Purple Romance

Chapter 335: Shameless men association

Chapter 335: Shameless men association

Brian Rodriguez chuckled and looked at Mali. He couldn't believe she just said he wasn't her type. It made him even more curious. He had heard a lot about her from his grandfather and wanted to meet her. Now, it seemed he had found someone quite interesting and unusual. He had thought that she would try to curry favour with him or jump to the prospects of a marriage contract with him.

''I AM NOT YOUR TYPE?'' He asked and walked closer to her, ''are you sure about that? should we test it out?'' he asked and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to himself. At that moment, the door opened and Paula rushed in saying.

''Don't you dare do anything to my big sister'' she said and paused. She seemed to have recognised the man who was holding her sister.

''Senior?'' Paula's eyes widened.

''Paula?'' he was also equally surprised.

''Do you two know each other?'' Mali asked and pushed him away before going to stand next to Paula.

''Yes, but you two are?'' Paula asked looking between her sister and Brian Rodriguez.

''We are nothing. He is the grandson of my boss''

''Why are you so fast to deny our relationship, Miss Abdul?''

''That's because there is no relationship between us to start with. Paula, wait outside for me. I still need to ask this man a few questions''

''Paula, it has been a long time since we saw each other. How about lunch together with your sister?'' Brian suggested and Mali quickly intercepted him.

''No. Paula is busy and I don't have the time to have lunch. Let's discuss what brought you here first'' Mali said to him.

''Lunch it is then. Paula, let's go'' Brian said and went closer. He winked at Mali and held Paula's hand walking out with him.

''Wait, senior. My sister is still in there'' Paula said as she turned to look at Mali.

''Trust me, she will come out soon'' Brian replied.


Sitting across her sister and senior, Paula chuckled dryly trying to draw their attention to herself. They have been staring at each other for the past five minutes since they arrived and she didn't know whether that was a good sign or not.

''Why do I suddenly feel so hungry after eating brunch?'' she said more to herself and decided to intervene because their silence was killing her.

''Cut!! Cut, cut!! We are here to eat not to get into a staring contest. Senior, big sis, can you two please stop staring at each other already? The temperature in here just dropped because of you two. The waiter doesn't even want to come to the table because he is frightened by your gazes. Whatever it is, I am sure it can be solved over lunch, right?'' Paula said and picked up her glass of water to sip.

''Let's get married, Mali Abdul'' Brian said making Paula choke on her water. She coughed and wiped her mouth before speaking.

''Huh? Mamarriage? Big sis, since when did you two start dating?''

''Hey!!!'' Mali glared at Paula and the latter chuckled and pursed her lips.

''I see, I see where this is going. Senior, you are smitten by my sister, right? Well, who wouldn't be? She is so pretty and charismatic''

''Hey!!!'' Mali glared at Paula again and turned to Brian saying, 'you you are really as crazy as the media say, right? What exactly do you want? You made me cancel my date with my sister and rushed to the company and what? Let's get married? You are out of your mind, really''

''You are the one I've chosen. My grandfather is right. You are perfect for me'' Brian said with a smirk.

''Big sis, I didn't know that you two were quite acquainted? Let me tell you, senior her is a good man. he'' Paula stopped when she noticed the icy glare coming from her sister, ''sorry. This is your business, I'm sure you can handle it, right?''

''When do you get discharged from the hospital? We should go on a couple of dates to get to know each other first. I guarantee, you will like me''

''Lunatic. You do you even know the reason why I am at the hospital?''

''I don't care about such things. What I care right now is making you my wife because you are totally my style''

''You said I was slim and malnourished?''

''That can be worked on. I will feed you good food every day. I will also make sure you have peace and happiness''


''Whoa, senior. You are'' Paula gave him a thumbs up before turning to her sister, ''big sis, I think that you two have great chemistry. I can almost perfect the sexual tension that will come later on'' she whispered into Mali's ears and she flushed.

''Hey!!! Did Andy teach you all that?''

''No, Andy thinks I am innocent. I learnt that from Lisa''

''What a student you are. Lisa must be proud to have taught you all that''

''Let's eat first'' Brian said and beckoned on the waiter to come over, ''Mali, what do you want to eat?''

