Psycho X Psychic

Chapter 250 - Pureblooded Drago

As if the portal to hell opened up, an unending sea of flames poured from the sky. Even Teren wouldn't survive the intense heat if he got caught in the middle of it.

He had yet to finish recovering but he had to run now.

Therefore, he didn't stop his sprinting. The exit was still kilometers away.

While Teren was escaping the pursuit of a Drago Elite squad, back to the mansion, there were many people who were eating up the flames as not to let it spread the mansion.

Of course, it's built fireproof, however, that doesn't mean that other possessions inside are like food, utensils, furniture. If possible, no one wants to have their belongings destroyed if they can save them.

The Drago people all came from one ancestor. Clans could only be built by those who can pass their powers through their bloodline. After centuries, only one family has pure Drago blood which is the main family - Oldren Drago as the eldest, Ivan Drago as the second, and Eron Drago as the youngest.

Those within the main family are the only ones who can hold the surname Drago. To have a pureblood, that doesn't mean that there were some incestuous acts. A pureblooded Drago will have to wed another person who holds a Spirit of Flame, or best, the Great Spirit of Dragon like what their first ancestor has. The fruit of their union will be another pureblood.

This is not just some tradition. This is necessary to unlock the child's full potential. Therefore, all pureblooded are much much stronger than others who came from a branch family. This is why they are the ones who are always leading their clan.

This is not exclusive to the Drago Family. The other four houses are like this.

"Is that all?"

"Yes, Sister, every young have evacuated secretly." Second, second among Dragolites as her name suggests respectfully. She wore glasses and have short silky black hair.

"But are we really going to evacuate like this just becuase of one person?"

Third of the Dragolites asked as he was prideful.

"This is Uncle Eron's orders, we don't have a say."

Hearing Eron's name, the others who were about to voice their complaints stopped. They were not like First, who is literally pureblooded. Although they are all called Dragolites, young Elites of the Drago House, they were nothing compared to First who is the only child of Oldren Drago.

However, they still couldn't accept why such a prideful clan like theirs would be put into a situation by just one person. They've heard of the name "Devil Himself" from Eight's mouth multiple times. They thought he's terrifying but not to this level where even the adults were teaming up to catch him.

While First was pondering as she looked over the expressions of her "siblings", these so-called siblings suddenly bowed their heads. First turned around to see Ivan behind her.

"Loar, come I have something to tell you. Follow me."

First gulped when she heard her uncle call her by her real name. She glanced at the other Dragolites who looked at her with worried expressions. Soon after, she followed Ivan when he turned around.

They then flew and reached the second mansion, then to the master's room. This is where the first explosion occurred.

"I'm sorry."

That was the only thing that Ivan said which First realized what he was trying to say.

Her reaction was worse than Eron. First... Loar kneeled and crawled onto the bed of her father. Soon, she cried as she saw that her father's chest was soaked with blood. Unlike Eron, she was worried all this time, but at the same time, she was not prepared for this.

"How... how did he die?"

She wanted to know who it is she should be angry with.

"Teren... the Devil Himself stabbed your father. I'm sorry, it's my fault."

Ivan said but Loar shook her head. She didn't think of blaming her uncle for it. She could see how much work they were doing just to find a cure for her father. That hope was what kept her going but now, there was only anger.

"I'll call your mother later when this is all done."

Ivan said before exiting the room to give Loar some time of her own. But as she leaned her head onto her father's chest, she found something strange.

"... huh? I thought he was stabbed?"

As she thought of this, Loar's mind jumped to another, ignoring what she just found. After all, she didn't see everything that happened so maybe her father was stabbed somewhere else. But then, where did the blood that soaked his chest come from? After all, Loar couldn't find where the wound was in his chest.

"Devil Himself..."

She whispered before an uncontrollable burst of anger exploded within her. Loar got off the bed and slowly walked towards the broken wall where Ivan blasted off earlier. There, she had a full view of the burning forest.

Loar then took something from her pocket, it was a small lighter.


A gentle flame came out of it. She gently put her finger in it. Normally, a finger would burn but as she moved her hand away, the flame followed her fingertips like a trace of light. This trace of flame went towards her light armor, letting them catch flame.

She then floated and the fire traveled to the sole of her shoes.

Once she floated up, she boomed and traveled like a rocket.

Meanwhile, Trisha just finished digesting her breakfast.

"Hehe, that guy wouldn't die, right?"

She said while tying her hair up like a ponytail.

"Trisha! Where are you going!? We are still not finished talking!"

Her mother came out with a worried expression.

"Sorry, mom, duty calls."

Trisha pointed straight to where there's large clouds of smoke rising.

"Are there any are where people might be in this straight path, mom?"

"No... there's a river but a town is a bit far from it, why?"

Trisha then positioned as she ready herself to sprint. Realizing what her daughter was about to do, the mother panicked.

"Are you going to that man!? You're being badly influenced! Trisha Jane Feralle, listen to your mother!"

"I'll be back soon! Don't do anything stupid, okay, mom?"


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