Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 537: Middle finger

Chapter 537: Middle finger

The sun was about to set when the sky gradually turned dark, not because the absent of the sunlight, but because the storm was brewing.

The harsh wind blew everything that passed it mercilessly as the sound akin to a beast could be heard.

"Young Miss Senja, the storm is coming." Yi Qing looked at the sky, astonished. Initially he doubted Senja's word when she said the there would be a storm tonight, but now he had not a reason to not believe her.

Yi Qing and Senja along with three hundreds soldiers took detour to reach Xiao Wang Wei's camp since this afternoon. In order to avoid the storm, they had been riding their horse for seven hours by now and need five more hours before they could reach there.

It was seven hours longer than the usual route.

Since the core of the storm was near the northern fortress, they were only suffering the harsh wind that still bearable. But, they could see the dark sky from faraway.

"We need to reach there before the storm end or else we will have trouble on our way back!" Senja raised her voice against the strong wind.

The sandstorm will end at midnight and would start again at dusk, thus during that time was the convenient time to launch their plan and made their way back.

With three hundred people followed behind her, she whipped her horse and made it ran faster. The neighing horses were deafening under the dark night as their entourage could scare anyone who saw them.

Four and half hour later, they arrived at the outer perimeter of Xiao Wang Wei's camps.

As the storm was still brewing in the north side, the effect of the strong weather was still could be felt right where they were now.

They were dismounted their horses and walked cautiously behind the bushes, approaching the camp.

No one from Xiao Wang Wei's side could have thought that they would be ambushed in the storm night like this, as the guards were curling their bodies under their thick cloak to shield themselves from the harsh wind.

Not many guards were patrolling as everyone seemed had put their guard down. It was an advantage for Senja's side, the effect of surprise would help them to kill more people in a short period of time while their unpreparedness would help them to escape.

Yi Qing took the command as he scrutinized their enemy movements. Their first aim was to burn down all the tents to create chaos and confusion.

It was five of Yi Qing's men, who approached the three of the Azura's soldiers and knock them out in a matter of second, taking their uniform and waiting for another two soldiers to show up.

After the five of them had changed their clothes, they moved swiftly among the tents as they disappeared.

Half an hour later the storm had decreased and howling winds subsided, but still there wasn't any sign of the five of them.

"Are they alright?" Senja was squinted her eyes to take a better look under the lack of the light.

"They would be fine." Yi Qing reassured her, he knew his men capability and had trust on them that they would finish their task.

Right at that moment, a burning flame could be seen, it wasn't very far from their hiding place, around twenty tents away.

"That is our sign." Yi Qing murmured. He stood up, straightened his back and pulled out his sword, followed by the sound of the swords were being brandish from their scabbard simultaneously.

"ATTACK!!!" Yi Qing hollered on the top of his lungs as he pointed his sword toward the camp direction.

The sound of three hundred bulky men who were covering their body with black cloak could be heard along with their heavy footstep against the dusty road, dirt fluttered in the air when they charged forward.

They were in high spirit, grabbing the nearest torches and burning down those tents that had been poured by gasoline. They killed all of those guards who were coming their way. 

When Senja was about to stand up and joined the fight, Yi Qing held her back.

"Young Miss Senja, due to all respect please stay here. This subordinate wouldn't be able to afford the consequence might something happen to you." Yi Qing pleaded.

She was The Commander's woman, Xiao Tianyao, if something happened to her he would demand their head and it would be hard to keep his head intact with his body. Moreover, the Shadow Guard from The Black Sword Clan wouldn't be happy either.

"It's alright" Senja waved her hand and was about to walk forward when Yi Qing cut her path again.

"But, Young Miss Senja, it will be too risky for you to join the fight." The young soldier still reluctant, his forehead wrinkled with anticipation.

"I said I will be fine, moreover we will not fight them off, we will just lure them." The girl said sternly, glaring at him in the process. "Now move."

With head hung low, Yi Qing stepped aside, gave her an access to enter the battlefield that now had turned into a chaos.

Burning flame lit up the night sky while the wind helped to ignite the other tents.

After the raging storm had just passed, now they had to face the raging flame and a surprise attack. The Xiao Wang Wei's army wasn't ready for this.

At this time, Senja along with the three hundred people were rushing forward, with intense and nimble action they managed to penetrate the heart of the camp and killed those poor startled soldiers.

Fire and blood were the dominance things for that night. The smell of death was in the air that the fragrance could make anyone with weak heart fell to their knees in fear.

The suffered party screamed in agony while the other went berserk, become more ferocious and merciless.

To feel and see the first hand massacre wasn't an easy feeling for Senja, despite so far she had killed more than once, but to see the brutalism like this, she was still taken aback. But, it didn't slow down her movement, the sword in her hand was dancing gracefully, made a way for her to move forward, faster.

At this time, they managed to burn down their armory and food supplies, all people were shouting an order on the top of their lungs to gather the disarray soldiers.

The thundering sounds of drums echoed throughout the battlefield, calling out their troops.

However, at the same time Senja, Yi Qing and all the forces that they had came along, managed to reach the stables.

"RETREAT!!" Yi Qing's command reverberated and repeated by them who heard it. Those soldiers who he had brought along got on the horses and retraced their way back.

Senja mounted the golden horse swiftly, with Yi Qing who always stayed near her, nothing major could happen.

And before Xiao Wang Wei's troops could proceed the defense and launch their counterattack, those three hundred soldiers had retreated.

On the way to get out from the perimeter Senja's eyes met Xiao Wang Wei's incensed expression. It happened only five seconds, but in the span of short time, Senja raised her hand and showed him her middle fingers with taunting face.

Initially, Xiao Wang Wei didn't know why Senja gave him her middle fingers and the meaning behind it, but the mocking smile that rose on the corner of her lips was enough to tempt his fury.

"CHASE AFTER THEM!!!" He shouted on the top of his lungs, grabbed the reins of his horse and led the remaining soldiers who survived from the surprise attack toward the vast plains.


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