Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 153

153 Arriving In Snowmelt City

The Snowmelt City was covered in a thick layer of snow. The temperature was so low that breath came out as fog that quickly dissipated into the air.

Ronan pulled Lucien’s coat tighter around his slender frame.

“Bundle up,” he whispered into his lover’s ear. “Else you will get sick.”

A sweet smile appeared on Lucien’s face. His cheeks were reddish from cold, giving him unintended blush.

“Mmn,” Lucien mumbled. In return, he wrapped Ronan’s scarf tighter around the man’s neck and tucked the ends into his jacket. “You too, don’t get sick.”

Ronan grabbed Lucien’s hand, intertwining their fingers as they walked slowly out of the arrival area.

“I can’t wait to get to the hotel soon,” Ronan said, shivering despite the thick layers of clothes around his body.

If it were up to him, he would have picked a warmer destination. Maybe a tropical island in Asia. They could swim or sunbathe during the day and then melt in each other’s arms at night.

Alas, Lucien chose to go to a cold place. It was already a miracle that he took initiative to plan the vacation, so Ronan did not want to complain.


Generally, they could go to the North Pole and Ronan would still say that it was an amazing experience. He was willing to go anywhere as long as Lucien was with him.

Lucien turned to Ronan and said, “The hotel is about three hours from here.”

Ronan was baffled. The airport was not exactly located in a remote place. It was only thirty minutes away from the center of the city. So why did they need three hours to reach the hotel?

“Um, alright.”

After they got inside a cab again, Ronan found out why exactly it took three hours. They were not heading toward the city at all. They were heading in the opposite direction, away from the city.

The trip to the hotel did not go smoothly. They were unlucky enough to be caught in the middle of a snowstorm when they were halfway there. In order to not end up in an unwanted accident, they had to stop at a nearby inn to wait for the storm to settle and also to rest a little.

The inn was bustling with a lot of guests who, like Ronan and Lucien, were traveling somewhere in the snowstorm.

Ronan ordered three cups of warm malt wine for him, Lucien, and the cab driver. The hot liquor quickly warmed up their bodies. Ronan sighed in delight as he put down his cup on the counter.

Lucien had not even finished half of his cup.

“What is it?” Ronan asked while caressing Lucien’s cold cheek. “Don’t you like it?”

“I don’t like alcoholic beverages,” Lucien admitted.

“Drink it anyway, it will keep you warm. We still have one to two hours of travel time before we reach the hotel, right?”

Lucien nodded. After he finished the cup, he pulled a disgusted face.

“Never again,” he mumbled.

When the snowstorm stopped, everyone in the inn cheered. One by one, the guests started pouring out. Ronan and Lucien too resumed their trip to the hotel.

It took two hours until they reached the hotel.

Or to be more precise, the hut.

Ronan’s jaw dropped open when they stood before the old, wooden building with an askew signboard hanging on top of it. The words “Ice Cabin” were written on the signboard.

Ronan sneaked a glance at Lucien. The latter did not look surprised at all. He knew that they were heading to this dilapidated house.

Ronan groaned in his head.

Oh, Goddess.

Of course. He should have known that this was going to happen. Lucien was not exactly swimming in money.

Where did he have the money to plan this kind of trip for the two of them?

Lucien must have emptied his savings just to give Ronan this surprise.

Ronan’s heart was hurting immensely. He knew that Lucien meant well, and truthfully Ronan could not care less where they ended up as long as they were together, but they should not have to stay in this horrible place!

Ronan had money!

He had lots of money!

He could afford to buy a whole hotel in Snowmelt City!

Lucien reached out for the doorknob, but Ronan stopped him.

“Lulu, wait.”

The man furrowed his brows at the Alpha. Was Ronan not in a hurry to get to the hotel? Why was he dallying around now?

“What’s wrong?”

Ronan swallowed hard. What was the best way to tell his lover that the place he picked was awful and might not even have a proper heating system?

“Lulu, uh... Why don’t we stay in another place?” He asked with a smile as charming as he could conjure under the circumstances.

Lucien raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Because, uh... I think we can get a better place.”

“There is no better place,” Lucien replied. “This is the only one in this area.”

“Lucien, I mean... I am sure that I can get a better one. Why don’t you let me handle it?”

Lucien crossed his arms before his chest and cocked his head to the side.

“If you are so sure, you can point the direction and I will reserve it for us.”

Ronan cleared his throat again. He knew that Lucien could not afford more than this sad hut, but how could he say it nicely?

“That, uh, why not just let me pay for a change?”

Lucien narrowed his eyes at Ronan. His lips were pulled into a thin line.

“Oh, now I know what is going on. Ronan Silverback, do you think I cannot afford the kind of lodging that is befitting of a high-born Alpha such as yourself?”

Ronan smacked a hand against his face.

This was his greatest fear.

Why must Lucien always land at the worst conclusion???

Seeing that Ronan did not bother to deny it, Lucien snorted in annoyance.

“Ronan Silverback, don’t you look down at me. Come with me now. I am not giving you another choice.”


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