Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 63

63 Searching For Lucien

Lucien’s sudden transformation despite having lost his wolf was the first hottest topic that the werewolf society talked about for the next two days.

Most people thought that maybe Lucien never lost his wolf. But if he had not lost his wolf, why could no one detect his wolf? Werewolves instinctively recognized each other.

Did Lucien not lose his qualification to be the next Alpha because he was no longer a complete werewolf? He even left the pack out of shame and lived far far away from his family.

An elder in the Werewolf Council cited a phenomenon called “wolf possession”. It happened when a human being was possessed by a wolf spirit and then transformed into one. Said wolf spirit would continue controlling the body until the human being was strong enough to break free from the possession.

This theory was contested by many other elders. One claimed that it only happened to normal human beings, and another claimed that it was nothing but a fairytale. The wolf spirit itself was not real.

Also, how likely was it for a werewolf who lost his wolf to be possessed by a wolf spirit?



The truth remained hidden until Lucien was found. Thus, the second hottest topic in every werewolf’s mouth was none other than Lucien’s whereabouts.


Where did Lucien go after he wounded Kinnon?

The task force decided that Lucien would not go back to the East Temple City, so he most likely would go back to the Silent Walkers Pack.

But no, he was not in the Pack House. Or the nearby forest. Or the nearby neighborhoods.

Then they postulated that Lucien might go back to his actual home. The South Bedford City where he lived and worked for seven years after he left his pack.

Werewolves searched his home. It was locked. No one was around.

Werewolves searched the South Bedford Art College and questioned Maya about Lucien.

“Mr. Clearwater did not come here,” Maya informed them while shaking her head fervently. She told the truth, but at the same time, she also thought to herself that if she knew where Lucien was, she would not tell a soul about it.


Because Lucien wounded Kinnon.

According to what Maya heard, it was not a lovers’ quarrel. Lucien had the intention to kill Kinnon.

Maya still couldn’t believe it.

The Mr. Clearwater that she knew was a gentle soul. He would never even hurt a single fly. When he hugged little animals to his chest, his expression was the very picture of tranquility. There must be a misunderstanding and Maya was determined to help Lucien. If only Lucien would show up and ask for her help.

Maya sighed.

Someone else did show up and ask — no, demand — for her help. Someone who scared Maya more than a bunch of werewolves from the council.

Ronan Silverback showed up at the college, again disguised as an art student who skipped weeks of art class like a rebel.

The Alpha did not trust that the so-called task force that the Werewolf Council put together would be able to find Lucien. They simply did not understand Lucien. At least that was what he thought. Ronan’s arrogance plummeted with every passing hour when he himself failed to locate Lucien.

He ended up following the task force’s trail and tried to pick up any lead from there. It brought him to Maya, the only werewolf who knew him the longest in the recent years.

The poor girl was just finishing her painting when Ronan walked through the door. She gasped once, dropped the palette on the floor, accidentally swiped at her wet painting with her elbow, and caused a long ugly streak to ruin her almost finished painting. Another gasp escaped her when she saw that her painting was ruined.

Ronan squinted at Maya.

Their, or better said Maya’s classmates could not help but snicker at her.

“Awwww, Maya. We know that he’s handsome but must you completely lose your focus like that?”

“Ro-ro, look at what you did to Maya’s painting!”

Maya’s face was pale instead of red. If only these fools knew who they were blabbering about!

Ronan flashed Maya a charming smile. “Maya? Will you come with me for a second?”

Maya nodded fervently. Not because she was a shy maiden who was ecstatic at the prospect of dating the most handsome boy in class, no. It was more like a commoner who had to answer to a king’s summon.

Although Ronan was not sitting on his throne and Maya was not kneeling on the floor, both of them knew how they stood to each other. An Alpha enjoyed absolute obedience and loyalty from his pack members. In turn, the Alpha took care of the pack.

“I am here to ask you something.”

Maya bowed as low as she could.

“Please ask, Alpha.”

The Alpha took the trip from Great Lake City to South Bedford City to speak to her. There was no greater honor. Maya would be glad to be able to help the Alpha.

The weird thing was that her Alpha came to specifically inquire about her art teacher.

“How long have you known Lucien?” He asked. “What do you know about him? Tell me everything.”

A baffled look plastered Maya’s face. She thought that she must have misheard. Did she accidentally project her own worries for Lucien onto Ronan’s questions? How inappropriate! What treason!

It was not until Ronan repeated his questions that Maya realized that Ronan really was asking about Lucien.

I see, she thought. The Infinite Eclipse Pack’s unhealthy rivalry with the Night Prowler Pack had been going on for some time. The Alpha must plan to take this chance to showcase his goodwill toward future cooperation between the two packs.

Alpha Ronan was wise!

Alpha Ronan was insightful!

Poor, innocent Maya could not be more wrong.

A slightly insolent pack member or Jake would have seen through Ronan’s fake display of authority right away.

What future cooperation?

What wisdom?

The two Alphas were clearly fighting over Lucien Clearwater!

Maya gulped and started to tell her story.

“I met Mr. Clearwater three years ago during the Annual Art Exhibition...”


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