Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 131: Strange Experience V (1)

Chapter 131: Strange Experience V (1)

Andersen’s lips curved into a serious smile as he gazed at the opponent before him.

‘She’s someone who fought against the White Dragon Princess… I wonder how good her skills will be…’

Andersen had faced countless enemies, experiencing both victories and defeats along the way. Despite the many losses he had endured, he ultimately emerged victorious against all his foes, allowing him to ascend to his current position as the strongest in the empire. 

However, there was one existence he could never overcome.

Elios Noshelat Dragona, the White Dragon Princess.

She was the only being who had eluded his grasp for the past ten years. 

Andersen had undergone endless training and trials to best her, but each time, she not only countered his moves but also pressured him with complex and novel techniques.

Their countless battles had led them both to recognize each other’s growing strength, forcing them to acknowledge one another’s skills and development. They had come to accept each other as rivals.

In that regard, Andersen couldn’t help but be sensitive to any mention of the White Dragon Princess, even if no one else knew the depth of his fixation.

‘Especially surviving a battle with her… It means she acknowledged that woman’s ability… or potential. Just like she did for me in the past…’

Although it could have ended with their first meeting, the White Dragon Princess spared her opponent’s life. 

Andersen had heard directly from her during subsequent battles that this was her way of acknowledging her opponent’s strength. Since then, she had never spared someones life in such a manner, except for the woman standing before him now.

This fact fueled his interest in Ophelia, who had already piqued his curiosity.

Andersen calmly watched his opponent, filled with deep anticipation. Even though this was a simple sparring match and he had a rough sense of Ophelia’s strength, he had no intention of holding back.

‘Even if we don’t go all out, doing your best is expected at our level. Let’s see how much of your skills the White Dragon Princess acknowledged…!’

At that moment, Andersen swiftly swung his sword at a sudden presence.


Surprise and intrigue filled his eyes almost instantly.

‘Is this… an invisible attack…?’

A sharp blow came out of nowhere, completely undetectable. 

Ophelia merely held her sword, showing no visible action.

‘Surprising… If it weren’t for my experience, this would have been an attack I’d suffer from. It seems she also has no intention of going easy.’

Ophelia unleashed relentless attacks from the start. This wasn’t just a simple spar where you only condensed and strengthened your body; it was a match where one didn’t need to hold back or avoid inflicting a fatal wound.

There was no reason for Andersen to complain. In fact, he began to take pleasure in Ophelia’s impressive and commendable attack.


Andersen deflected another incoming strike. 

Although it was invisible, pinpointing it wasn’t difficult by spreading mana around in anticipation of the attack.

‘A surprise you know is just a simple trick. Since you’ve shown me an interesting move, shall I return the favor?’

Immediately, Andersen began to channel the mana surrounding his body.


Ophelia’s expression shifted, her brows furrowing slightly. 

What she saw before her was…

“Swords… Many swords.”

The swords, formed from mana and resembling countless stars in the night sky, all pointed directly at where Ophelia stood.



A loud explosion echoed as countless swords flew toward her. The sheer magnitude of the attack felt as though dozens of shells, rather than swords, had rained down. It was a devastating blow that could have shattered even the bones of a formidable opponent. 

Yet, Andersen, holding his sword with cold eyes, watched intently ahead.



‘As expected…’


Ophelia charged through the dust, unscathed despite the intense assault. 

Andersen felt a renewed sense of danger, mingled with admiration.

‘No matter how hard I tried, there isn’t a single scratch… Did she completely evade or successfully defend in such a short moment? At this level, she should already be one step ahead of Isaac.’

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