them to declare war with such splendor.

The Dragona Empire declared war with the slaughter of numerous Sakiel Knights in Benessa. The full-scale declaration of war by the continents strongest nation bordering the Holy Empire and the Kingdom of Hangury was an act that sent chills down the spines of every Sakiel Knight.

This is all because you ignored my warnings! Havent I already said it several times! Theres nothing good about going against the Emperesss intentions! Said a sturdy middle-aged man with a high voice. 

This man could be considered relatively young among the five, and his words left the others speechless for a moment.

Have you forgotten that she is especially sensitive to things related to s1avery? Just how many times do you think she had caused a sea of blood due to that matter!

Seriously, what is the point of screaming about the past at this point?

Thats right, the other side has already declared war, and now we just have to prepare some countermeasures.


At the words of the eldest elder, the others calmed down for a moment and began to think.

The Sakiel Knights were scattered all over the continent, and eradicating them all was impossible, even for the Dragona Empire. However, the Dragona Empire and its ally, the Turkic Empire, geographically controlled almost all trade routes in the continent and the East.

Just putting pressure on it was enough to choke the Sakiel Knights to death. Crucially, the place where the largest stronghold of the Sakiel Knights was located was the Kingdom of Hangury, which borders the Dragona Empire.

From the standpoint of the Rose Emperess, who has been eyeing the Kingdom from quite a while, but had to sign an unwanted peace agreement, it wouldnt be strange to start a war on the pretext of wiping out the Sakiel Knights for their atrocities.

In the end there was only one decision the Sakiel Knights could make in this regard.

We cant just do nothing

Even if they dont attack directly, the damage we will suffer from just blocking trade routes will grow like a snowball.

Id rather

In a situation where it was obvious that if they stayed still, they would slowly dry up and die, the Sakiel Knights had no choice but to make a choice.

One was to negotiate with the Rose Emperess so that they could breathe again.

And the other was to help the Kingdom of Hangury prepare for an all-out war against the Dragona Empire.

But they already knew that the former was highly unlikely. The opponent was the Rose Emperess, who was known for her ruthless nature. For those who incurred her wrath, none survived; so seeking mercy was almost impossible in the first place.

After much deliberation, the Five Godfathers had no choice but to make a choice with a high possibility of survival, although they didnt want to do it at all.

The would go to waran all-out war in which the Sakiel Knights from all over the continent would gather in Hangury. 

Although it would be difficult to destroy the Dragona Empire with their power, at least they would be able to negotiate with them somehow by defeating them.

The Five Godfathers, who decided to start a struggle for survival like that, notified the fact through each subordinate organization, and after a whileall the Sakiel Knights of the continent began to slowly march towards Hangury.


That is that really true?

Uh, I heard the news just a while ago, and I double-checked it It seems to be true.


At Isoldas words announcing the outbreak of war, a heavy shadow began to fall on Bahamuts face.

The declaration of war by the Dragona Empire, and the Sakiel Knights who opposed it. 

Andthe Kingdom of Hangury, which was forced to choose between them

Although the war would take some time to start. Still, by the standards of the original, it was clear that things were moving very quickly.

As expected the changes Ive made is now slowly changing the flow of the entire continent.

The flow of events so far had been proceeding according to the original work.

Bertina tried to scam the merchants with the Eastern Trade, and the Dragona Empire eventually signed a peace treaty with Hangury. 

However, the situation started to flow differently after the Eastern Trade, which was not supposed to be successful, proceeded normally.

As a direct result, there was a mass k1lling of Sakiel Knights in Benessa, followed by the declaration of war.

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