Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 85

85 Advancing Storm

What brought about this unexpected surge of confidence?

Or was it just a fake one?

Was this how he won the hearts of all those whores of his?

By manipulating them into loving him?

Lucien glared at Ronan. When the latter reached out to caress Lucien’s cheek, his hand was viciously slapped away.

Lucien hated it when Ronan did not listen to him, but he hated it even more to be babied around. By anyone, but especially by Ronan.

“I am not one of your whores,” Lucien had to remind the Alpha.

Ronan gave Lucien an indulgent smile. He tilted his head slightly to the side while observing Lucien’s twitching lips. It was great when Lucien was anything but condescending and cold. It made Lucien more approachable. More human.

“You are not,” Ronan agreed.


Before Lucien said anything in return, Ronan grabbed his hand and pulled him away.

“Where are you taking me?”

“I thought you are getting discharged.”

Well, that was not wrong.

After exiting the corridor, the two men arrived at the foyer.

In the left corner of the foyer, Alice Clearwater and Lady Adele Fangblade were facing each other and chatting in a serious tone. Once Ronan and Lucien approached them, they stopped talking altogether. It was pretty clear who they had been talking about.

The lady in the wheelchair exhaled out of relief when she saw Lucien, but her expression turned stern when she saw Lucien’s reddened eyes and bitten lips.

“Ronan, have you been bullying Lucien? Why did he cry?” The lady snapped at her son.

Ronan’s lips parted in surprise. His mother was probably the only person in the whole world who did not have the slightest qualm about chastising her son in front of outsiders.

Lucien wiped at his eyes in a hurry, but it was a little late to hide at that moment. It was also rather stupid to lie about not crying.

Alice approached her son with a sigh.

“Lulu, are you alright?”

“Mn. Mom, let’s go home.”

Alice nodded.

“Right. Anna is handling your discharge procedure. We already emptied the ward. Why don’t we wait in the car?”


Lucien gave Lady Adele Fangblade a polite nod. “Lady Fangblade, I shall take my leave.”

“Wait,” she pleaded. “Please come closer, Lucien.”

Lucien approached her and she put the quilt with the Fangblade family sigil around him. The cashmere quilt felt warm around Lucien’s shoulder. As warm as Lady Adele Fangblade’s eyes.

“Take care of yourself, Lucien.”

“You too.”

Lucien did not know what to say to Ronan, so he chose to say nothing and leave. And yet, Ronan still had something else to say to him.

“Lulu, I am not playing around with you. Please think about it.”

He was being vague in his words, but Lucien knew what Ronan was talking about.

If Lucien was not going to move forward with his marriage plan, then Ronan wanted him to reconsider the continuation of their romantic affair.

Lucien gave Ronan a brief glance but said nothing. It was not something that he could decide on the spot. Especially because of the deal that his father had with Dane Silverback. How much did Ronan find out about the past? Did he know about the deal?


Annalynne came over soon enough.

“All finished!” She declared ecstatically. “We can go back!”

Lucien gave Ronan one last look once the car departed the hospital ground. It just so happened that Ronan was also looking in Lucien’s direction so they got to exchange looks for a few seconds.

His gaze held a certain expectation. The kind of expectation that Lucien was unable to fulfill.

Lucien sighed once Ronan was no longer in sight.

“Lulu? Are you uncomfortable?” Alice was concerned. The past few days had been very peaceful, but today was rather eventful. Alice did not know how to interpret it. She only knew that something was coming up real soon.

“I am fine, Mom.”

Lucien leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes.

He had to be fine.

He could not afford to be anything but fine.

Because after he left the hospital, a storm was bound to happen.

The car arrived at Blue Hill City close to dinner time. Lucien felt somewhat lethargic when he got off the car and walked toward the Pack House.

The last time he left the Pack House, he carried with him the combined hope of the whole pack. Now he came back bearing nothing more than disappointment.

The news about what happened at Hapsborough City already spread to the whole werewolf community, including the Silent Walkers Pack. It was received with a large amount of trepidation that grew more and more with each passing day.

The pack members knew that there was nothing that Lucien could have done to prevent it, but it still did not make them feel any better.

What was to be the future of the Silent Walkers Pack?

Alice Clearwater had other worries in mind.

What was to happen to her son?

She had hoped that Lucien would have some days to sort his thoughts out and maybe plan for what’s to come, alas time waited for no one.

Barely two days passed after they returned from the hospital when a somber-looking letter arrived for Lucien. The envelope was sealed with the familiar wax seal of Werewolf Council. The red impression depicted two wolves with their backs facing each other and the Moon Goddess standing behind them.

Lucien calmly tore the letter open and read the content.

The day had finally come.

“Dear Mr. Lucien Clearwater,

to address the recent event that transpired between yourself and the Alpha of the Night Prowler Pack, Kinnon Youngshaper, we herewith invite both of you to attend the hearing on 5th October, 10 AM. Said hearing shall take place in the Werewolf Council Headquarters at the North Ridge Forest.

We expect you to arrive in time for the hearing, please make your preparations accordingly.

Sincerely yours,

The Werewolf Council.”


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