Psychic Parasite

Chapter 450: Victory

Chapter 450: Victory

The dome with the River Whale was completely covered by mist now. Shadows flashed through it as sounds of metal colliding resounded continuously. A couple of Amplifiers tag teamed as they slashed with their weapons, aiming at the water blade of the River Whale along its flat surface, shattering it like glass.

When they tried to swoop in for another attack, they noticed a couple of bubbles exit the film of water, immediately retreating in fear they would explode. A spindle flew and landed on it right at this time, causing it to explode.

Moving through the fog was another Amplifier, and held in his hand was the cylinder with the Tier 3 Spindle Bee. They faced difficulty at the start. But as time passed, they were able to react and prepare accordingly.

Everyone that managed to reach this point was an elite, so they were quickly able to change their plan of action. But, no matter how much they attacked, they failed to even touch the skin of the River Whale.

All it had to do was rely on its Trait to cover itself with water and condense a couple of blades along the ends while it moved. Considering the difference in energy they expended, they were going to drop before the River Whale even expended half its energy reserves.

Even otherwise, it had a humongous body. So when pressed for energy, it could simply combust its flesh and obtain enough energy for its needs. And considering its size, it had a tremendous reserve of flesh.

Comparing sheer quantity, it possessed more energy than all the students combined. The only reason the students hadn't been pulled out until now was thanks to the Tier 3 Spindle Bee. It was always on the River Whale's tail, attacking it continuously without rest.

So, the River Whale had to focus most of its attention on the Tier 3 Spindle Bee. That was why its attacks on the other students were simple.

The tattoo imbued in the Tier 3 Spindle Bee only made it gaze at the students as its allies and the remainder Frenzy Beasts as enemies. It still retained all its other mental faculties. So, it was able to decide how it wished to fight against the River Whale.

But normally speaking, the Spindle Bee excelled in speed and attack. On the other hand, the River Whale was a fortress and relied on close combat. So, its lacking speed couldn't be taken advantage of.

To injure it, the film of water surrounding it had to be rid of first. And considering the volume of water present in the dome, it was almost impossible. After all, the attacks of the River Whale didn't deplete its water reserves.

Even the bubbles it unleashed, when exploded, created mist. And when needed, it could simply condense the moisture in the air into a film of water. Moreover, every attack or damage it suffered, the resultant splash of water only fell on the floor, mixing into the water there.

And, the River Whale had a couple of streams moving in the air, connected to its body as it moved around. As the Tier 3 Spindle Bee constantly exchanged attacks with the River Whale, a couple of shadows flashed through the dome, meeting up with everyone scattered, giving them some instructions.

One of them approached the area Jyorta was in, looking around as Jyorta revealed himself. The Amplifier immediately informed him of the details, causing him to be surprised as he gazed at the top of the dome, "Impressive, George."

"Alright," Jyorta smiled, using his stronger psychic arm to shield himself from view as his smaller psychic arm seeped into his body, turning pale blue. His figure radiated with a pale blue hue as his presence continued to increase.

Faint tongues of jet-black psychic energy wafted out of his body from time to time as Jyorta slowly flew forward, arriving at his position, muttering, "This would be my strongest attack to date."

He timed himself, slowly accumulating strength, mixing his aura and psychic energy. Using his greater control over psychic energy, he created a container. In the sphere formed by his stronger psychic arm, his aura spread through it, increasing in intensity as the sphere changed in shape, elongating towards the front.

It then coiled like a spring while a cylinder formed in the centre, forming an area where his aura seeped and accumulated. Jyorta forgot the passage of time, focusing completely on his construct. Thanks to the rigidity of his psychic arm, he could imbue a lot of psychic energy and aura into the elongated construct.

Soon, his weaker psychic arm exited from his body, having expended all his psychic energy to replenish his aura levels. It then seeped into the elongated portion, overlapping with the cylinder in the centre.

Using his psychic arm, Jyorta applied pressure from all sides, condensing the aura and psychic energy to the limit as the weaker psychic arm began to turn clockwise. The stronger psychic arm began to turn in the opposite direction, causing a vacuum to form in between the two.

Hovering at the top of the dome, George hadn't moved from the start. All he did was keep his eyes closed while sensing everything that happened below. He was the one who had instructed the couple of Amplifiers while relaying the positions of everyone to them. His eyes slowly shot open as his lips curled up into a gentle smile, muttering, "You have become a bundle of mysteries, Jyorta Bone. I'll catch up to you soon enough."

