Purple Romance

Chapter 15: Find her father and bring him to me 1

Chapter 15: Find her father and bring him to me 1

''Say it. What life changing issue do you have to tell us about?''

Maria and Lexis exchanged looks before the latter dropped the bomb

"I'm Pregnant"

The sound of clattering could be heard. The cutlery in Mrs. Mathias hand dropped to the flow. Maria quickly handed the early woman another spare that was on the table and watched carefully.

"You are what?'' Mr. Mathias who was more calm after hearing the news asked solemnly. But, Mrs. Mathias wasn't as calm and her facial expression easily gave her away.

Maria looked at the older couple in front of her and sighed as she pursed her lips. The table was quiet and even a drop of pin at that moment could have been heard.

" Oh, so that is the big news you wanted to share. News about your pregnancy?'' Mrs. Mathias spoke and looked up at her daughter. Even Maria felt a shiver from her gaze much less the culprit.

Lexis looked between her father and mother and quickly stood up hiding behind the former as she spoke ''mom, before you decide to do anything I want you to calm down first, mm? I am not alone anymore. You are allowed to beat me but please can you spare my stomach? The baby is only 8 weeks and is innocent''.

Mrs. Mathias banged the cutlery in her hand on the table making the three people to shiver and quiver in their seats. Maria threw a glare at Lexis. Even in a situation like this, she still dared to joke around. Now the table was even more chilly than being in the middle of the ocean.

''You have grown up, right?'' Mrs. Mathias was beyond livid now.

''Mom, I'm sorry. I was wrong. Please can you calm down and listen to me? Dad, Portia, speak up for me''. Lexis pleaded.

''Darling, please, let's listen to her first''. Mr. Mathias finally spoke up and Lexis nodded her head.

''Aunt, you should listen to Lex first. You know she is not an irresponsible person'' Maria added.

Mrs. Mathias finally calmed down and looked at her daughter saying ''who is the father? Is he aware that you are pregnant? Will he take responsibility for the baby?"

''Mom, dad. He is aware and is willing to take responsibility. He is also someone you two know very well''. Lexis stressed on the 'very well' as she spoke.

''Someone we know? Who is he?'' Mrs. Mathias asked.

Just then the doorbell rang and they all turned to look towards it. Lexis pointed at the door as she spoke ''he must be the one at the door now. I will go and open the door''.

Maria looked away trying to make her presence minimal as possible because what was going to happen next was something that was going to shock Mr. and Mrs. Mathias.

Kobby, Lexis boyfriend was their neighbour across the street and also Mrs. Mathias's competitor's son. Kobby's mother was promoted earlier this year and according to Mrs. Mathias the woman used her connections to snatch the promotion away from her.

The day that the promotion was given to Kobby's mother, Mrs. Mathias was so mad that she refused to go to work again. Now that she was about to be in laws with her, Maria could only imagine what was going to happen.

Lexis walked to her parents with Kobby behind her. Kobby was a good man, he was good to Lexis and Maria knew they really loved each other. Just that she wasn't sure if their parents shared the same sentiments with her.

''Uncle, aunt. Good evening''. Kobby greeted them with his affectionate and gentle smile.

''Kobby Brian?'' Mr. and Mrs. Mathias looked at each other shocked. Compared to the news of the pregnancy, this was more shocking.

''Mom, dad, this is Kobby my boyfriend''. Lexis told her parents who clearly still had shocked expressions on their faces.

''I am against this relationship'' Screamed Mrs. Mathias.

Maria choked on her own saliva and coughed after hearing those words. It was like she was watching a kdrama where the mother of the man was against the relationship of her son.

She didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. Maria scanned the faces in the hall and noticed that even Mr. Mathias was taken aback by his wife's outburst.

''Mom!!!''. Lexis screamed and Maria picked her bag quietly and slowly from the table ready to run out at the least opportunity.


Maria didn't know when she found herself out of the house but she was grateful she managed to escape. The temperature in there was seriously like the Pacific Ocean. Maria bowed towards the house apologetically saying ''Lexis, I'm sorry'' before running away.


Maria got down from the taxi and walked towards her apartment. She felt like someone was watching her and turned but saw no one. ''Am I being oversensitive?'' She muttered to herself before going up to her apartment.

Maria took her bath and laid on the bed. She almost closed her eyes when her phone buzzed on the table and she sat up again and picked the phone.

"Hello, Maria speaking, who is this?" Maria asked first seeing that it was an unknown number.

"You just got home? Are you already in bed?" Ad-Din asked over the phone and Maria got down from the bed and rushed to the window. She opened the curtain and saw Ad-Din waving his hand at her.

"You...how did you get my number?" Maria asked as she looked at him

"Have you forgotten which family I belong to? There is nothing that I can get if I set my eyes on it. You're the one my eyes are set on, Miss Lee" Ad-Din said.

"Is so late. Do you want to be late for school tomorrow?" Maria asked.

"Is Miss Lee worried about me? I just wanted to see and hear your voice. Now that I've seen you and heard your voice, I will go and be able to sleep soundly. Miss Lee, make sure you dream about me. Good night'' Ad-Din hung up and got inside his car and drove away.

Maria closed the curtain after some time and went back to her bed. She touched her face and blushed. She laid on the bed not exactly sure if she was going to be able to sleep soundly after such a surprised call.

" This boy is really full of surprises" Maria murmured to herself.

Next day.

Karen Kash sat in her car looking at a bunch of pictures that she received from the unknown caller she asked to investigate Maria. Her driver stood outside guarding her.

Among the pictures were ones from a casino centre where Marley Suwait often frequented. He was seated with a group of men busy gambling.

Another picture was of Maria's apartment. Maria's back view could be seen in the picture. She was walking towards the apartment when the picture was taken.

Karen Kash threw the pictures on the seat next to her and removed another stack of photos. Those ones contained pictures of Ad-Din at Maria's apartment. Maria wasn't in those pictures, it was only Ad-Din and he was standing by his car looking at the apartment.

Karen clutched and squeezed the pictures angrily. Her instincts were right after all. Ad-Din liked Miss Lee.

"Ha, what a big joke. Ad-Din really likes that woman"

Karen murmured and looked outside and saw that a lot of students were now arriving at the school. She had gone there earlier to meet the man who brought her the pictures. She saw Maria getting down from a subway bus and also got out of her car with her bag.

Karen walked fast to Maria and spoke to her ''Miss Lee, good morning''.

Maria turned and saw Karen and smiled politely ''morning. How are you?'' Maria asked out of courtesy.

''I'm fine. What about you?'' Karen asked trying to keep up with Maria.

''Me? I am fine''. Maria quickened her pace and Karen still kept up. She was quite tenacious.

''Miss Lee, do you live around here?''

''No. Why do you ask?''

''Nothing. I was just curious''.

''I see''.

''Miss Lee, I heard you don't have a boyfriend? I can introduce you to my brother if you like? He is very handsome and doesn't look down on people no matter their background''.

Karen said making Maria to stop in her tracks.

Maria turned and looked at her. What did she mean by that statement just now? Maria smiled saying ''You are a student. You shouldn't worry about what adults do with their lives. I don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean I will take just any man passing by. Karen, I find your actions rude towards me and I hope you don't repeat it next time''. Maria finished and walked away without giving Karen the chance to talk.

Karen bit her lips hard and spat out the blood that came out before taking a different path towards their classroom.

Calia got down from her car and saw everything that happened. She didn't feel comfortable for some reason. It seemed Karen was up to something.


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