Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 488: The meaning of the sound

Chapter 488: The meaning of the sound

There was a horn sounded in the background when a carriage went through the forest, brought them to the further part of the Kingdom of Azura, away from the devastated Capital City, leaving the bitterness of memories for everyone presence.

The sound of the horn was so pitiful. The sound was like begging someone faraway to come back.

Senja wanted to go back, but she felt spent and tired the sadness that engulfed her like a pressured that prevented her to think or feel.

The strange tiredness washed her will.

She barely kept her mind intact.

The movement of the carriage rocked her body gently and the sound of the horn lulled her to the darkness. She let her body and soul fell into the pit of sorrow

Senja didn't know how long it took for them to reach the Mountain Sui Sword Sect, she was hardly able to recognize the time.

Days and nights passed just like that nothing important and nothing could draw her attentions. Yun didn't talk to her or he talked, but Senja wasn't aware about his question, statement or his soothing words.

Only when they reached the Mountain Sui Sword Sect and he led them into a familiar cave that Senja couldn't recall, Yun asked for her necklace that wrapped the stone paradox of time.

Senja gave it to him as he spoke with bitterness laced in his words.

"I am sorry, Senja"

An apologized that she didn't need.

"I didn't know it will end like this"

An excused that she didn't want to hear.

"But, I can't thank you enough than this for being willing to come and let me meet Riana"

The gratefulness that she couldn't accept.

"If only I could help you, I will do everything"

A vain promised

Senja lifted her head and looked at Yun with lifeless eyes. "What was that mean?" Her voice sounded very dry.

"What is it?" Yun furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He didn't understand what Senja referred to.

"The sound of the horn what was that mean?" The pitiful sound of the horn was a little thing that bothering her

Yun put the necklace on the ground and before he stepped on it, looking straight into her eyes, he answered Senja's question.

"That was a sign that there is someone in the royal family who has died."

After that Yun stepped on the necklace.

At the same time with a loud cracked sound that echoed through the cave, a blazing light forced Senja to close her eyes.

The same strange sensation engulfed her as she felt her body curled up uncomfortably, before the darkness consumed her.


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