Psychic Parasite

Chapter 9: Creature

Chapter 9: Creature

4:00 PM, 1st Academy, Principal Office; Hancent Bone sat in a chair, facing the old lady that looked like she was just in her thirties. The Principal opened a document, checked through its contents, and handed it to Hancent Bone.

"Mr. Bone, please sign here. You can take Heima home after that." She said, secretly staring at him, making the scene awkward.

Hancent Bone controlled his facial expressions and calmly received the document, signing in the necessary areas. He then returned the document to the Principal who signed below his signature and stamped with the Academy's official stamp.

"Thank you," Hancent Bone stood up, taking the signed document and exiting the Principal's office. Closing the door shut, he took a moment to inspect himself. Goosebumps spread throughout his body, making him want to take a bath to relieve himself of the sensation.

'From next time onwards, I will ensure that only Henrietta will visit her. That Principal Lady is creepy.' He rubbed his hands, held the signed document, and boarded a nearby lift. Pressing the button for the 31st floor, he patiently waited, anticipating his daughter's response when he arrived, a trace of fear also present in his mind.

The lift doors opened, revealing a bustling corridor hidden by a screen. Two guards stood in front, looking like bouncers, dressed in standard security uniforms. Inspecting the document Hancent Bone had handed over, using a device to scan the official Academy stamp for validity, the security guards permitted his entry.

Adjusting his messy coat, and fixing his shade, Hancent Bone stepped beyond the screen, looking at the students walking with crutches. Without fail, all of them had sunken eyes, thin bodies, and frail figures, looking like they might faint any second. Hancent Bone walked forward; ignoring the curious gazes sent his way, he approached room '31K' and performed a courtesy knock. Twisting the doorknob open, he entered the room, noticing a figure.

"Dad!" Heima shrieked in surprise, hurriedly standing up from her bed, with the intention to leap at him. Before he could react, she leaped from the bed. Though, due to her weak state, her jump wasn't powerful enough to carry her all the way to him. Moreover, due to the lack of balance, and her jump performed in a hurry, her body tilted forward, looking like her head might hit the floor on her fall.

The overcoat of Hancent Bone hurriedly slipped away from his shoulders and flew towards Heima, opening wide and catching her. It wrapped around her body, gently carrying her and seating her on the bed. Hancent Bone wiped the trace of sweat on his forehead, feeling like he had almost experienced a heart attack.

"That was risky Heima," He lightly flicked her forehead, gently hugging her weak figure in his embrace. "You did well, surviving that nightmare."

"Dad, it was nothing," Heima said, "It was a cinch for me. You know how"

"Yeah," Hancent Bone rubbed her back, gently talking about some trivial matters. In a matter of minutes, the strong front displayed by Heima shattered, she trembled in fright and began crying.

"It was this big," She said, tracing the distance from her fingertips to her elbow, "It looked white, had a suction pod-like mouth at the front, sea-cucumber-like tail, two bulging eyes and hair-like projections all over its body."

Her body trembled as she recalled the experience, prompting her to separate from the embrace and vomit into a nearby bowl. The bowl was connected to a sink while a tap was placed at the top, to facilitate running water for rinsing the mouth. Disregarding the stench of the vomit, Hancent rubbed her back, easing her discomfort as he paid attention to her mental state.

Rinsing her mouth and wiping her face with a towel, she picked up a glass of water, gulping it down. Heaving an exhausted grunt, she wiped her tears, recounting her experience, "Then, followed by the whirring of the machine, it was sucked into a tube, creepily crawling forward until it slid into my mouth."

Heima made as action akin to choking herself, "I thought I would suffocate to my death, but it quickly slid into my throat, settling within my belly. I thought that would be the end of it, b-but, who would guesswho could guess...t-that..."

On seeing her on the verge of a mental breakdown, Hancent motioned for her stop as he recounted his experience, "You know," He looked into her eyes, "During my period, the process was slightly different."

"Different in the sense..." Heima trailed, her attention captured with his words. He hadn't ever mentioned his experience; neither did Henrietta, always claiming that she was young whenever she was inquired about it for the past one year.

"We didn't have any tube that could facilitate its movement. A nurse manually made me swallow it, prompting me to wear a dental gear that prevented me from closing my mouth. Moreover, the ones during my period were even bigger; many of my classmates died from suffocation during the first phase itself." He sighed, recalling that horrific experience.

"What was the success rate during your period, Dad?" Heima asked.

"38%," Hancent said, shocking Heima.

"B-But, my homeroom teacher said that recent technological improvements have drastically improved the success rates, so much so that the Induction Ceremony is a guaranteed success." Heima wondered, confusion plastered across her innocent face.

"Due to the contributions of Psychic Ancestor Marble, and the recent inventions of Rhachis Ancestor Strongest, the success rate did increase. But, how many of your friends did you see?" Hancent flashed a wry smile.

"I could only see half of my classmates. They said the other half has been moved to a different Rehabilitation Center to avoid congestion." She said.

