Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 10: Sugar and Battle

Chapter 10: Sugar and Battle

Uncommon Class 1 Tailoring Material - Coarse Cloth: A rough material that is worn by evolved Spawn, it is uncomfortable and scratchy to the touch, but it holds a hint of magic.

Thought so. I guess I can give it to Master Rumaisa to make me something?

She stripped the Spawn Swordsman and bundled it into her backpack.

“That’s a rather perverse hobby for a lady, don't you think Astrid?” Jonathan tapped his staff onto the ground.

“I’m still the same lady that can turn your mind into soup if I wanted.” Astrid said.

Walking off, she stored the cloth in her backpack and entered one of the larger rooms in the hall. She could finally take in her surroundings after the relentless fights with the Spawn. Bunk beds lined the room, chests lay at the foot of the beds.

The stories I’ve heard from the Underbelly. People used to live down here, but after the Leviathan attack back then, the Spawn made it their home. Astrid opened up the chest. She picked up something hard and scraggly. Although time had ravaged it, she still made out the visage of a teddy-bear. Then glanced at the scribbles that were scarred into the wall, four lines, then the last one struck through them diagonally.

“Hundreds of years ago.” Rachelle’s voice woke Astrid from her stupor. Her hands gently took hold of the fragile bear. “The nobles locked the people living in the Underbelly inside. Only a small number escaped before they sealed it up.”

Rachelle fell silent. She turned over a metal circle around the bear's neck. “My ancestors barely escaped. Because of that, I’m here.” The back of her hand caressed the bear's scraggly head.

Astrid carefully listened to Rachelle's words and looked at the bear in her hands.

“Daniel and the others as well?” Astrid said.

“Yes, it’s why we view each other as family. When Daniel had the idea of becoming Wayfarers and get our ancestors' revenge, we ended up following.” Rachelle placed the bear down on the bed. “Well, it’s not like we didn’t want to either.”

“Why Wayfarers though?” Astrid said.

“Daniel has a theory. He believes the Leviathan came from the Bubbled-Cites down below. So we’ve been searching for them ever since, but I doubt it.” Rachelle sighed. “Why am I saying all this to you? You’re just a sheltered little princess.”

“I may come from the Upper District unlike your ancestors, but I want the Leviathan dead more than you know. That day the Leviathan appeared was the first time I’ve ever seen worry in my father's eyes. As if he was glad to see me still breathing. I never want to see his face or my mother's like that ever again.” Astrid’s eyes flashed with a fiery determination.

Rachelle nodded. “Sorry, I spoke without thinking. Don’t take it to heart.”

“Don’t worry, it's nothing compared to what my brother says.”

Rachelle laughed. “You don’t seem to be the one to sit there and take it.”

Astrid flashed a smile. “You’re right there.”

“Guys, it's time to leave!” Daniels's voice shouted within the barracks.

Astrid and Rachelle got into formation.

“Astrid.” Daniel said. “Assign your points now. The deeper we get, we’ll get less rest.”

She did as he said and entered her System, first focusing on her stats.


Unallocated stat points: 5

Strength: 5

Dexterity: 6

Constitution: 17

Intelligence: 39

Wisdom: 18

Ah, it’s unbalanced. I should do something about that. Dexterity will help me react and dodge things, I need at least some points added to it. Then the rest to constitution for survivability just in case things go awry.

Three points added to dexterity.

You now have 9 dexterity.

Two points added to constitution.

You now have 19 constitution.

With her consciousness removed from her System, they all set out, back into the dark hallways of the Underbelly.

Further down the stairs they went, Astrid could never have imagined the ship being so deep. It felt like it would never end. She felt her ear canals being sucked, then a quick pop as a sharp pain rang throughout. She caressed her ear. The damned pressure. Astrid looked at Jonathan. He was wincing.

Hundreds of years ago, before the endless ocean devoured the world, the seas were quite mild–but now–the pressure within the deep ocean is several times what it used to be. The science Classes believed it was the mana radiating from the Bubbled-Cities.

A frigid cold drop of something wet splashed on her nose, she looked up, moving her shoulder light to the ceiling. Is there a leak somewhere? Oh god, what if water started gushing? We’d drown in an instant. Positive thoughts only. Pipes lined the ceiling, criss-crossing each other as they ascended where they had just come from. She could feel the pressure in her lungs, making it harder to breathe. Taking a larger breath than normal to fill her lungs, a pungent, eggy smell wafted toward her.

