Psychic Parasite

Chapter 415: 150 Metres

Chapter 415: 150 Metres

When they talked about Jyorta Bone's strength, they didn't mean his strength as an Esper. That wasn't anything enviable. After all, everyone could achieve it as long as they were at Tier 2. As it was their Wisdom Parasite that imbued it in them through the passive Nurturing process.

What they were excited about was Jyorta Bone's character, his decision-making skills, and his foresight in planning his moves. They were anticipating his strength that managed to wipe out all Frenzy Beasts in the first three layers of the Labyrinth of Frenzy.

It wasn't a feat a regular Tier 2 being could ever hope to achieve. Jyorta's actions were akin to a Wave Controller dancing around. So, they were excited at obtaining that strength within three years.

Three years wasn't long, considering they lacked any foundation to improve upon. Every student that performed well had a foundation to rely on. At least their parents were talented and had groomed them to have a suitable mindset or they were part of a powerful family or organisation that gave them a Trait or something to rely on in the military academy.

After all, they were resting in their homes for a month after surviving their Induction Ceremony. That was enough time for the families with some foundation to teach or give the student something that would advantage them.

Moreover, this foundation wasn't something tangible. Mindset, a person's mental state, and character; this is what determined whether the person would achieve something or not. After all, as long as the person had ambition, a lower Sync Rate wouldn't stop them.

Jyorta's teammates didn't possess such a foundation. Neither were their families powerful nor had they tried to teach their kids the ways to have a mindset of someone that desired power. The lack of ambition is what caused them to remain as low as their ranks dictated.

Jyorta planned to ignite their ambition, and give them hope that they could become strong if they put all their mind and effort into it. After all, where there is a will, there is a way. Once they strive to better themselves, everything else would fall into place.

"Let's train now," Jyorta clapped his hands, garnering their attention. For a moment, they were startled if he would do something to them once again, but upon seeing him exit the room normally, they followed him.

Upon exiting the room, Jyorta muttered, "Sir, what happens if I lack any psychic energy to use during the Graduation Ceremony?"

"You won't." The staff's voice resounded in his ears, curt, and lacking any tone. But, it was enough for Jyorta. The staff meant he won't lack psychic energy for the Graduation Ceremony. 'So, they would probably refill mine and others through Regen.'

The nurse Vaika had replenished his psychic energy many times in small amounts, so he knew it was possible. Vaika was just showing her goodwill to encourage the students to work harder. It was her way of showing support. Moreover, she only replenished small amounts each time to avoid showing anyone favour.

He had heard about it from his friends when they were healed by her.

Jyorta accompanied his teammates to the training centre in the Yellow Building. There were numerous props and simulations installed in place to train the students. Jyorta had only used it once before. And that was only to test out its features.

He just experienced everything a few times, retreating the moment he performed a perfect action once, either by luck or fluke. That was enough since the blue soul could make him experience the perfect action hundreds and thousands of times until it became his muscle memory.

He was making ample use of his abilities.

The first was a water terrain where the water reached their hips. Some rocks were floating about its surface as the currents were violent. Jyorta led his team into it and started their training. Most of it consisted of making a misstep and getting washed away.

Their injuries accumulated when the rocks slammed into them, but the monitoring staff swiftly healed them back to full health.

14th November, the year 334 of the Dawn era. Everyone from the October Batch assembled on the ground as the vice-principal, Cosmi Tumbler stood before everyone. He was hardly the type to speak to the students, being the one who kept all the staff in check and assigned them their respective duties.

He was the one who managed the functioning of the military academy, so the number of times he had interacted with the students could be counted on one hand.

Cosmi Tumbler smiled, ignoring the murmuring within the crowd. He cleared his throat, smiling as everyone turned silent, speaking in a soft voice, "You will only be given limited protection in the Graduation Ceremony. The armour you wear will be the most basic, same for the weapons you would be getting. Warriors can choose between a sword and a spear while Espers can choose between a spindle and a chakram."

He smiled, "Train to your heart's content and familiarise yourselves with the equipment. As for your energy levels, don't worry about that. Madam Mary will heal all your injuries and refill your Heart/Brain Crystals to the maximum limit before the Graduation Ceremony starts. She also instructed that everyone empty their Heart/Brain Crystals before the ceremony."

"As for the details," He smiled, his eyes filled with warmth, "As you all are graduating, this is your final days as a student. So, this is her gift and her blessings for your future."

Saying his piece, Cosmi Tumbler walked away, entering a nearby building as he went on his usual rounds, checking if everything functioned as it should. The students clamoured, discussing the contents of the information.

"I hope this isn't another one of their tests." Haesha muttered, gazing at the Head Office Building as something weighed on her mind, "Why do I feel there is a catch to it?"

"I hope you are thinking it wrongly," Jyorta replied.

The students dispersed and continued to train with their teams. From the 17th onwards, they were unable to use the ground, for a massive construct appeared in place. The walls this time surpassed the height of the building, making the students wonder about the theme of the October Batch's Graduation Ceremony.

The theme varied every month. This was to prevent the students from getting used to it and developing a pattern for their ease of progression. The military academy didn't wish to see that. So, they came up with a new theme to test the students. After all, only the element of surprise would determine a student's potential.

Most of the times, the walls of the Graduation Ceremony were only 100 metres high. But this time, it was a whopping 150 metres. It was massive. Students of the October Batch already felt the pressure stemming from that size.

As everything was covered by the yellow walls Madam Mila had erected, they were unable to see what was happening inside. But, they all agreed on one thing. The Graduation Ceremony this time would be different from the usual.

Days passed as such; finally, it was the 19th of November. Jyorta and his team of four arrived in the auditorium of the Head Office Building, taking up seats as a team. Other students from the October Batch filed in from the six entrances; everyone sat as a team.

10:00 PM; Madam Rizenne arrived on the dais as she closed the doors upon her entry, "Good, everyone from the October Batch is here."

"I'm sure you're all wondering the reason for your summons at this time, but that is the procedure we follow here." She smiled, watching the students become tensed upon her words, "You'll be here until the Graduation Ceremony starts."

They felt uneasy immediately, shifting in their seats. But no matter what, not one uttered any words of protest. Madam Rizenne smiled in satisfaction, "All of you have become splendid soldiers that Marble City can be proud of. In your childhood, you've lived protected lives. You never came across anything related to the parasites and were only fed details of the superman society veiled by falsehood."

"But now," Her tone turned grave, "You'll be thrust into the real Marble City. And I assure you, it is anything but pleasant. But, I'm sure you would adapt to it soon, just like every Batch of students before you."

Feeling the uneasiness of the students, her tone turned jovial, "Anyways, you will soon become a functional member of our society. Remember the written tests concerning secondary jobs you had taken before?"

Seeing the students nod with headache-inducing expressions, Madam Rizenne spoke, "The results from those tests are what will determine the secondary job you would get. But, that is only the first round of selection. Your actions in the Graduation Ceremony are what will finalise the job you will get, both primary and secondary. In your primary job, it would determine the unit you will be put in and the field you would specialise in. So, give it your best tomorrow."

"And now," She smiled and disappeared, "You will have to stay in this auditorium until further notice."


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