Psycho X Psychic

Chapter 154 - A Battle Royale Between Schools 6

Chihua went to the middle of the court and felt no pulse.

He looked at the hat guy with disbelief.

"You... killed him."

In a situation where the sound of a pin dropping could be heard, almost everyone heard Chihua's words. Chills ran down their spine.

Murmurs erupted.

"He's.... dead...?"

"His face, it was skinned from that mere slap... also, his head twisted past its limits...?"

"Is this a prank?"

Nervous laughter could be heard. They wanted to know if this was fake or not.

Trisha finally dropped from the ring and she checked too. With a darkened expression, she confirmed that what Chihua said is true.

The hat guy didn't say anything as everyone looked at him in silence. Instead, he just turned to the side and walked to another person.

The person saw him walking to him and adrenaline filled his entire body. He subconsciously turned around to run. However, the hat guy didn't waste a moment to catch him.

"S-stop him!"

A girl in the crowd shouted. If Vander was really killed by that hat guy, what will he do to the other guy?

"I give up! I give up!"

The hat guy reached his neck but as he felt it tightened up, Sean showed up with a drop kick. However, the hat guy easily dodged after releasing his second victim.


Sean had both of his eyes reddened from anger. Even with exhaustion, he was breaking his limits out of pure rage. Even Gomaro didn't want to face him off in that state.

He rushed forward towards the hat guy.


Chihua said as he saw that Sean was in danger.

But before the hat guy counterattacked Sean's reckless charge, a swift kick came between them, hitting the hat guy on the stomach.

Everyone gasped as the Boss entered the scene and made that hat guy literally fly backward!

That hat guy wouldn't be able to survive that, right!? They all thought, imagining a second dead body. But before reaching the ground, the hat guy waved his leg to properly land.


The glasses guy looked at this in shock. Even he couldn't believe that someone could swing her leg that strong or someone withstanding that attack.

"Come here!"

But Sean was drowning in his rage to see how strong the hat guy is.

Gomaro held him down.

"Stop, that guy might kill you too!"

He frowned, however, Sean had already lost it and kept kicking Gomaro, not able to differentiate Vander's murderer from the others.

But he soon lost his consciousness as a slender fist struck his body. Gomaro looked and saw that the Boss knocked Sean down without even looking at him. She was glaring at the hat guy while her body was facing the side just to hit Sean behind her.

"Beat him down!"

Someone shouted, supporting Trisha to fight and beat the hat guy.

"The police are already on their way!"


"There are people who're live streaming this! A report must've been filed already!"

"L-let's run!"

"No! It's the guy with the hat who will be put into jail!"

"Let's support the Boss!"

They all saw Trisha's kick. It was on another level compared to Chihua. Although the hat guy seemed unaffected, they wanted to believe that Trisha will defeat him.

A murderer is a murderer. They were only one step away from being thugs. They were yet to commit serious crimes. They felt disgusted by the thought of murdering someone. Therefore, they hated the hat guy in unison.

However, it was different in Chihua's eyes. He could clearly see that Trisha was only putting up a tough front, however, her trembling legs showed it all. This was different from the robbers. Someone was actually killed in front of her.

Even the people from the Handwing Gang didn't reveal their atrocities to them. They may point their guns but Trisha and Chihua knew back then that it was only a threat.

But even with that threat, Trisha was forced to stay inside the Public. She got so scared of having guns pointed at her that it turned into a pet peeve. She was too prideful to accept that she's scared.

The hat guy began to move forward and then he ran.

Trisha prepared herself but the hat guy's direction was towards the man whom he tried to choke earlier.


Trisha toughened herself up as she tried to obstruct him again and came face to face. There, she saw his lifeless eyes, steadily staring at hers. Her heart felt a cold chill. She wanted to escape that guy, however, there were people who're watching.

'I can do this! I'm strong!'

She thought as swung her fist to punch the hat guy.


Trisha stared off to the distance as she was instead slapped before her fist could reach him.

'It hurts...'

She thought as if it was the first time she felt it. Before long, she landed onto the side as she could only see the hat guy choke the person he was targeting.


The glasses guy interrupted after taking out a brass knuckle. He charged at the hat guy but before he could reach him, the glasses received a fast kick to the stomach, making him fall down.

He tried to stand up again and charge forward but-


The guy that was being choked finally stopped struggling.

Chihua ran towards Trisha and could hear her hyperventilating. The two of them saw a second death.

Everyone looked at the hat guy with terror. Sirens from police cars broke the silence. Soon, police officers entered the scene. Many witnessed the hat guy's arrest. It was weird though, he didn't struggle.

However, they just thought that it must be because even the hat guy is scared of the guns they held.

After that day, the Public went inactive again.

Others say that the Boss was part of the reasons why high school boys died.

Chihua looked at the news on his phone as he gritted his teeth.

'It's true that we're delinquents and that we're considered harmful trash in society but we would never support a murder!'

After putting down his phone, he looked at the stage behind him. He was currently inside the hall of the Public but he was all alone.


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