Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 138

138 I Will Kill You With My Own Hands

Everything could be faked these days. Lucien was pretty sure that he could falsify the Werewolf Council stempel if he wanted to.

He could just take the envelope with the wax seal to the workshop.

Which werewolf in the werewolf community did not know what the sigil of the Silverback family looked like? The Silverback family, along with the sigil, was featured in the Werewolf Council newsletter at least once a month. It was ridiculously easy to fabricate this belt.

To Lucien’s greatest dismay, Both Bjorn and Kinnon shook their heads. A grim expression spread across both of their faces.

“Lucien, you might not know this, but all silver plates with the werewolf family sigils are forged by a special silversmith under the Werewolf Council,” Bjorn explained. “They all carry the High Seer’s special charm.”

Lucien did not need to ask whether they checked the authenticity of the silver plate with the Werewolf Council or not.

Of course, they did.

That’s why they were so sure of the Silverback family’s involvement.

“Well? Do you still think that Ronan is innocent?” Kinnon asked.


Lucien gave the man a firm nod. “I still do. Just because the belt originates from the Silverback family, it doesn’t mean that Ronan is the perpetrator.”

Kinnon scoffed. Even with a piece of clear evidence on the table, Lucien still stood by Ronan.

“He is not the head of the Silverback family for nothing. What do you think, Bjorn? Should I drag him before the Werewolf Council?”

Kinnon turned at Bjorn who remained impassive upon his Alpha’s taunting words. He instead threw a glance at Lucien, curious about what the latter planned to do.

“Either way, Ronan has to take responsibility for the crime. The only good thing out of this whole thing is that Bjorn saved Ralph. You and Ronan should be thanking Bjorn on your knees. Otherwise, it is blood for blood.”

“Sure,” Lucien said, “As you said, Ronan is the head of the Silverback family. Your son was hurt. Naturally, you have the right to blow this incident up. You can even drag the Silverback family through the mud if you want.

But think about it, Kinnon. Do you want to find out who the real culprit is, or do you want to destroy Ronan, and with him the Silverback family, just to feed your hatred?”

A very good question. The answer was clear, but Kinnon was not willing to say it out loud. Of course he wished to find the animal who dared lay his claws on his baby son. Might the Moon Goddess have mercy on him, because Kinnon would not be as nice.

Although Kinnon hated Ronan to the bone because Lucien was hopelessly tied to him, the Alpha knew that Ronan was innocent. If he had wanted to hurt Ralph, he could have done it on many other occasions.

Doing it while they were preparing for war was just stupid and careless. On top of that, it was not done cleanly. The assassin could have used poison. Why even bother transforming into a wolf?

Also, why did he dally so much?

He already killed Ralph’s nanny.

Killing Ralph would be a piece of cake.

So what was he waiting for?

A lot of things did not add up.

It was almost as if he was there to be found. He even purposefully carried the belt with him. Considering that the belt was a precious token that was given directly by a member of the Silverback family, anyone at the receiving end of the belt would have kept it safe, probably even locked it in a safe.

So why was he carrying the belt around?

No, to be exact, he carried it into the Night Prowler Pack’s lair.

It was all extremely fishy. It sounded like someone, or some people, wanted to accuse the Silverback family of the crime. They must have expected Kinnon to run berserk after his son was wounded.

Indeed, Kinnon foolishly fell for the trap and was thus determined to avenge his son and kill Ronan.

“What do you suggest if I choose to find the true culprit?” Kinnon inquired. Anyway, this was his riddle to solve. Lucien was only there to end the war. He could not care less.

Against his expectation, Lucien wanted to be involved in the investigation. “I suggest that you surrender with no condition so we can end the war peacefully. After that, all three of us — you, me, and Ronan — will help each other to find out the truth behind the attack.”

Lucien was not done yet.

“Until the truth is revealed, I will not forgive you if you dare lay your hands on Ronan again,” he added.

“I don’t know what you are so worried about. Do you even know what kind of injuries he inflicted on me?” Kinnon grumbled.

Kinnon had only managed to stab into Ronan’s back and tore at it, while Ronan bumped him against the cliffside numerous times and also gave him internal bleeding from endless head bumps.

The Alpha of the Infinite Eclipse Pack was not the toothless werewolf pup that Lucien made him out to be. He was more than able to defend himself.

“I don’t care,” Lucien snapped impatiently. “Touch Ronan again and I will kill you with my own hands.”

Kinnon roared out of frustration. He turned to look at Bjorn and gloomily said, “Bjorn, give me a piece of paper and ink.”

In the end, Kinnon agreed to surrender. The second war between the Silent Walkers Pack and the Night Prowler Pack thus ended with the Silent Walkers Pack’s victory.

Lucien was almost moved to tears when he held the resignation paper that Kinnon personally wrote, complete with his signature and thumbprint.

“Satisfied?” he asked in a snarky tone.


Lucien looked up from the paper and smiled at Kinnon. “Thank you, Kinnon.”

“If you really want to thank me, you better keep your promise,” Kinnon pointed out. “I expect full cooperation from the Silverback family to unearth the child murderer that almost murdered my son.”

Lucien nodded. He folded the resignation letter carefully and tucked it into his pocket. When he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something else.


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