Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 23: Fried Chicken.

Chapter 23: Fried Chicken.

Taking a breath to calm down, Astrid said, “do you have nothing there?” She wiped the blood from her face once more.

“Your strength just isn’t high enough, that’s all.” John brushed off the dust from his knees. “I can't ever recall a time a mage would use their knee in a melee.”

“Well, I don't have a movement skill to get away from your damned warp speed." Astrid shrugged. "If I can’t win, I thought I'd at least inflict some pain.”

“Just like your Father. That’s why most people call your father the Berserking Spearhead." Sheathing his sword, he nodded at her. "It was a good fight, just like the records state, you are strong for your level. Few can even land a hit on me within my unit." John quickly left, not forgetting to grab a pouch from the nearby table.

Astrid watched him leave. Is he trying to be cool or something?

She heard the screeching of metal. She turned her head, looking toward Gloria. Her fight was rapidly becoming intense. She shoved against the warrior's full plate armour. Leaping back, Gloria created the distance she desperately needed.

Digging her feet into the ground, she crouched down and blasted forward at a speed Astrid could only dream of. However, compared to John, it was like a baby deer learning how to walk. She could see every movement of Gloria's with her Psych Domain. Her body hurtled through the air, rapidly approaching the knight. She disappeared under a veil of smoke. Astrid followed her movements.

Gloria flickered into sight at the Knight's chest. Her dagger glowed a savage purple light, and she pierced it to the Wayfarer's throat. There was no hesitation. She wanted to kill. Astrid could see it within her eyes. It reminded her of the Spawn.

The knight brought his foot back. A light lit up on his shoulder as Gloria's piercing blade fizzled into nothing.

Not stopping there. Gloria ducked down, grasping a handful of sand and chucked it upwards. Another puff of smoke and she sliced past the plating behind the soldier's knee.

Blood trickled as Jacob called the fight to an end.

Astrid gazed at the daggers in the rogue's hands. They are obviously custom tailored to her strengths, it must come from a high levelled Smith. Not to mention all the jewellery she’s wearing. Shameless. Pinching her temples, she glanced at Gloria's smug expression.

God dammit, what's with the smug expression? I'd have turned that warrior into scrap metal. Just from his movements, she could tell the warrior was at the lower level. She wondered if she was close to reaching his level.

"Well done everyone, you all passed. You've obviously trained hard for this." He turned to Astrid. "Astrid, this wasn't a hazing as you're no doubt thinking with that glare in your eyes. It was to show that you have relied mostly on the Wayfarer's tanks so far, and to give you a glimpse of what a high leveled speed user is like to face. After all, there will be times when there is an opponent that can blast past your frontline."

"I understand," Astrid continued, "I'll still be looking to get my revenge, though."

Jacob laughed, hand on stomach. "I have no doubts. Alright, that's it for today. Prepare for tomorrow for your first mission. It will be a small, Bubbled Town. If you don't have any equipment, be here for 5am. We will provide everything you need."

With Jacob and officers leaving, they left Astrid and the others to leave on their own.

I finally get to venture down, to see ancient civilization with my own eyes! Astrid's eyes lit up. She wasn't the only one. All the others looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

"Astrid, your fight was amazing. The way you blasted that swordsman away with a bam with your mind!" Froderick pumped his fist into the air. Then spun his head to Gloria. "And the way your shadowed dagger pierced forward with a swish! What did it feel like cutting into his leg, are you okay? My instructor once told me I'd have to cut someone one day…" Froderick sighed.

"Did you really come from a noble house? Grow up will you? You're going to become a Wayfarer, not a damned priest." Gloria spat.

"Gloria, my mother once told me that if you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn't say it at all." Froderick said.

"Agh, whatever." Gloria looked at Astrid and continued. "And is that all you learned while down in the Underbelly? Looks to me like all you did was stand behind your team and made them do everything."

"Big words for someone who wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for my kind heart." Astrid said.

"C'mon, we're all friends here. Think about the mission tomorrow!" Froderick waved his hands. "Oh, I know, let's go get something to eat! I know a great place close to here."

"Not hungry." Despite Gloria's words, a growling rumble emitted from her stomach.

Astrid's lips tugged into a smile. She wasn't alone.

"That's that then!" Froderick laughed. "You shouldn't be embarrassed, Gloria. A rumbling stomach is a healthy sign. My mother always said-"

"Stop talking! Let's get out of here." Gloria barged past. They all headed to the exit.

As they walked up the metal stairs that had recently been painted to mask the decades old rust. Astrid was thinking back to the fight.

I hate to admit it, but Gloria's skills are exceptional. Although the weapons she was using contributed to it.

Astrid sighed. I need to find my own weapon and equipment to make up for my lack of levels, but they're so damn expensive. It doesn't help that mage classes are so vulnerable at low levels without a frontline. While Gloria's family rogue class has high damage, even from a low level… I'm making excuses now, dammit.

Froderick took them through a little village in the farming district of Rebirth. It was a couple of food stalls tacked onto the side of a farm. A few sheep languidly grazed, as if there wasn’t a threat of being attacked by blood crazed Spawn. Damn, they are so cute. Have I found a weakness? Astrid chuckled at the ridiculous thought.

Astrid’s nostrils sniffed. The aroma of freshly cooked meat travelled through the air. The sound of sizzling appeared swiftly after. Astrid and Gloria’s gait quickened as the smell of fried chicken tantalised their taste buds. Approaching the food stall, a line of golden fried chicken introduced themselves.

“I’ll take three! No, four please!” Gloria stopped herself from drooling.

“I’ll have six with an ice–” Froderick arrived at the stall before he stuttered. His face turned a deep shade of pink as he gazed at the young woman behind the counter. “A–Ice tea… Are you new here?”