He then took in a deep breath, riling up his aura as he infused it into his throat, imbuing his presence into it as he opened his mouth, shouting to his limit as he unleashed all the stored-up aura, "Now!"

Aura PersonificationKilling Intent!

His killing intent was a ripple of aura that flashed throughout the dome, having prepared for just this instance. It vanished without making any effect, but George didn't seem bothered, muttering, "Turn."

The Tier 2 Floating Spider on his back turned him accordingly and brought him closer towards the dome wall. George craned as much strength into his legs as possible as he pressed down on the dome walls, taking in a deep breath as he activated his Tier 1 and Tier 2 Skills, making a jump with all his strength as he shouted, "Fly!"

George made a beeline towards the floor, accelerating when the Tier 2 Floating Spider activated its Tier 2 Skill.

In the meantime, five amplifiers grabbed hold of the Web World while the other five held the Battleship. After taking in a deep breath, they erased their presence, waiting to take action.

Finally, a tinge of killing intent rippled past them as the eyes of everyone shot open, activating all their Skills and the Unranked Skill Flight at the same time. Followed by a massive gale, they shot downward, carrying the two constructs with their utmost speeds.

"We healed you to the limit." Haesha and Laekha Walta said, having even shattered their psychic arms while using Regen, seeping everything into the individual crouching in the air before them, positioned right before the dome walls.

"Kill it, Dalna Doppler!" The two of them shouted as Dalna Doppler's slightly bulged body slammed into the dome walls, having activated her Tier 1 and Tier 2 Skills. Followed by a breeze, her body shot forward. She had left her Tier 2 Floating Spider in the hands of Haesha, speeding towards a certain direction.

With every step she took, energy gushed out of her feet and solidified, creating an instantaneous foothold for her to step upon, shattering the moment she flashed past, accelerating to the limit.

The Tier 3 Spindle Bee appeared before the River Whale, obtaining some mental input through its tattoo as it made a beeline towards the face of its opponent, having activated its Tier 3 Skill. It also activated its Tier 1 and Tier 2 Skills, unleashing the entirety of its aura atop its too, depleting all its energy as it unleashed its strongest volley of spindles.

It was like a mechanical laser as the attacks slammed into the River Whale's film of water, piercing through it. The attacks surpassed its speed of recovery as more and more spindles pierced through the layer of defence, rendering it apart as the Tier 3 Spindle closed in, heading for a suicidal attack.



The two groups of Amplifiers bellowed as they slammed the two constructs into the two streams of water the River Whale controlled, breaking its flow, cutting off its supply of water.

The River Whale was startled when its reserve of water fell off. But before it could lift off more water from the floor, the Tier 3 Spindle Bee's attacks closed in, almost landing on its face.

But before the River Whale could move away, George fell on it from the top. He craned his fist to the back, condensing all his energy into it, also combusting his flesh to increase the power of the attack.

"Take this!" Veins popped all over his arms while the blood vessels ruptured from the sheer pressure as the energy condensed into his fist. The moment he arrived before the film of water, George slammed his fist onto it with all his might, emitting all the energy he had condensed.

The energy was like a wave, a force of nature. It slammed into the film of water, breaking the River Whale's control over it, turning the water into the tiniest of droplets until it became mist. The resultant force sent all the mist flying away, even pushing all the fog towards the end of the dome.

It was compressed to the extent water cascaded on the dome walls.

All the water surrounding its body was eradicated by the attack as the River Whale's body began to fall. It hurriedly created as many bubbles as it could by expending its energy in an effort to thwart the attacks when the spindles landed on them, causing them to explode prematurely.

And right at this time, holding a spear while riding the momentum akin to hundreds of soldiers in war, Dalna Doppler arrived before the River Whale's face, condensing an energy spear in her hands as she thrust forth with all her might.

The energy in the spear shot forth, slamming into the River Whale, piercing through its tough hide.

"Get rekt!" followed by a bellow, her body rapidly thinned as the energy she unleashed forced itself through the River Whale, shredding its internals. She immediately lost her footing and began to fall when an Amplifier caught hold of her.

The Tier 3 Spindle Bee flew into the hole Dalna Doppler had created, combusting all its energy as it shot forth all the spindles it could produce, getting reduced to a pile of bones covered by skin while riddling the insides of the River Whale full of spindles.

Right at this time, the attention of everyone was focused on the individual that was causing the very air around him to tremble, ionising it from time to time as faint lightning sparks flashed around.