"In the entire 1st Academy, there is only a single Rehabilitation Centre," Hancent said.

"B-But, the rest of the classthe teachers said they were"

"Heima," Hancent looked into her eyes, looking serious. "There is no rest of the class. The only survivors are the ones you see here, nothing more, and nothing less."

He then let out a self-deprecating laugh, "During the era of my grandparents, the success rates were a mere 16%. In those times, just the word Induction sent waves of fear into the hearts of everyone. If not for the military passing a rule that it was compulsory for the citizens of our city to undergo the Induction Ceremony, none would have tried it."

"I see," Heima muttered, her head hung low, trying to shield her tears from Hancent as she thought about her classmates, the ones she shared precious memories with.

"As you come into more contact with the truth, you will slowly realise this, Heima," Hancent said with a sigh, "This world is the least bit peaceful. There is also a popular phrase circulating among us adults,"

"Sweet sixteen, bitter seventeen."

6:30 PM, the door of Laila's house was knocked a couple of times. Laila's mother, who happened to be watching the TV at that time, knitting a pair of sweaters, set aside her work and walked to the door.

"Mr. Bone, please come in." Seeing the familiar face through the pinhole, Laila's mother opened the door and greeted, beckoning for him to enter. She didn't want to ask about the matters pertaining to his wife, lest she dampened the mood, waiting for him to voluntarily say it.

Hancent thanked the lady and seated himself on the sofa, "It was a success."

Laila's mother was just about to inquire if he preferred coffee or tea when the words got stuck in her throat. It took a couple of moments to process the information before her face beamed with happiness. The nervousness and tension vanished from her gait, giving spring to her legs.

"T-That's wonderful!" She hurriedly ran towards her bedroom, dragging Laila's father to the hall, jumping around like a girl in her teens. Hearing the good news, Laila's father too showed joy and surprise. He hurriedly hugged Hancent, congratulating him.

"She barely survived though and is currently recovering in the family headquarters," Hancent said, a smile beaming on his face. The happiness displayed by the Laila couple infected him too, reducing his worries.

"What are your plans now? Shall I bring Jyorta?" Laila's mother inquired.

"I just brought his sister back home. Thanks for taking care of Jyorta, I appreciate your help." Hancent said, slightly bowing.

"No no, this was nothing. He is such a wonderful child; we actually enjoyed his company. Unlike this stuck-up old fool, Jyorta praised my cooking. I barely resisted adopting him as my son," Laila's mother said, looking genuine in her praise. Though, her words made the eyebrows of Laila's father twitch. He cleared his throat, motioning for her to stop rambling.

Laila's mother stuck out her tongue and walked away. Seeing her leave the hall, Laila's father who had maintained his silence till now suddenly opened his mouth.

"What she said wasn't the truth. I regularly compliment her cooking. I just forgot to do so today morning due to my mind occupied with some important matters, that's it." He said, controlling the volume of his voice so as to prevent Laila's mother from overhearing their conversation.

"I believe you. I face the same plight back at home. Now that my wife has become a Shifter, she's going to dominate me in the future, trying to have the final say in all matters." Hancent carelessly said.

"I am definitely telling sister that," A voice entered from the corridor, Laila's mother walked with Jyorta, a cunning smile etched on her face. Seeing his father, Jyorta happily dashed towards him, jumping into his embrace.


"Who's your sister? You have still not delivered the item you promised me 3 months ago, humph. I am definitely complaining to sister." Laila's mother said, hands folded, cheeks puffed.

"Ahaha," Cold sweat covered his spine, Hancent hurriedly bade farewell to them, carrying Jyorta's luggage and closed the door shut.

"I pray for your well being, Hancent. May your soul rest in peace," Laila's father made a solemn prayer, acting like a pious saint.

"Have you forgotten that I have a hearing skill?" Laila's mother said with a snort, "No dinner for you tonight."

"D-Dear," The pitiful wails of a man echoed across the hall.

Sitting in the metro train, Jyorta sang a local song, prompting a couple of traveller aunties to join with the chorus. They got down at their stop, Jyorta waved at the aunties, carrying his school bag.

Sector 12, Baker street, 3rd Residential Complex; the lift opened the doors at the 28th floor, Jyorta ran towards their house, waiting impatiently at the doorstep. Shaking his head, Hancent walked to the door and swiped his card. He then placed his thumb on a fingerprint sensor and scanned his eyes, prompting the door to open. With a joyful scream, Jyorta entered the house, noticed Heima watching TV with a gloomy expression.

"Sister, you're back!" With a happy scream, he jumped at her. Midair, he suddenly stopped, floating a foot before her when he heard the serious voice of Hancent from behind.

"Your sister has a fever, don't trouble her." He then gently placed Jyorta on the sofa beside his sister, allowing the lad to place the back of his hand on her neck, checking her fever.

"Okay!" Jyorta said. The blue soul, however, experienced an abrupt shock at it gazed at Heima.

'Something foreign has entered the sister character's body, something alive!'


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