Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 56: Tumultuous Events XII (1)

Chapter 56: Tumultuous Events XII (1)

Connections were often formed in a variety of unexpected ways.

There were numerous instances where the desired connection came about purely by chance.

Connections were originally like that.

They weren't easily forged even with intentional efforts, and unintentionally made even when not sought.

And in that regard Bahamut considered the current connections he had established as peculiar and unforeseen, beyond conventional evaluation.


On the fourth day of the auction. 

As detailed information about the much sought after auction items slowly surfaced, the forces who had been waiting in silence for a while began to move in earnest.

The Sakiel Knights were also among those forces.

They conducted a pre-demand survey of targeted auction items and subsequent fund transfusion. There was even a preliminary investigation into other forces who would become competitors.

To achieve this, people from other organizations were sometimes bribed, and threats or violence were applied when the first one proved ineffective. 

Of course, most of such work was conducted discreetly underwater to avoid any unnecessary attention.

We received intelligence that the Fran Knights are also eyeing the treasured sword from the east.

Damn it those annoying guys. If it weren't for the non-aggression pact, we could just slit their throats!

It can't be helped. The use of force is strictly prohibited at Benessa until the auction is complete. It's a rule set by the elders of Order on the continent through numerous consultations.

Cheh well if you draw your sword with other guests around, you'll end up causing a scene.

Regardless of how unsavory their methods were, they were still knights, so they had to maintain basic manners. It wasn't necessarily to protect the auction items, but rather to avoid unnecessary trouble with influential figures like regional lords or the King's servants.

Hence, until the final day, when their targeted item would appear, they had to endure, even if they felt dissatisfied with the situation.

As other customers know that, they left Benessa as soon as possible after their transaction was over, and with their departure the less volatile part of the auction came to an end.

From then on, a full-scale battle took place in the area of Piazza in Benessa among the various forces. Not only to get the winning bids, but also to boost their reputation.

The auction items held personal significance for the Sakiel Knight Commanders, deeply connected to their pride as knights. Obtaining precious and splendid weapons was akin to a trophy symbolizing the power and authority of the knights.

Among the knights of similar power and influence, this auction often determined superiority and inferiority, making it akin to a small war for the Sakiels.

Be prepared; winning an auction item might lead us to act arrogantly and risk our necks.

Don't worry, we've hired mages just in case. In case of a battle, we should be able to wipe them all out.

If so, I'm gladby the way, have you prepared the necessary amount of money?

Of course. This time, I brought 200 talets that we earned from the s1ave market.

That should be enough to buy the target item.

Thus, the Sakiels sharpened their swords of brute force, holding high expectations for the upcoming auction.

However, they faced an attempt to halt their momentum.

I have something else to report.

What is it?

That I was going to tell you earlier, but, in fact, we faced outside intervention in our previous transaction again. It was a warning letter.

A warning letter? Ah that? The one that says they won't leave us alone if we don't stop the s1ave trade?

Yes, this is already the fourth time

Hmmph! So what? You don't have to worry too much about some coward messing around in the dark. Something similar has already been happening for half a year, but have we faced any problem so far?

Yeah, that's right but the number that was always displayed there is now 0

It's fine. There are probably very few who haven't touched this hot market that has recently emerged. It's not just one or two knight orders. No king of any country would dare to do such a thing.

Alright, then we will proceed as planed.

Anonymous letters similar to the one mentioned just now have been delivered to the Sakiel Knights for some time now.

Initially, it seemed inconsequential and was moderately ignored, but as it persisted, the Sakiels had no choice but to pay close attention to it.

It was disconcerting that the number, which started with 3 at first, had now become 0.

Above all, the fact that the timing coincided with the Eastern trade auction at Benessa, where the executives of the Continental Sakiel Knights gathered, was quite a concerning matter.

Of course, there wasn't a single Sakiel who would yield to such a trivial threat.

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