Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 533: Return to the fortress

Chapter 533: Return to the fortress

Rapid, crisp sound of horse's hooves sounded against the dusty and rocky road. It was clear the figure on the horse was a woman, a young woman to be exact, the fragile figure that appeared as if she could be blown away by a gust of wind anytime.

A grey cloak covered her whole body and under her turban a strand of purple hair was visible to see.

In spite of her harmless figure, the animosity in her eyes symbolic of the burning flame that could make one to think twice to approach her, she was stark raving mad.

After she had been going through vast plains and hard long roads, the black horse disappeared into the dense of the trees, running its way to the higher land and stop at the edge of the hill.

A big fortress could be seen from far away.

The northern fortress.

From the looked of it, there was not significant thing that had happened there and Senja was relieved with that. The fortress stood still haughtily with its quietness as if that was a place without occupants.

Senja strengthened her posture, whipped her horse and swiftly departed, there was one thing that she needed to do by now, which was to find the backup troops that Xiao Jun had sent to the northern fortress in order to protect Qianru and his son.

It shouldn't be difficult for Senja to find them as she was familiar with their method and could guess roughly where they would stay.

For the matter on Xiao Tianyao's side, she had relayed her plan and information to Sheng. Xiao Tianyao would have known about her suspicion by now if their party really oblivious with Xiao Zi's plan. She knew Xiao Tianyao would execute the information that he was given impeccably.

Senja hoped everything would be alright, or else everything that she had done would be a waste

Half a day later when the sun touched the horizon and the golden hue of the dusk began to fade, she found them.

"Come out!" Senja shouted from her horse, her voice unfazed in the dark road.

The leaves scattered from the tall trees, raining Senja's head and shoulder when the swiftly moved and blades unsheathed from its scabbards could be heard around her.

"Who are you!?" Someone asked while attached a sword to her neck from behind.

That man didn't see her face because her back was facing him, however the girl nimbly turned around and snatched his sword, with one of swift moved, the weapon had changed its owner.

Caught off guard by her movement, the man retreated while unsheathing his dagger, ready for battle. But, he was flabbergasted when he watched who the person was.

"Young Miss Senja." He remarked deeply before kneeling down on the ground, followed by many soldiers behind him. "My apologize for not being able to recognize Young Miss."

"You may rise." Senja mumbled, giving back the sword while the man received it respectfully with both hand before he stood up.

In the deserted place with rocky cliff behind them, the form of scree slope at its base made it difficult to approach this place, but this place also the most suitable place to spy on Northern Fortress. Not only this place could see the fortress situation clearer, but also from this place they could react faster if needed as it was the closest hiding place from northern fortress.

Senja looked around her and noticed the three hundreds soldiers that Xiao Jun had arranged as a party to protect Qianru has gathered together now.

Upon hearing Senja had excused them, simultaneously they rose to their feet, looking expectantly at her.

"I want to know what the situation here." Senja spoke, her voice appeared deeper under the whistling wind, with the grace of the autumn winds.

Yi Qing, the man who almost engaged with a fight with her earlier answered solemnly. "Answered to Young Miss Senja, the situation is under control. But" He looked hesitant to continue.

"But?" Senja prodded, looking at how uneasy Yi Qing became, she knew it was the crucial thing that she needed to know.

"Three days ago our man spotted Prince Xiao Wang Wei in the nearby village." He answered truthfully.

Senja's heart sunk, her suspicion has been proven right, Xiao Wang Wei was here and he would up to no good.

"Who else with him?"

"The Prince was alone."

If they saw Xiao Wang Wei three days ago alone, the possibility was the soldier who had retreated from L city had not yet come, but it was three days ago

"Bring your man to check the nearby village one more time and the area around the fortress, if you spotted unusual things, don't act recklessly. Come to the fortress and inform me." Senja's voice echoed through the three hundred soldiers.

Her purple hair was hiding inside the turban that she was wearing, although for so many times her hair was the one that drew more people attention, but this time it was the calmness and the decisiveness that she exuded that were enough to gain respect of any soldiers presences.

"I expect I will get new information from you by the noon." Senja ended order and didn't elaborate further. In spite it was only a short sentence, but the meaning behind it was clear to understand. She didn't instruct them the detail, because she believed they would know what the things that need to be done and don't need to be done.

After Yi Qing received the order, all of them bowed respectfully when she got on the horse and galloped toward the fortress. By that time, the night was still long.


"Good morning..." Senja greeted Qianru with a warm smile on her tired face. The long distance that she had traveled in the harsh road had obviously taken its toll. She yawned sleepily before turned her body and wanted to sleep again.

However, Qianru had different idea. "No, Senja you can't sleep again. You need to explain what is going on? Why Yi Qing is here and he said he has something important for you to know." She pulled the blanket from Senja's body, urged her to wake up. "You have to get up now!"

Early in this morning Qianru the maid servant told her that Senja had come back last night and because she was already sleeping, she didn't want to disturb her by announcing her arrival. So, she resumed her previous room and took a rest there.

Initially, when Qianru heard about this, she was literally running to her room, but looking how tired she was, Qianru became reluctant to wake her up and let her sleep a little longer until someone came this noon.

Yi Qing was trusted aide of Xiao Jun after Liu Wei, so his sudden presence here would be about an important matter, but he refused to talk to her and insisted to meet Senja, because he said it was an order from her.

"He already here?" Senja abruptly sat up straight. "Is it noon already?"

"Yes. It's noon." Qianru said impatiently. "Hurry up and get up, I will be waiting here, lest you will fall asleep again."

"Alright, alright." Senja got off from the bed and dashed to the bathroom to take a quick bath.


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