“I am,” the young woman smiled politely, turning Froderick’s pink face red. “Actually, I started just yesterday, so please be patient with me.”

Astrid said, “Froderick, so brunettes are your type?”

“Astrid!” sweat brimmed from Froderick’s forehead.

“What?” Astrid continued. “I think love at first sight is the sweetest thing people our age can experience.”

Froderick’s head dipped.

Astrid looked at the Lower Class examinees. They stood further away from the stall. Sighing, she patted her purse. “Twelve please, and iced tea to go along with it.” Astrid said.

“Certainly.” The cashier said. Her hands sped up considerably. She Bagged the fried-chicken into greaseproof bags and handed it over. Along with the other orders.

Astrid and the others sat at a picnic table to the side of the farm. The curious sheep approached the wooden fence, their little faces squished through the gaps.

“Astrid, did you need to do that?” Froderick’s hands clasped his cheeks. “I thought I was going to die from embarrassment.”

“Yeah, well, you deserved it. I’m known for holding a grudge.” Astrid chuckled.

“Women are scary.” Despite the heat of the day's sun. Froderick trembled.

Josh and the other commoners were patting the sheep. Mina held a peaceful smile as she brushed the oily sheep’s wool with her hand. Nick was inspecting the wooden fence that housed them.

“Guys, come get something to eat. I’ll be annoyed if they go cold.” Astrid shouted at them.

They looked at each other. Confused.

“Well?” Astrid frowned. Seeing that, they hurried over. “Sit with us. It’s annoying having you flit about like flies.”

Nodding, they sat down. Astrid distributed the fried-chicken and teas. Biting into the crispy skin, their eyes sparkled.

Froderick laughed. “Good, right?” They nodded.

“Thank you Astrid.” Mina said. She had short black hair and a slender build that was tied into a little ponytail at the back of her head. A small mole was positioned right underneath her eye.

“Me too, honestly, I wasn’t expecting much kindness from you.” Josh said. “You have my thanks. I’ll remember it.”

Josh was a burly young man. A thick layer of hair had already begun sprouting from his dense forearms. He had slicked his hair back with an unknown substance. It merged well with his sharp facial features.

“Rather blunt, aren’t you?” Astrid said. “Because I’m a noble?”

“Yeah.” Josh continued. “Everything we’ve been told about them, it’s nothing good.”

Astrid said, “don’t forget that there were also nobles within that party to subjugate the Spawn from the Lower District. Some of them died.”

Josh lowered his head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about that.”

“Whatever, eat up. It’s getting cold.” Astrid bit into her piece of golden-fried chicken. The succulent meat almost melted in her mouth. She could taste the seasoning; Salt, pepper, garlic, and a hint of onion. And something spicy, although she couldn’t tell what it was. It was delicious.

Nick wiped the grease from his mouth, already having finished his meal. “Thank you for the meal. My family always told me that if someone offers you food, they are inherently good people. I have no doubts.”

Nick had medium length brown hair that was parted in the middle. Although he wasn't as muscular as Josh, he was still just as tall.

Astrid shrugged as she continued to eat her chicken.

“You seem to enjoy looking at the fence?” Froderick turned to Nick.

“It’s rare you get to see sheep and wood down in the Lower District. When they told me about the gardener class users up here, I was in awe." Nick continued. "Wayfarers go down to the Bubbled-Cities and collect livestock and seeds. Farmers rear the animals. Gardeners grow the seeds on the ship. It’s amazing how life finds a way. Despite our current situation.”

Mina and the others nodded.

“We have Goddess Iara to thank for that, for blessing us with our classes.” Mina peered up at the endless blue sky above. A look of worship flashed in her eyes.

“Yeah, she could tone down the cheeky remarks within the System, though.” Astrid sighed, thinking back to the mockery she received while gaining her titles.

“Cheeky?” Gloria knitted her eyebrows. “I've never heard of that before.”

“Me three.”

The others all agreed. They all turned to look at Astrid.

“Maybe it’s because your mind is messed up.” Gloria said.

“Eat your chicken before you choke.” Astrid said.

“I’m already finished.”

“Fatty.” Astrid mumbled.

“What did you say?” Gloria wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief.

“Anyway…” Froderick nervously chuckled. “What’s your reasoning for joining the Wayfarers?”

“Exploration, adventure, and fighting!” Astrid pumped her fist into the air.

“Money. My family doesn't have much of anything, so it would be nice to provide for them,” Mina continued, “and Wayfarers get paid the most from looting the Bubbled-Cities, so it was the best choice for me.”

“A lot of us from the Lower District have the same reasons.” Josh said. “Of course we all want to go exploring, travelling the world, gaining experiences. But we all just want a different life. A better one. One where we aren’t concerned about when we’ll get our next meal. Or when the Spawn finds another entrance into our homes.”

Astrid's excitement waned. She nodded.

Just like Daniel and the others.

“Well, that took a dark turn, but I see where you’re coming from. We’ve never really had to think about it all that much. I admit, us nobles can be rather ignorant about what happens down there.” Froderick showed a dampened smile. “But I want to show everyone that not all nobles are like that! We should all be able to live together in harmony, we already fight by each other's side. We don’t need segregation.”

“You know that’s impossible." Gloria spat.

“Well, change is inevitable. Our birth rate is already suffering.” Froderick sighed. “And with the Leviathan appearing, we need to all work together.”

“Well, it’s been nice, but I’m going to get back and prepare for our mission tomorrow.” Astrid climbed out of the picnic table. She was about to grab the rubbish when John stood up.

"Please, let me." John said.

"See you all tomorrow then." Astrid waved and left.

Returning to the manor. It was time for some last-minute extra training.


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