“Daniel, you smell that?” Astrid said. “A gas leak?”

“Astrid, don’t be blaming it on something else.” Brett joked.

“Funny.” Astrid scowled.

“Or a monster.” Daniel said. “Regardless, no fire from now on, Rachelle.”

“Here I was hoping to cook up a few more Spawn.” Rachelle said.

“Sorry to disappoint.”

The stairs stopped. Astrid looked back up at the endless abyss of darkness before following everyone else into an expansive room. The sharp sound of metal hitting something hard screeched at her ears. The tanks urgently planted their shields on the floor. With no commands, the archers activated their bow skills and fired them forward.

Level ?? - Spawn Swordsman

More swordsmen. I want to fight one this time. Astrid’s eyes flashed. A stream of arrows shot toward Astrid and the team. The monsters were in formation. Just like them. Astrid’s eyes were in a trance-like state as they peered forward, open wider than usual. A streak of matter within the dimly lit room pierced toward her. Rob was quick to intercept it as it clanged against his enormous tower shield.

That's fast. It must be an evolved archer. A grin crept up onto her lips.

“Shields, walk.” Daniel’s command shouted within the metal confines of the room. Now and then, his eyes would glance back to Astrid.

Astrid gave Daniel a knowing look as she nodded at him. The shield users shuffled forward, while the team's ranged users whittled down the Spawns numbers–finally–Daniel charged forward.

The tanks stayed behind, looking after the rest of the group. While the fighters followed.

The Spawn were too far from her current range. Astrid took a few steps forward. Her mind formed clusters of matter by the monster's heads, her hand clenched as dark liquid, and bone fragments splattered all over in an explosion.

Her mind strained, she latched onto the weakest Spawn’s machete as it swung down towards the seafarer. Its hand trembled just for a second as if it had moved through viscous glue, but it was enough for the Seafarer to take advantage as he swiftly took its life with a lunge of his sword.

Her heart was almost beating out of its cage. She had never had so much fun before. Fighting and controlling the battlefield it was exhilarating. She could see it all. The Spawns bloodlust, and the calculated calm nature of Daniel and the other experienced fighters.

Astrid immediately focused on her next target. Daniel was currently amid the ranged, each casual swing of his sword sliced through the Spawn like a knife through sand. Her mind latched onto its eyeballs. With a yank, it separated them from the Spawn's skull.

The ranged users within the party could only watch as the frontline dealt with the Spawn. The experienced fighters corralled them like caged animals. Especially Brett, Daniel, and Losef. They slaughtered the enemies as if they were helpless cattle. Each move was simple and effortless. They knew where to strike and how to kill.

“Hey Astrid, last one’s yours.” Brett sliced the Spawn’s wrist and booted it to the floor.

The weakened, unarmed Spawn Swordsman landed at her feet. The creature’s moist eyes glistened as they looked up at Astrid. With her hand in front, she transmitted an explosion to the monster's skull. The Spawn fell to the floor with a wet thud.

Lisa walked over and patted her shoulder. “Just remember, weapon or no weapon. They want you dead, not just you either. Just always remember the people at your back.” Astrid looked over her shoulder. The ranged users stood there. Watching.

Are they judging if I can protect them, if I’m worthy of being in their team?

Rachelle and the other Seafarers nodded, and Astrid nodded back.

You defeated a - Spawn Swordsman - level 16!

You defeated a - Spawn Hatchling - level 9!

You defeated a - Spawn Archer - level 12!


Extra experience is awarded for defeating enemies above your level!

Experience is reduced for fighting within a group.

You have levelled up!

Psychokinetic level 7 -> Psychokinetic level 9

Gained 10 stat points.

Skill level up!

Crash level 4 -> Crash level 5

Psychic’s Power level 3 -> Psychic’s Power level 4

Psych Domain level 3 -> Psych Domain level 4

Experience gained!

Glancing at the system, she still had her awareness about her. The matter, clear within her vision. She knew exactly where to place her points.

You now have 10 dexterity.

You now have 45 intelligence.

You now have 20 wisdom.

You now have 20 constitution.

With the increased wisdom, she could feel her perception reach new heights. She could feel and see the matter further away.

Astrid went around the Swordsmen, stealing away their cloth. They didn’t need it anymore. She looked to the room. Large tables were overturned, at the back of the room, a large metal countertop was fixed into position. Although dark-orange spots ate away at the surface, it was once a mess-hall.

