Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 142

142 The Alpha Wanted To Cuddle

Annalynne bumped against Kinnon’s shoulder and stormed into the hospital without looking back.

Don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry... She kept chanting in her heart. Unfortunately, her tears were not listening to her. They fell freely across her cheeks and blinded her sight.

Coincidentally, Lucien just got back from buying the night snack that Annalynne wanted. He was standing in front of Annalynne’s empty ward, wondering where she ran off to when she stormed toward him.

“Anna, where did you... Huh...???”

Annalynne grabbed her brother by the wrist and dragged him into the ward, slamming the door close behind them.

“Why are you so agitated? Why are you crying? What happened?” Lucien demanded to know after he put the snack on the table.

“I met Kinnon,” Annalynne confessed. “That asshole, pretending to be a gentleman and offering to fix my face! Who does he think he is?”

Lucien was a little confused. He himself had thought about offering the same thing to Annalynne while he was out buying food. Who would know that Annalynne was strongly against plastic surgery?



Lucien took a seat on the bed, next to his sister.

“How did that offend you, again?” He hopelessly asked, and that earned him a glare from the woman.

“Lulu, you are... Ahhhhh you men are all so...!!!”

Annalynne buried her face into a pillow and whined.

Lucien was speechless.

“Do you want to eat first? Then we can talk?”

Annalynne whipped her head and gave her brother a menacing glare. “No. But do leave the Honey BBQ Squid behind.”

Lucien heaved a sigh. Ever since Annalynne grew up, it had been increasingly difficult to understand her. Annalynne’s mood was not the best today, so Lucien decided to give her some space. He grabbed the jar of ointment from the table and put it in front of Annalynne.

“Then eat when you want to eat. After that re-apply the ointment and go to sleep early, alright?”

Annalynne grunted to signify that she heard what Lucien said.

Lucien then left and went up to Ronan’s VIP ward. Each VIP ward was equipped with a bedroom for one caretaker. Ever since Lucien came back from the Shadow Mist Creek, he had been sleeping there every night. It was rather convenient because then he could be there for Ronan whenever Ronan was awake. Convenient for Ronan, to be precise.

Ever since they discovered that they could communicate using Mind Link, Ronan had been using it to summon Lucien on spot.

He did not wake up a lot throughout the day due to the sleeping drugs, so he often woke up at night to bother Lucien like a spoiled three-year-old boy.





Lucien tossed his blanket aside and marched out of the caretaker’s bedroom to take a look at Ronan. The Alpha had been allowed to lie on his side instead of his stomach, but he was still strapped tightly to the bed.

A shameless grin spread on Ronan’s face as he looked at the fuming Lucien.

“I am bored. Come and entertain me.”

“Do I look like some clown to you, Alpha???”

Nevertheless, Lucien still climbed into Ronan’s bed and slid under his blanket. Ronan pulled Lucien close and buried his nose into the latter’s collarbone. The sweet scent of orange and honey instantly filled his lungs. He sighed contentedly.

Lucien wrapped his arms around Ronan’s neck, searched for Ronan’s lips, and kissed them.

“How are you feeling?”

“Excessively bored,” Ronan answered with a flat tone. “Tell me what is happening. I want to hear it.”

“I went to see Kinnon today,” Lucien told him. “He agreed to surrender after much persuasion, but...”

Lucien sighed.

“But what?”

Ronan coiled a strand of Lucien’s hair around his little finger playfully.

“But after we talked, we found out that there was a third party in this war who was doing things unknown to us.

There had been an attack on Ralph. At the same time, I received a fake call from Ralph.”

Ronan widened his eyes in surprise.

“The call was fake? And that little boy was attacked?”

Lucien nodded. “Kinnon thought that you did it.”

Ronan scoffed and rolled with his eyes.

“Sorry to say but Kinnon isn’t exactly the peacemaker that he believes himself to be. Do you even know how many packs he offended???”

And here comes the difficult part, Lucien thought.

“The assassin had a belt that bears the Silverback family sigil. It was found among his belongings.”

Ronan was quiet for a while. He looked deep into Lucien’s eyes and said, “I didn’t do it.”

Lucien smacked at his forehead. “I know you didn’t do it, silly.”

Ronan grabbed Lucien’s wrist and pressed it against his lips.

“What I am trying to say is that this enemy is the common enemy of both packs. If you say that Kinnon is a warmonger, can you think about someone or some people that might be out to hurt your pack?”


Ronan thought for a while, but he could not come up with any concrete name.

“Both my and Kinnon’s pack did not become the two strongest packs because other packs support us, that’s for sure. I am sure that the others harbor a certain amount of enmity, but I don’t know who would be so bold to launch a scheme against both packs at once.”

“What about the third strongest? Fourth?”

Ronan shook his head.

“After Infinite Eclipse Pack and Night Prowler Pack, there is a layer of equally strong packs. There is no third or fourth per se.”

“Can we check those packs one by one?” Lucien offered.

“It would be around twenty-something packs, then, Lulu. Besides, how do you plan to check?”

“Well... We can track the packs that ever received a belt with your family sigil on it?”

“Our family doesn’t keep a record.”

“What about the raid that happened in the past?”

Ronan’s mood turned sour in an instant.

“Who told you about the raid?”


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