Facing the falling figure of the River Whale, Jyorta's attention shot towards the water on the floor, watching it fly up in an effort to reach the River Whale.

"Take it." Followed by a smile bereft of exhaustion, Jyorta destroyed his two psychic arms, unleashing the vortex he had been building up. Instead of shooting from his hand where he was constricted by the limits of his flesh, he had condensed it entirely in his psychic arms, shooting it like a canon this time.

Aura Beam!

A jet-black pillar flew forth like a cannon ball and slammed straight onto the River Whale's face, completely seeping into its body. Anything he had hoped to see didn't happen now as the River Whale continued to fall while the water was still pulled towards it.

But, when the water touched the River Whale, its face dissolved into it, revealing the bones behind. Its brain melted and turned into a coloured liquid, mixing into the water as the River Whale fell on the floor with a massive thud, splashing the water everywhere.

It twitched a couple of times before turning still. Its bones and muscles were completely riddled with the Spindle Bee's spindles. And as it had also faced the brunt of the attack, the withered husk of the Tier 3 Spindle Bee melted into a pool of blood.

"It'sdead" Jyorta gasped for breath as he lost consciousness for a couple of seconds. When he came to, Haesha had caught hold of him, gently hovering a couple of metres above the water surface.

On seeing her face, he smiled, "Hey there."

Haesha smiled in return, "Great work out there."

Ashten Coorg landed on the River Whale's body, stomping it once to see its bones crack, turning into powder immediately, a resultant of the two energy attacks unleashed by Dalna doppler and Jyorta. And on its back was a massive crater, the resultant of George's attack.

Ashten didn't even have to check, knowing immediately that the Tier 3 River Whale was dead. Its Frenzy Parasite was completely riddled with holes by the spindles, unable to even escape its plight, twitching during its last moments.

They had won!

But at present, neither of them had any feelings of joy. All of them only felt one emotion, one of peace. After a year of gruesome training, they had finally taken down powerful opponents one after another, a total of 12 Developers.

Except for Jyorta, everyone else had only been at Tier 2 for less than three months. So, it was a resounding feat. As all fifteen students landed on the River Whale's corpse, the dome walls vanished as their platform was lifted towards the sky.

They could see their teammates rushing to all the other domes while carrying their mission objective, making a sweep as they found out their respective white circles. All the team members occupied their respective mission goals as their white circles radiated with white light, forming a pillar as their figures vanished from the scene.

The platform with the River Whale continued to rise before hovering above the military academy as the figure of Madam Mary appeared before everyone. She had a pleasing smile, one that turned wider as she glanced at Jyorta, speaking, "Splendid performance. This Batch's Cadets are by far one of the best produced by our military academy."

"You'll bring glory to Marble City and become pillars that support its growth." She spoke with great enthusiasm, frowning when she noticed the gazes of everyone wasn't on her, but rather focused on her back, in confusion and startlement.

Alarmed, she turned around and noticed a massive shadow flying towards them before crashing into their city's barrier. It was a Skep, having lost most of its arms while bleeding tremendously, hovering an inch before death. A second after it crashed into their barrier, all the buildings began to tremble as Marble City experienced an earthquake.

Psychic ParasiteThe End!


Author's Notes: Details of the Sequel are given below.

Hello everyone, Overlord_Venus here. We have finally reached the end of Book 1 of this series. Updates have been slow for the past month because I was busy preparing for the sequel. I was also taking a short break after finishing this chapter.

Now, the sequel will be released slightly different to avoid giving away most of the novel income to apple and google. Because of all the cuts, if you spend 100 USD, I'll at most get 25-28 USD. With discounts, free reading, and fast passes, you know how it goes.

If I release the sequel, I won't be able to sustain myself earning-wise. So, all I request you, readers, is to support me on Patreon. The Goal is the minimum amount I require to maintain daily releases. And depending on the support, I'll increase the update speed. Moreover, chapters will be free to read on webnovel for as long as you support.

Whether it be in a day, two days, or even a week, the moment we hit the minimum goal, I'll release 10 chapters for the sequel and will maintain daily releases. As for the quality of the writing, you know me.

The Sequel will be even more of a blast than everything you have ever read. So, stay tuned.

If you wish to read the sequel as soon as possible, support me on Patreon and help me achieve the minimum /overlord_venus

For any doubts or queries, feel free to contact me on Discord: Overlord_Venus#9364

See you folks, either in "Murim Recurve" or "Psychic Parasite" sequel.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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