Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 79

79 In An Attempt To Meet Ronan’s Mother


Ronan did not continue speaking. Neither was he surprised that Lucien happened to meet his mother in the hospital garden. Just like Lucien thought, Ronan’s mother was a long-term patient in the hospital.

The Alpha did not want to speak about his mother, so he quickly switched the topic.

“Are you hungry?”

Lucien had already eaten his dinner, but being awake late at night made him want to eat something.

“Hm, a little.”

“Then let me get Milroy to buy us something to eat. What do you want to eat?” Ronan took out his phone, preparing to make a call. Lucien put his hand on top of Ronan’s and stopped him.

“Don’t. It is already late in the night.”

Poor Milroy. Ronan must be very difficult to please.


The Alpha heaved a sigh.

“Alright, let me go buy something for you then. What do you want to eat?”

Rather than eating, Lucien was more interested in taking a ride to the nearest town to chase off his boredom.

“Can we go out to get some food? Together?”

“Uh. Sure, I think the hospital staff wouldn’t mind if I take you out for a few hours.”

Ronan thus went to ask the nurse in charge. By the time he was back, Lucien already changed into a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt.

“Wow, that was fast,” Ronan remarked. He held out his hand in Lucien’s direction with a broad grin plastered all over his face. “Come, let’s get out of here.”


Lucien took his hand and they walked hand-in-hand out of the hospital. Summer already ended and the autumn season started without any delay. The night air was so cold that it sent shivers down Lucien’s spine. Ronan took off his suit jacket and put it around Lucien’s shoulders.

“Don’t catch a cold one day before you get released,” he teased.

Lucien scoffed. “Do you think I am made of glass?”

He immediately took the suit jacket off and tried to return it to Ronan. Ronan ended up wrapping Lucien in the suit jacket again. When Lucien resisted, Ronan hugged Lucien in his tight embrace.

“No, but I know very well that you are not made of steel,” Ronan quipped, his warm breath hot against Lucien’s cold cheek. “Stop acting so tough.”

Lucien disliked being treated like a sick person, but he also did not want to argue with Ronan over a suit jacket. The man thus, for once, obediently let himself be taken care of.

The nearest town was thirty minutes away by car. Lucien wanted to have some midnight snacks. His idea of midnight snacks involved greasy food with a lot of sugar. Ronan wrinkled his nose in disgust when Lucien asked to stop at donut shops and fried chicken outlets.

“No!” he said decisively while driving as far away as possible from the fast food joints. “How could you even eat those junks when you are still in the hospital?”

Lucien groaned. “Just once! Why do you care so much about what I like to drink or eat?”

Ronan furrowed his brows at him.

“Because I care about you. Is that so hard to understand?”

They exchanged glances before Ronan turned his attention back to the car. Lucien did not ask to eat any unhealthy snacks anymore. He merely mumbled some hmms in agreement when Ronan gave him some healthier options.

“That place over there is selling some hummus salad. Or do you want some fruits? We can go for apples. Oranges and berries if you want sweeter fruits...”

“Mmm. Up to you.”

Ronan thought that Lucien was secretly angry because he did not get to eat donuts and fried chickens. He did not notice that beneath the hand that covered the lower part of Lucien’s face, the latter’s lips curled up in a hidden smile.

The two men ended up getting some hummus salad and warm milk for the night. The warm milk was to help Lucien fall asleep quickly, so Ronan said. Even without the milk, Lucien already felt warm inside his heart.

It was already quite late when the two people made their way back to the hospital. The nurses in charge could not help but shoot Ronan a judgmental look. Although Lucien was not in any danger anymore, he was still a hospital patient. He should not stay out for hours, especially not in the middle of the night.

Belly full with delicious food and milk, Lucien fell asleep almost immediately.

The next day, Alice arrived a little late at the hospital.

“Lulu!” She shouted as soon as she opened the door. “Sorry for being late, I was held up at... Eh? Lulu?”

The ward was empty.

Alice gazed dumbfoundedly at the empty bed.

“Mrs. Clearwater?” A nurse poked her head into the ward. “If you are looking for Mr. Clearwater, he is taking a walk in the garden. He should be back in a bit.”

Lucien, taking a walk without being kicked out of the ward?

“Oh, wonderful!” Alice clapped her hands in delight. Finally, Lucien realized the benefit of getting some exercise! He could stay out a little longer. If he fell asleep again then Alice would come to pick him up.

Meanwhile, Lucien was busy scanning the surrounding area for Ronan’s mother. Unfortunately, she was not there. Lucien walked around for almost two hours but she did not show up at all that morning.

Garden visitation time was limited to morning from 8 to 10 and late afternoon from 5 to 7. Thinking that maybe the lady visited in the afternoon instead, Lucien made a point to go in the afternoon but again he failed to meet her.

A little disappointed, Lucien made his way back to his ward. When he was walking through the corridor, he overheard some nurses speaking about a recent death.

“What a pity. And she was such a nice lady too.”

“Yes. Her family is going to arrive soon to take care of the body...”

Lucien’s heart dropped to the ground. Could it be? How could there be such an unlucky coincidence?


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