''Paula, what do you want to eat?'' Mali ignored him and asked Paula but he wasn't offended.

''I will have fruits salad. I ate brunch, so I'm not really hungry''

''I will have salad too'' Mali said turning to look at the waiter who had arrived at their table.

''You should eat more heavy food'' Brian said.

''This is who I am. I eat what I want. You can just ignore me if you want''

''I won't''


''I won't ignore you. You are about to become my wife; it is my duty to make sure that you are doing well. I won't ignore you, ever''

''Senior, what do you like about my sister?'' Paula asked curiously, ignoring the constant glaring that came from Mali.

''She don't you think that your sister is different? She doesn't act according to the norm''

''Right, you are very intuitive. My sister is''

''Drink more water'' Mali said and lifted Paula's glass, taking it towards her lips.

''Yes, thanks big sis'' Paula chuckled dryly and took the water to sip.

After the lunch, Mali held Paula's hand and they walked out of the restaurant with Brian lurking behind.

''Big sis, don't you think that senior is quite a catch?''

''He is crazy. Who asks a woman he just met for the first time to marry him? He told me his grandfather chose me as his bride and that he came to see if I am his type or not. Who does that again? I am going to call his grandfather and reject the offer''

''But, senior is a great catch. He might seem crazy but he is gentle. He used to help me a lot back when I was in the university. Big sis, why don't you consider him?''

''Are you that desperate to get me married off? Why? So, I won't bother your husband again?''

''No, you know that's not what I mean''

''I know. He might be great but I don't want that kind of arrangement. I don't also think that I am ready for a relationship or marriage right now. I still haven't gotten my life together. I don't want to be a burden on anyone''

''Big sis, I want you to know that you are not a burden to anyone. Mom and I will always support you. Fine, you don't have to consider him if he isn't you type but senior is a good person, so don't dismiss him early. If you can't be partners, there is nothing wrong with been friends, right? You should be good friends with the successor so that you can maintain your position at the firm, right?''

''You are right'' Mali smiled.

''Then, on that note I will leave you to senior. He will go shopping with you and take you back to the hospital. I will visit you on weekend with Lisa. She wants to meet you'' Paula said.

''Paula, you. Hey!!! How could you sell your own sister out?'' Mali shouted at Paula who went over to Brian.

''Senior, if you do anything to my sister, I will find you and kill you. You know I can do that, right?''

''Don't worry, I won't harm your sister. She is as precious to you as she is to me'' Brian said and walked towards Mali.

''You what are you doing?'' Mali moved back and Brian smiled before pointing to his car.

''After you, Miss''

''Big sis, Senior, have a nice date'' Paula said and went to her car. she got in and drove away fast in case Mali changed her mind.

Mali glared at Brian before going over to sit in the car. Brian smiled and went over to the driver's seat.


When Paula returned home, she was in a good mood. She saw Andy coming out of the kitchen with a glass of juice. She took it from him and sipped as she hummed around.

''What is making you so happy?''

''Andy, guess what?'' Paula smirked as she handed over the glass to him.

''Just tell me already. You know I am not good at guessing''

''I think that Mali might just have met her soulmate''


''So, Mali came here and then you two went over to her office and happened to meet your senior who seemed to be interested in her and you played the matchmaker?'' Andy asked and Paula nodded as she sat on his laps, feeding him cut fruits.

''Hmm, whoa. I can't believe Senior became that handsome. He was already handsome but seeing him after a long time, I realised that he was even more handsome than before. The way he didn't beat around the bush was so alluring. You know I love shameless men, right? If I weren't married, I would have chosen Senior. He was so manly, the way he asked Mali to marry him''

Andy cocked his brow and asked her, ''why didn't I know that you loved shameless men?''

Paula pursed her lips, realising her mistake. She looked at Andy's face and tried to salvage the situation, ''no, I didn't mean that. What I was trying to say is that senior is handsome and''

''Senior?'' he asked and she shook her head.

''No, that man that old man was shameless but he isn't as shameless as you nor is he as handsome as you. You are the only one for me''


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