Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 95

95 The Alpha Wanted To Protect His Fated Mate

“I side with the Silent Walkers Pack.”

All eyes flew toward the speaker, a handsome Alpha with hair that was as dark as the night and a pair of greenish-blue eyes that threatened to drown anyone who looked at them for a second too long.

Lucien was pale with fright, but Dane Silverback looked as if Ronan had just slapped him twice, once on every cheek. Either Ronan was extremely dumb or so love-stricken that he was willing to die with Lucien Clearwater. Dane Silverback would never have chosen Ronan as his heir if the latter was brainless.

Or maybe he would because dumb people at least feared death.

The lovesick idiots, on the other side, were too busy impressing their lovers to fear death!

Dane Silverback was trembling all over from anger. He contemplated dragging Ronan outside of the hall that very instant to smack some sense into his son’s head. But no, that was not the right thing to do because he still had to preserve Ronan’s dignity as the current reigning Alpha of the Infinite Eclipse Pack! Just what would the other packs think when they saw Dane dragging Ronan out by his ear???

Dane’s burning gaze drifted to Jake who was sitting next to Ronan.

“Alpha Ronan had made an unexpected choice,” Dane gritted his teeth. “Does Beta Jake share the same opinion?”

It was unprecedented because Dane did not ask for other Betas’ opinions. His asking about Jake’s opinion put Jake in an extremely uncomfortable position. If he agreed with Ronan, he would earn Dane Silverback’s wrath and effectively contribute to the decline of the Infinite Eclipse Pack. If he disagreed with Ronan, he would discredit his own Alpha and would earn Ronan’s wrath instead.


Swallowing hard, Jake knew that he had no way out of this dilemma. He had to smash against either a car or a truck.

“I agree with my Alpha.”

Dane Silverback looked as if Jake just shoved mud into his throat. Fuming, he glared at the rest. “Let’s continue then!”


Dane Silverback stared at Ronan, who looked as if he was not done causing misfortune for the day.

Ronan casually leaned forward and observed the Alphas and Betas around him.

“Please remember that if you side with the Night Prowler Pack, you will be going against the Infinite Eclipse Pack.”

A wicked smile laced Ronan’s lips when he saw what impact his words had on the remaining packs. It was no longer the weak Silent Walkers Pack versus the strong Night Prowler Pack. It was now Infinite Eclipse Pack versus Night Prowler Pack. The two strongest packs in the continent, who had until then remained amicable at the surface, were finally going to go into a war!

Kinnon’s eyes flashed dangerously as he and Ronan gave each other scorching glares.

After Ronan made his statement, the packs no longer sided with just the Night Prowler Pack only. Those who were close and or relied on the Infinite Eclipse Pack had no other option but to side with the latter one.

After all Alphas made their decisions, altogether 14 packs sided with the Silent Walkers Pack and 16 packs sided with the Night Prowler Pack.

“Very well,” Dane Silverback said. Although he was displeased with Ronan siding with the weaker pack just to protect Lucien, at least Ronan managed to drag 13 other packs to help him out. It was better than nothing.

“The war shall take place at 10 AM of the 12th October, one week from now. Rules and restrictions for common wars apply here. The war ends automatically when either Lucien Clearwater or Kinnon Youngshaper dies.”

The trial ended, and Dane Silverback dismissed the crowd. One by one, the Alphas and Betas poured out of the hall. The last remaining council members stole surreptitious glances at the pair of father and son. They quickly walked away to avoid unwanted troubles.

Ronan, Jake, Dane, and Lucien were the last to leave. When Ronan walked to the middle of the hall to get Lucien, his father stopped him in the middle and grabbed his arm hard. Burying his fingernails into his son’s biceps, the elder man then pulled Ronan close to him until their faces were only centimeters apart from each other.

“I hope you know what you are doing,” Dane Silverback hissed into Ronan’s face. “How dare you make such a decision!”

Ronan freed himself from his father’s grip and regarded him with a cold look.

“How dare I? Mr. Dane Silverback, please watch your tone. I am currently the Alpha of the Infinite Eclipse Pack, not you.”


Mr. Silverback Sr. wanted to shower his insolent son with ancient curses, but he swallowed all of those and gave Ronan a scary smile instead. “Let’s see how you manage this. Ronan, I already paved the path to success in front of you. All you have to do is walk on it and you are not even capable of doing so! Hmph!!!”

Dane Silverback left angrily, not without giving Jake a hard bump to express his displeasure toward the younger man. Jake sighed in his heart. He had nothing to say to Dane Silverback, so he just rubbed his shoulder wordlessly.

Lucien, the criminal, remained standing in the middle of the hall. His gaze was fixated on the stupid Alpha who just declared war against his biggest rival pack. All just to protect him and his pack.

Said Alpha came over with a smile.

“Let’s go back,” Ronan said as he took Lucien’s hand and pulled him gently toward the exit.

But Lucien did not move from the spot. He instead pulled back at Ronan’s hand and gave Jake a look.

“Sorry, Jake. Can you give us a minute?”

Jake cleared his throat. “I, uh, I will get the car.”

As soon as Jake left, Lucien spoke to Ronan in an urgent tone.

“Ronan, you don’t have to do this. I mean, you MUST NOT do this.”

It was not too late for Ronan to change his mind. He could still back off. His siding with the Silent Walkers Pack was already a handicap. How could he hope to win against Kinnon Youngshaper?

Ronan Silverback on the other side did not look worried at all. He raised a hand and caressed Lucien’s cheek lovingly.

“I want to,” he whispered.

“I will protect you.”


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