Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 59

59 The Alpha’s Unintended One-night Stand


Ronan woke up with a start in the middle of the night. He heard someone calling for him. The voice sounded so desperate. So sad.

Ronan swallowed hard and furrowed his brows.

‘Who?’ he asked using his Mind Link.

There was no answer at all.

Eventually, exhaustion and wine kicked in. Ronan fell asleep again within minutes.

The next time Ronan woke up was when a bunch of ants decided to feast on his brain.

Or that was what it felt like after a night of heavy drinking.

His groans were muffled by the pillow as he strived to remember where he was and what he did last.



Yes, what was it exactly that he had been doing? Why did he get so wasted?

Once he was able to open his eyes, he tried to move his limbs. Any limb.

His arm swept over the bedsheet.

Oh. He was at least lying on a bed. Good job.

It was definitely much better than, say, lying on the pavement at the side of the road or an asphalt-covered alley in a questionable neighborhood.

Not that Ronan had ever found himself in such a miserable state.


Ronan rolled on the bed and landed on his back with a sigh.

Just then, a manicured hand snaked across his stomach and chest intimately.

“Did you have a good sleep, Alpha?”

That one sentence made Ronan Silverback open his eyes abruptly.

He turned his head to the source of the voice and found Lillian Woodland lying next to him under the same quilt.

She was not wearing anything, and neither did he.

Oh, shit.

What did he do?

“Miss Woodland, I...”

Lillian pressed a finger against his lips to prevent him from speaking further.

“I thought I asked you to call me Lillian. After spending a night together, do you mean to alienate me and not take responsibility for taking my innocence?”

Ronan could have smacked himself many times with a brick. For once, he wished that he was not lying on the velvety bed but somewhere questionable. At least then he wouldn’t be stuck in this predicament.

Lillian climbed on top of Ronan to give him a light kiss before she climbed off the bed.

“I will use the bathroom first, then. I hope you don’t mind.”

Mind? There were a lot of other things that he minded at the moment.

Ronan flipped the quilt and check for any traces of intercourse. Not that he planned to escape his responsibilities, but he needed to make sure that he was indeed stuck in a pool of crap before he lamented his situation.

There was some sticky cum around his manhood.

On the bed, there were a few damp spots and also... some blood.

Ronan was speechless.

What did a man do after spending a night together with a lady who was not some helpless she-wolf he picked on the street? This was Lillian Woodland. The most desirable bachelorette in the werewolf community at the very moment. He took her virginity. Before they even mutually agreed to get married. Unless Dane’s little lie was akin to an unspoken agreement between the two packs.


Just great.

‘Beowulf, are you there?’


‘B, I know you can hear me. Can you uh. Remember anything from last night?’


‘B, we are living in the same body. You can’t pretend to not hear me.’

‘I am sorry,’ his wolf spoke up at last. ‘I sealed my consciousness as soon as you tumbled through the door with that woman.’

Ronan groaned in displeasure.

He could not remember anything. Did he drink that much? Of course he did. If he did not, would he even be crazy enough to make this one grand mistake?

Lillian Woodland exited the bathroom after spending thirty minutes inside. She was wrapped in a bathrobe when she came out. Steam rose from her slender form, making her look hotter than she already was.

“Not taking a bath?” She asked sweetly, tilting her head to the side. “I have to go back soon. My father won’t like it if I do not go back to the Pack House with him.”

Ronan rubbed at his aching temples.

“Yes,” he mumbled. “Bath.”

Ronan walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He glanced at the mirror and looked at his naked self.

Good grief!

His own father would be, for once, ecstatic to hear that Ronan fooled around with Lillian Woodland, accidentally or deliberately.

Ronan Silverback might be a player, but he knew that he could not carelessly take an Alpha’s daughter to bed without bearing the consequences. He would have to marry Lillian Woodland.


Better make it quick.

After a refreshing bath, Ronan stood in front of the full-length mirror while drying his hair and body.

Ronan stilled for a while when he gazed at his reflection.



No, he told himself. Lucien is off-limit.

Lucien is no longer your Lucien. He is Kinnon’s Lucien now. You already said goodbye. You shall not chase after his shadow anymore.

When Ronan got out of the bathroom, the suite was empty. Lillian left after leaving a message on his phone.

“It was a wonderful night, Alpha. See you around.”

Ronan furrowed his brows.

What? That’s it? Was the woman out of her mind? Should she not be playing the pitiful maiden who just had her innocence stolen and then demanded the man to take responsibility?

Ronan’s headache intensified. He was not sure whether it was the hangover or Lillian Woodland.

Ronan exited his suite and found Jake and Robin whispering to each other in the corridor. Their facial expressions were grim and their tones were serious.

Ronan raised an eyebrow.

“Good morning, Alpha,” both of them greeted him as soon as they caught sight of him.

“What happened?” Ronan asked. If they were gossiping about him and Lillian, he wanted to hear it from their own mouths directly.

Jake swallowed hard.

“Robin just came to report that Lucien Clearwater has gone missing.”


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