Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 521: We meet again

Chapter 521: We meet again

First, Ye Xiu wouldn't be able to come and second, Senja doubted if he wanted to part with Riana again, even if it only her resting place.

With that answer, Uncle Su shut his mouth.

When the sky has become darker, the rain began to slowly drizzle down when they reached the sanctuary.

This place that so called sanctuary was actually vast plains with overgrown yellow grass covered the land. And as their shelter, those citizens with the help of soldiers that had been located there by Xiao Jun, had built camps. There were over five hundreds big white tents were standing there.

With the rain that was pouring down the land along with thundered that the sound akin to a beast, the sounds of their horses' hooves hardly drew attention of the people there.

Their small group dismounted their horses and walked among the tents until one of the guards was approaching them.

He talked something to Uncle Su and then led them to the vacant tent, after that he left.

"We will rest here." Uncle Su said as he dropped their belongings on the ground.

Inside the big tent, there were six wooden beds, which divided by green curtain. With the four of them, it meant there was still two more bed that empty.

The four of them took their chosen bed and started to change their clothes, too tired to talk further.

As the drizzle started to become a rainstorm and the light inside the tent had blown out, all of the people inside the shelter of their tents begun to drift off to sleep with the sound of clattering rain against the ground.


Senja woken up with the sound of bickering from the behind the curtain, at first she tried to ignore it, but when the noisy sound started to become intolerable, she groaned and shouted back at the twins.

"Can both of you shut up!?" Senja exclaimed. "I am trying to sleep here."

There was a pin drop silent before the curtain around her small space yanked opened. Revealed Sheng or Xun, Senja too disoriented to tell the different.

He stood there and glared at her with one of his hand was on his hips while the other was clutching the curtain. "Can you stop sleeping and start to get up? It's almost noon!" He scolded.

"Noon?" Senja repeated foolishly.

"Come on, wake up! Uncle Su had found Gong Xu, he is in the infirmary tent." The other twins yelled at her.

With the mentioned of Gong Xu, all of the reason why she was there in the first place rushed forward her mind.

Brushing her face with water on the basin, she changed her dress in lightening speed.

After she has properly clothed, she opened the curtain and asked the twins eagerly. "Where is the infirmary tent? Show me the way."

"We didn't know where it is." Sheng answered her.

Senja frowned with that pathetic replied. "If you didn't know where the tent is, so how do you know Gong Xu is there?"

"Uncle Su wrote it here." Xun threw a small sheet that had written with simple information about Gong Xu whereabouts.

"So, where is him?" Senja threw back the small sheet at Xun who caught it with ease.

"Do not know." Sheng shrugged. "He had gone when I found this letter."

"AArrhgt!" Xun let out a desperate screamed upon Uncle Su's bad habit. "I am starting to feel that I am baby- sitting an overly grown up man!"

Senja thought about this for a while before she said. "Both of can go to find him. I will find the infirmary tent by myself." She said, looking how anxious both of them, showed how much concerned that they held for the Uncle.

"Are you sure?" Sheng asked for affirmation. "One of us can stay with you."

Senja sneered. "No need." She walked toward the entrance of the tent leisurely. "Moreover, why do you want to mingle with me while both of you wanted to go to find him? That was why you were bickering right?"

Without waiting for the twins answer, Senja walked out of the tent.

The blazing sun glared on her face when she was out in the opened area as the traces of the rainstorm last night couldn't be seen.

Everyone was out of their tent and roaming around to do their own business, talking with one another, discussing about the recent news or only greeted each other. The guards were patrolling among the citizens.

Senja approached the nearest person from her and asked the location of the infirmary tent. He was a middle age man who was carrying a baby in his arms, when he looked at Senja, the first sight of her that captivated him was, of course, her striking purple hair that swayed by the north wind.

However, he was polite enough to not ask further about it and slowly lowered his gaze from Senja's hair, trying to focus on her question that she had repeated two times.

Apparently, the infirmary tent was just a few tents away from Senja's place, after thanked him she strolled toward the direction that he had told her.

Among the white tents around, the infirmary tent has light blue color that almost pale. At the entrance there were some people were coming and going from inside.

A lady in azure robe came to her and asked if she could help Senja with something.

"I am fine, but I need to meet Gong Xu."

"Are you Young Miss Senja from the Black Sword Clan? Princess Shin?" She let out an audible gasp.

Since the original Senja from the Black Sword Clan was never stepped out from the mansion, hence no one had ever seen her before Senja's identity was revealed by Sana as the missing granddaughter of the Elder Dam, since then people assumed the real Senja has purple hair. It became such a remark for her.

"Don't mention it." Senja said uncomfortably while making a hush gesture.

"Oh, my apologize." The lady apologized, it had well known that the Young Miss dislike a commotion, but Senja dismissed it quickly.

"It's alright."

However, the curiosity got the best of that lady as timidly she asked another question. "Young Miss Senja, are you relative of Doctor Gong's wife, you look similar to her." She said with warm smile grace her lips, politely not staring at Senja's hair, but the similarities between the two Senjas couldn't be ignored as well.

"You can say like that." Senja replied, unsure. "Can you bring me to meet Gong Xu please?"

"Yes, Young Miss Senja, this way please." She opened the curtain and led Senja inside.

Inside the tent, there were rows of bed on the left and right side, with a window on the top of each bed. The beds were almost occupied by the sick person.

Cheap brown rug covered the ground and at the end of the beds row, Gong Xu was standing while talking to the other man. His back was slightly facing Senja, but she still recognized him right away.

"Doctor Gong, someone wanted to meet you." The lady announced their presence by lightly tapped his shoulder.

Feeling the tap on his shoulder, Gong Xu turned around and faced Senja.

"Long time no see." Senja greeted him with awkward smile, their meeting in the past didn't leave a good memory, but it wasn't bad either. At least, Xiao Tianyao and him didn't kill each other in the end.

"Why don't keep it that way?" He replied offhandedly, but gave the last instruction to the man beside him and dismissed him and the lady before his eyes focused on Senja. "What is it?"


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