Purple Romance

Chapter 28: Let Everyone see the kind of person Miss Lee was

Chapter 28: Let Everyone see the kind of person Miss Lee was

Maria was getting ready to go home. she was unaware of what had happened and definitely didn't know that Karen had put the blame on her for what Calia did.

Maria packed her things and went out with the teachers. They were all walking towards the school entrance when she caught a glimpse of a man who was staggering around at the school park while holding a liquor bottle.

Earlier after the encounter between Calia and Karen, Karen had gotten so angry that she wanted to tear someone apart. She couldn't find a way to vent out her frustrations because after the call Calia made, her mother called her and told her how angry her father was at her for messing with Calia.

At the time of the call, CheckMate had already sent people to go to La Feminine Jewellery to finalise their deal only for the call to come in and Janel Banks [Calia's mother] to reject the deal saying her daughter didn't agree to it hence she wouldn't collaborate with them. It was a real slap to the face.

Karen Kash was so angry and then an idea came to her mind, she didn't waste time in calling Marley Suwait to come to the school. Last night, after she left Maria's place she visited Max Denarius and showed him the pictures but Max took all the pictures and ordered her not to do anything. Her ultimate goal was to meet Old Mr. Denarius himself but was stopped by Max Denarius.

Now that she was blocked from every side, she was left with no other choice but to also let Maria feel the same pain she was going through. If she couldn't use the evidence she had anymore because Ad-Din's family wouldn't let her off, then she was going to use Maria's father to disgrace and humiliate Maria.

Marley Suwait was drunk and still held a liquor bottle as he stood at the school's park. The students were all out and watching Marley Suwait make a fool of himself.

Maria felt so frustrated and heartbroken just seeing her father at her workplace misbehaving. She ran towards the entrance trying to avoid her father when he saw her and mentioned her name.

''Maria Portia Lee. Are you running away again? That is what you're good at. Running away'' Marley Suwait said.

Maria stood rooted on the ground and turned slowly.

The students now turned their attention to her and the mumbling began. This was what Maria feared the most. Peoples gazes.

''Maria, do you know him?" Arnold was the first to get to Maria and asked worriedly. Maria was quiet.

''I am talking to you. Are you ignoring me? Fine. If you don't respond to me then I am not going anywhere''. Marley Suwait said and sat down on the ground and the students and teachers gasped while others removed their phones to take pictures and videos. It was really a sight to see.

''Excuse me''. Maria said to Arnold and proceeded to walk away as her tears threatened to fall.

''Is he in school today? That boy you are dating?'' Marley Suwait said making Maria to stop in her strides.

''Does your colleagues and the students know? That you are fucking a minor?''.

Maria turned to look at her father and saw Karen looking at her with folded arms at a distance. She had a victorious and smug look on her face.

Maria noticed the other teachers looking at her and the students gasping.

It was happening again. The first time something like this happened was when her mother divorced her father and left with a younger man. At that time, her father went to her school and caused a scene similar to this, just that, now the scene had to do with her and not her mother. And the judgemental looks she was receiving now made it hard for her to breath. Maria wished she could dig a hole in the ground and hid inside.

Were all fathers like this? Weren't fathers supposed to protect their daughters? Were fathers supposed to join hands with the enemy to destroy their own child? What exactly did she do wrong to deserve this kind of punishment? Maria had so many unanswered questions and her vision became blur. Everything around her became blur.

''Miss Lee, what is he talking about? Are you going out with one of the students?''

Miss Diana was the first to ask the question that was hanging on everyone's lips.

''Who said she is going out with one of the students?'' A voice came from the entrance and everyone turned and looked towards it. Ad-Din and Max Denarius walked into the school.

Maria vaguely saw the footsteps but her vision was already blur and her legs gave way. Ad-Din rushed forward and caught Maria as she fell.

Max looked at the teachers and the students and spoke.

''An unknown man got past the security to enter your school and bully a colleague teacher and you all decided to sit back and watch? And you the students also couldn't call the police but joined in to watch? Is this how bad the school's morals has become? Let me make this clear. All the pictures and videos taken here must be deleted. If I find even a single one on the internet or anywhere, the responsible party will pay a heavy price for it''.

At his warning, everyone hastily deleted the pictures and videos from their phones.

Karen who was at the side was shocked to see the turn of events. She didn't know that Ad-Din and Max would visit the school. She thought she had the upper hand and after today, she wouldn't see Maria again.

She was contemplating on the one who might have called them when Calia stood next to her and spoke.

''You always bite more than you can chew. Not only have you angered me, now you have pissed off my two cousins. Say, what do you think will happen to you, Karen Kash?

Ad-Din is extremely scary when he is mad. You will see that soon''. Calia finished and walked walking swinging her phone about.

She was the one who made the call.


First Hospital.

Maria opened her eyes and saw that she was in a room different from her room. She saw someone at a distance talking on another person. It was Ad-Din and Max.

''Maria, you are awake?'' Ad-Din turned and saw her eyes opened and rushed to her side. Maria nodded her head and tried to sit up and he helped her.

''Elder brother, Maria is awake''. Ad-Din called his brother.

''I see. How are you feeling, Miss Lee?'' Max Denarius asked and walked closer to the bed.

''I'm fine. Ad-Din, how did I get here? My fatherhe'' Maria felt her tears trimming down as she choked.

''Is alright. You are safe here. You fainted at the school and we brought you here''.

Ad-Din explained. 'This is Max Denarius, my elder brother''.

''Hi, I'm sorry for bothering you':. Maria said politely.

''Is good that you are fine. Ad-Din, I will leave you two, we will talk later in the house. Miss Lee, get well soon. I still have matters to attend to''. Max Denarius said politely and smiled before going out.

''Your elder brother. Is he the one who came to the school with you?'' Maria asked after Max left.

''Yes. We just closed from a meeting and received the call from Calia. She told us what happened and we rushed there''. Ad-Din said as he sat beside Maria.

''My father. I think he was instigated by Karen to come to the school. He told everyone about us?''

''I know. You don't have to worry about Karen or your father. Karen is not going to get away from this that easily. You should rest so more''.

''My aunt. I need to tell her where I am. She will be worried''.

''I already called and informed her, she will be here soon. You had a missed call from a caller named Lexis. She called severally and I had to answer it''.

''Is okay. Did you tell her what happened? Lexis is my best friend. I hope you didn't tell her what happened? She is on her honeymoon; I don't want her to rush here because of me. She is also pregnant''.

''Don't worry, I didn't tell her. I only told her you weren't feeling well and was sleeping after taking some medication. She knew who I was? She even mentioned my name first''

''Oh, I told her. She knows about us''.

''I see. Sleep, I want to make a call outside''.

''En''. Ad-Din helped Maria to lay properly on the bed.

Maria laid back and watched as Ad-Din left the room.


Ad-Din closed the door and spoke on the phone.

''I don't care how you will do it, but I don't want CheckMate to exist in Cosmos in the next 24 hours''.

''Yes, young master'' the voice on the other side said before the call hung up.

Ad-Din looked at the phone coldly. Karen dared to mess with him because he was being lenient. Now she was going to see how Ad-Din Denarius acts when he is mad.


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