Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 58: Tumultuous Events XIV (1)

Chapter 58: Tumultuous Events XIV (1)

Night streets of Benessa was covered in darkness.

While strolling there with the silver-haired woman, the woman in the maroon robe said with a bit of frustration.

Haahyou reallydid you really have to make me come forward in that way?

Sorry. I was just having some fun with humans, but I lost myself in the fun for a bit

You always cause problems with that bad habit of yours. Try to be a bit more sensible, and only then will you be ready to manage state affairs in the future.

Thewoman in the maroon robe paused and calmed down. Then, after making a decision, she continued talking to the silver-haired woman.

I have decided. From now on, I will step in and proceed, so you should lay low for a while.

Yes? Ha.. but.. its a bit risky

Didnt you buy more than half of the items anyway? And on the last day, I have to work anyway, so there wont be any big problems.

Umthats too..

There are only three days left. And it would be better for me attend than to send someone who deliberately attracts attention like you.

HaI see..

The silver-haired woman sighed and agreed.

In response, the woman in the maroon robe lightly stroked her hair.

Although the two didnt have much of a difference in height, the silver-haired woman didnt show any awkwardness toward the gesture.

Then lets go back soon. There are things I need to buy tomorrow as well..

All right.

Oh and while Im participating in the auction, Id like to ask you to collect the things you couldnt buy.

I will do that.

At those words, a small smile began to form on the silver-haired girls lips.


Shortly after the dress and the jewel were auctioned off, most nobles began preparing to return to their estates.

Each of them were overjoyed from getting what they wanted, along with the regret of not being able to buy some of the things they had been eyeing from the start.

However, they all had one thing in common.

Arent you being a bit too hasty?

I dont know, since my business is over, theres nothing good about staying here for a long time.

Thats right. If we stay there for no reason and get involved with the Sakiels, well get done in one way or another.

As soon as the auction ended, or even before that, many began to pack their belongings and prepared to leave the place.

They knew exactly when to stay and when to run, since they were aware of what was to come after this through the Sakiels notoriety of the past.

A light smile appeared on Bertinas lips as she watched them leave Benessa faster than they had come.

I made a large profit this time too. As always.

The best moment in doing business was to sell hard-earned goods and make a profit.

Previously, the spice business went well, and the profit was bigger than she had expected. However, she also liked selling antiques, clothes, and artwork like this.

Dress, jewels no matter how beautiful, they are nothing more than fancy tools that women use to make themselves appear eye catching. In the end is it because I am a woman who cant help it no matter how I try?

There was once a time when Bertina had vowed to completely give up on living as a woman.

To never be shaken again after that persons death.

As a result, she earned the nickname Lady of Blue Gold and succeeded in becoming the best merchant in the empire. However, if someone asked her which time she was happier, then or now, Bertina would say now without the slightest hesitation.

Defeating countless competitors and feeling the joy of being the winner, Bertina climbed to the highest level, butin the process, there was always a dearth and emptiness in one corner of her heart.

No matter how hard she tried to control herself, she couldnt escape from the loneliness she felt in her heart.

Until, she met that person.

The person who made it possible for her to become a woman again

The trustworthy man who gave her a place to lean on for the first time after she had lost her husband.

Even at this moment, Bertina was waiting with excitement and expectations.

Reallywill he like it? The way I am right now

Bertina wore the dress her beloved had given her and put on the best accessories in her possession.

I hope he will be happy.

Looking forward to his smile and sweet touchBertina dressed up as a woman she once tried to completely abandon. 

Then, the door slowly opened and she watched her man enter the room.

Welcomemy love.


Two talets!

2 talets 100 silver!

Yes! 2 talets 100 silver is out! Anyone else? Yes! The bid was successful!

Items were being auctioned off at a lower price than yesterdays items

However, most of todays auctions were like that.

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