Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 87

87 Good Night, Ronan

Cassie and Jake were horrified. Would Ronan be irritated by the crying noise?

They entered the nursery — Ronan at the front and the anxious parents at the back. When Ronan saw the baby kicking up a fuss in her crib, he picked the baby girl up with one smooth movement. As soon as she landed in his arms, she stopped crying and blinked at Ronan in adoration.

Either Ronan was a natural-born Dad or his oppressive nature as an Alpha was enough to force even newborn babies into obedience.

“Such a precious treasure,” Ronan remarked as he gazed upon the tiny face but big, round eyes that were directed at him with unconcealed fascination.

Unbeknownst to people around him, Ronan did not dislike babies. In fact, he adored them. He too thought about having his own pups one day, having the tiny hands and feet crawl all over him to wake him up when he was relaxing in bed with his mate. It was just that the mate next to him was never anyone other than Lucien Clearwater.

Be it seven years ago or recently, when Ronan bedded Lucien, he always fantasized about Lucien getting pregnant. When he knotted inside his lover and slowly filled him up, Ronan hoped that his seed would take root in Lucien’s belly. Lucien would look good with his baby growing inside him. He would be a good mother to their pups. And their pups, boy or girl, would look adorable. It would be great if they inherited Lucien’s beautiful eyes.

Ronan could not help but chuckle to himself. Their children would probably be as hard-mouthed as Lucien was. They would enrage Ronan to no end, but Ronan would love them until the last drop of his blood left his body.

Unfortunately, it was all nothing but sweet dreams. If Lucien was able to get pregnant at all, Ronan would have locked him up ages ago and not let him run free until his belly was protruding from a new life.

The little girl in Ronan’s arms squirmed unhappily when the Alpha put her down in her crib, but she did not cry. Her face just crumpled in dejection and she gave Ronan a look full of indignations.


Jake was not sure if he should beat his Alpha for making his infant daughter fall in love with him within weeks after being born or not. That was his daughter and she was not even half as clingy to her own father!

Ronan turned around and smiled at both Jake and Cassie. “She is adorable. Congratulations again.”

“Thank you, Alpha,” they both spoke up almost simultaneously.

Cassie dropped on a chair next to the crib after Jake and Ronan took their leave. She groaned at her baby girl who immediately threw a crying fit as soon as the door closed with a click.

Ronan was very quiet, and Jake disliked it. It was not in Ronan’s nature to be that quiet. Did he find out about the hearing? Of course he did. Milroy would have gotten some beatings if he did not report such an important thing to Ronan. Not that Ronan cared so much about official hearings of anyone. Anything about Lucien Clearwater was considered an important matter, including his sleeping schedule.


Jake snapped back right away.

“Yes, Alpha?”

“Find out what happened to Miss Lillian Woodland. Why did she suddenly disappear?”

Jake’s jaw dropped open. Lillian Woodland? Really? At this time? Why would Ronan even think about Lillian Woodland when Lucien Clearwater was set to participate in an important hearing before the Werewolf Council???

“I will get on it right away,” Jake answered nonetheless.

Ronan gave him a subtle nod before he went back to his own residence.


Ronan took out his phone and sent Lucien a message.


Ronan waited for whole five minutes, but Lucien neither read nor replied. Ronan put his phone aside and went to take a shower. When he came out of the shower, there was a new message from Lucien.


Ronan sat on the couch with only the bathrobe draped around his muscular body. His wet hair was dripping copiously onto the backrest but the Alpha could not care less.

“How are you?”

This time Lucien replied right away. “Are you asking because of the hearing?”


“I will be fine. This is something that I have to settle with the Night Prowler Pack.”

“I” instead of “Silent Walkers Pack”.

It was ridiculous how much responsibility Lucien took upon himself without even serving as an Alpha of his pack. Deacon Clearwater was an idiot, and every single member of the Silent Walkers Pack was shameless for relying on someone who already left the pack ages ago.

Ronan suppressed his anger and typed in something helpful instead. He knew that Lucien would not look favorably upon Ronan for badmouthing his pack members.

“Do you need anything?”

“Nothing. Thanks.”


Cold and indifferent as always.

Ronan did not know what else to say. He did not usually send any text messages to anyone. His closest confidante was his mother, and his mother did not like to use phones. Ronan had to call her nurse if he wanted to talk to her, or just visit the hospital right away to spend some time with his mother. It was what she preferred anyway.

After getting dressed, Ronan went back to his office to take care of some internal matters within the pack before he retreated back to his apartment for a good night’s rest.

His phone was still sitting on the couch, neglected by his owner.

The moon was already high up in the sky. Ronan grabbed his phone and sent Lucien one last text message for the day.

“Good night, Lucien.”

And then he took the phone with him to his bedroom and discarded it on the night table. After he changed into his night attire and climbed into his bed, he saw the screen lit up with another message from Lucien.

“Good night, Ronan.”


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