“Hey, I wonder if there're any goodies in the back?” Brett hopped with a step, going past the counter and nudging past the two swinging doors that lead into the back.

Astrid was also curious as she followed closely behind. I wonder what relics of the past are here? What food did the people eat I wonder?

“Shit!” Brett snarled.

Astrid swung open the doors as Brett flung an empty ravaged packet to the floor.

“The damned scavengers ate everything.” Brett said, his arm raked everything onto the floor.

Astrid scavenged behind the empty boxes, reaching into the far corner of the storage room, hidden past the consumed boxes and containers until she grabbed hold of a cardboard box.

“Sugar.” Astrid said.

“What, let me see.” Brett craned his neck over her shoulder. “You found the good stuff. That sells for a damn nice bit of coin back up top.”

“Here you go.” Astrid offered it to him, but he shook his head. I have no use for century-old sugar…

“In our party it’s finders keepers, unless it’s some good equipment, then it goes to whoever needs it the most or we sell it and share.” Brett said.

They scavenged the rest of the storage closet, but it had already been ransacked. The duo returned to the mess hall.

“Find anything good?” Daniel said.

“Yeah, Astrid found your long-lost girlfriend.” Brett fell back onto the table, his hands wriggled in front of his nose. “A rat.”

“Oh?” Daniel smirked. “Do I have to tell the newbies about the time we visited Pleasure Island?”

“Pleasure island?” Brett sat back up. “You can’t be telling them that. They might think less of me, you know?”

“Ah, you can take it but can’t receive it.” Daniel said.

“Whatever, tell them about it. I don’t care.” Brett fiddled with his blade.

“Pleasure Island?” Astrid said.

“You probably know it as Mount Hullbeck.” Lisa added.

“The survivor colony.” Astrid nodded. She had heard about them. They were a group of survivors that left HMS Rebirth in search of something more solid. They named it Mount Hullbeck because of the mountain peak that stabbed out of the ocean. An enormous ship was skewered on top. They lived off of fish, while their Wayfarers braved the bubbled-Towns to scavenge anything they could find. It was one of many civilisations that made use of the mountain tops, re-sculpting them to live on.

“Yes, and let’s just say Brett got into a sticky situation at the inn.” Daniel laughed, holding his stomach. ”I won’t say anymore, lest I wake up with a dagger in my stomach.”

“Too late for that.” Brett replied.

“What did you find through the back?” Rachelle’s loot-goblin eyes stared at the package cradled within Astrid’s arms.

“Sugar.” Astrid shook her head and handed it to her.

“Awesome!” Rachelle opened up the packet and shoved her finger in. They heard a dull, hollow sound. She snapped a piece off, and crushed it within her fingers. Placing it onto her tongue, her jaw tightened and eyes clenched shut. “I’ve not had anything sweet in so long. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it.” Astrid smiled. “The next piece of intelligence equipment is mine, though.”

“Hardly a fair exchange, but sure thing.” Rachelle dipped her finger again.

“Oi you little gremlin, leave some for the rest of us.” Brett got up and yanked the packet from her hands.

“I have little in life Brett, don’t you dare.” Rachelle’s eyes widened, her cheeks leaked redness as her hands trembled.

Wow, if looks could kill. Astrid could feel the temperature within the room rise.

Brett licked his finger and agilely shoved it into the packet. Lisa rushed over before Rachelle started blasting out fire spells. She grabbed hold of the sugar.

“Seriously, when we ain’t fighting monsters, you guys revert to being children.” Lisa sighed. “We can bloody share it.” Lisa split it into containers from the mess-hall and handed it around.

With that, they set off down the corridors.

“What do you think of them?” Daniel whispered to Astrid.

“Well, they seem like good people.” Astrid said. It was a breath of fresh air to the nobles she was forced to deal with daily. They didn’t care for her status, and treated her like a normal member of the team.

“That they are.” Daniel smiled. “They may act childish, especially Rachelle and Brett. Life forced us to grow up fast, so I guess some childishness remains deep down. But, as you’ve seen, you can rely on them when shit hits the fan.”

“I don’t mind it.” Astrid’s lips curled. “I’m so used to people handpicking their words at all times. I’m always forced to keep my head held high with a smile plastered on my face. Well, I’m meant to, anyway.”

Daniel nodded. Leaving, they turned a corner within the hallways. A slender creature stood within the darkness, broken, twisted arms held up in the air, a deep toothy grin stuck to its face. White eyes glowed.


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