Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 539: Come with me

Chapter 539: Come with me

The sounds of the hooves from seven hundred horses were heard against the dusty ground, the wind was still a bit harsh, but the warm from the sunlight offered a comfort.

It took around fifteen minutes before they reached the massacre place.

Big rocks that had been launched toward this direction, scattered all over the places, but it wasn't the sight that made Senja furrowed her brows, but enormous amount of dead people were covering the ground, dyed the soil with red bright color as the smell was almost unbearable.

Senja could feel the bile was rising up in her throat as she tried hard to gulp down, keeping her nausea at bay. She dismounted her horse slowly and trudged her way among the corpse and rocks. Blood tainted her shoes.

Yi Qing's men scoured the area without even scrunched their faces upon seeing this view, looking for the survivor, however no one from them were survive, a few horses corpses were joined the scene as well.

Her step came to stop when she watched a man in sorry state, he was still alive as his eyes glared at her with animosity.

"Xiao Wang Wei." Senja remarked coldly.

The prince lower body was crashed with a big rock as blood gushing out from his wounds. His chest heaved a heavy sighed.

"I should kill you from the first time I saw you" He stumbled with his words as he was coughing blood. He wanted to say something else, but the blood that pooled on his mouth prevented him to do so.

"This is what you get after what you have done" Senja called a man near her to come closer. "At least I can grant you a quick death."

With that was saying, she told the man to stab the prince to his death.

As he drew his sword and beheaded Xiao Wang Wei, blood spurted out from his headless body. His eyes remained opened, despite his head was rolling on the dirty ground.

Finally, Senja couldn't hold back the bile in her throat as she turned around and emptied her stomach. The sight was too much for her and the smell of blood that wafted in the air made her lightheaded.

"Young Miss Senja, are you alright?" The man, who had just beheaded the last bloodline of Xiao Zi, approached Senja worriedly.

"I am fine" Senja waved her hand to emphasize her words and received a handkerchief from him to wipe her mouth.

"Drink this I will bring you from here." He was genuinely worried about the young remarkable girl before his eyes.

Even though she had arranged impeccable strategy, but to seeing a horrendous sight like this was too much for her to handle.

Senja complied and let the young man led the way to her horse, however she didn't go away and only stay there instead.

After all the scoured finish and they had confirmed all of them had died, Yi Qing approached Senja, kneeling down beside her horse, asking for another arrangement for them.

The remaining soldiers behind him followed their leader action, simultaneously they were kneeling down before a purple hair girl, who was sitting atop of her brown horse, staring at them with wide eyes.

The glorious hue of the sunlight fell on her face, brightened up her striking purple hair that whirled by the wind.

Despite her pale face, the decisiveness in her eyes didn't waver as she talked in calm and compose tone.

"A hundred people will catch up with Princess Qianru to the southern village while the rest of you will go with me to Q city, to join the war." Senja's voice was steady, wasn't too loud nor too weak, it was enough to hear her clearly. "For all of you who have fought alongside me in this journey, I only could offer my gratitude. Our victory today would always engrave in my heart."

The girl dismounted her horse and bowed deeply at the seven hundred soldiers who had fought with her and trusted her to take a command over them.

This was the first time she commanded massive people like this and astonishingly they complied willingly.

In the other hand, those seven hundred people who were Looking at the girl with such a noble status like Senja willing to bow down at them, left them flabbergasted as the feeling of proud warmed their heart.

Under the bright sun at the vast plains after the victorious battle with two thousands army who was led by Xiao Wang Wei, the girls and her aides respected and thanked each other solemnly and genuinely.


The news about the war was heated by the rumor about the dead of two of Xiao Jun's trusted aides, it shook the mentality of his soldiers, after all the two of the elders were prominent figure beside Xiao Jun.

Initially, Elder Fu and Elder Chen were leading the army to secure the Q city while Elder Zhong and Xiao Tianyao were in the outside of the entrance gates of the capital city, to secure the city while assisted Xiao Jun and acted as a backup for him.

His plan was to lock down the capital city.

However, when they received the news about the two elder had been poisoned and weren't able to make it, Elder Zhong was sent back to the Q city and assisted there.

At that time, out of nowhere the news about Xiao Wang Wei defeated spread among the people. No one could confirm about the validity of the news, since not many people knew where exactly the prince was.

Some people assumed he was in the palace after he abandoned his troops in Q city and when Xiao Tianyao managed to take over the city, he didn't return with alternate strategy to take the city back.

At the same time, Senja who had been traveling with six hundred armed forces was about to arrive at Q city when she ordered for them to take a rest at the forest before they entered the city.

The night was not approaching yet and the sun still shone, it was still two hours away before the sun set, hence Senja's order to take a rest was a bit off, but no one said anything.

When they were setting up tents, Senja approached Yi Qing.

"I need you to come with me." She said. "Probably, it will take a long time, you have to point someone to take the lead for the meantime."

Yi Qing's brows locked together in confusion. "If Young Miss Senja needs to go somewhere why don't we bring all of the people with us, it would be more safety for you." He was worried, after all, all the way to the Q city Senja didn't look in good condition, her face was slightly pale and her appetite was also not good.

But, as stubborn as she was, Senja actually refused his advice to see a doctor. It was understandable, they were running out of time and her condition wasn't so severe. So, they didn't pay much attention about this.

"No," Senja shook her head and said firmly. "Sign someone and wait for me at the post guard over there." She pointed at the two soldiers who were standing on guard at the perimeter of their camp.

Yi Qing nodded helplessly. "Yes, Young Miss Senja." He bowed down and excused himself to do what he was told.


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