Psychic Parasite

Chapter 392: Theory of Evolution

Chapter 392: Theory of Evolution

Jyorta wished to imbue the concept of Aura Induction as the core fundamental law governing his hallucinated world. That way, every presence within it would be considered as a tattoo. There were still some complexities regarding this issue, but he wasn't without solutions. All he needed was time to make the deductions. After all, he already possessed the necessary information.

When every presence in his world was treated as a tattoo, he could activate his plans; that was, for every tattoo to make use of the core fundamental law of their world, Aura Induction. When a tattoo kills and devours another tattoo, it would activate Aura Induction, inducing the presence of the slain party into itself.

It would be a process similar to digestion as its form tries to digest and incorporate the foreign presence into its own. This way, either the tattoo would also gain the ability of the tattoo it had devoured or create a new ability by fusing the respective two's abilities.

Since the process was fuelled by the world, as his comprehension of Aura Induction increased, the functions within the world would increase accordingly. Each tattoo would improve and create new results by 'digesting' better.

If the tattoo rejects the presence of the tattoo it had devoured, it wouldn't be able to obtain any new ability. He planned to put every rule of Aura Induction within the world.

"This way, there is a good chance something ground-breaking might be achieved. After all, evolution is not heading into uncharted territory. Something entirely new can be created by combining the existing stuff in various combinations. That too is a form of evolution." Jyorta smiled, feeling that he had obtained some clarity to his progression.

At every level, he would create a type of being conforming to a certain path that dominates the place. Challengers would appear to kill them and gain the qualifications to reach a higher floor. And, he would make them incredibly difficult to prevent any presence from climbing up too fast. That way, he'll have enough time to build new floors.

Moreover, death would reset a presence to its initial versionthe one when it was sent into the hallucinated worldand send it to the bottom-most floor. It would have to accumulate everything from scratch and scale up the floors.

And, suppose it was unable to endure the repeated deaths, its ego would shatter and it would die in the truest sense. Jyorta didn't have any plans to make use of them beyond that point. They would have served their use by then. So, he thought of just erasing such presences from the world.

"Now, I would be needing a lot of raw material to create everything. For the world, I need to use my aura. I can recover it using Regen. As for the presences" Jyorta stared at his surroundings, "I would have to pull in the presences of the Frenzy Beasts."

'First, I would have to create a world to store them. I'll keep the presences in a state of inactivity until I develop the world further. That would have to wait until I ask Madam Vaika of the means to manage it without expending too much brainpower.' Jyorta thought, gazing at the Lava Turtle carcasses, sighing once, 'I wanted to increase my Sync Rate using this. But it seems I would have to concentrate on my world first.'

It was because of the raw materialsFrenzy Beast presences. There existed a lot of Frenzy Beasts in the Labyrinth of Frenzy, especially ones weaker than him. It was a safe place to farm them. In the Wilds, it was risky. He wouldn't have the time or energy to focus on every Frenzy Beast and pull them in while battling for his survival.

Moreover, Marble City was currently facing the Lacquer Wave. The Swarm prevented anyone from leaving the city walls. Moreover, as they swarmed the walls from all sides, the soldiers on the walls barely even had the time to pull up the corpses they had slain.

All sorts of auras and aura personifications would be flying everywhere, brought about the activation of various Skills and abilities. His Aura Induction's potency would drastically fall. After all, his aura levels were only in the realm of Tier 3. And, every soldier atop the walls was at Tier 3.

In such a situation, Jyorta wouldn't be able to pull in the presences of the Swarm for his use. As the Lacquer Wave would continue for at least 2 years, his plans would be pushed behind by that much time. 

As for the energy needed to raise his Sync Rate, it would be abundant once he graduated. At least, he could make use of a Bone Family member. So, the only way to obtain enough presences was within the Labyrinth of Frenzy.

'Today is the 10th of November. I can stay within the labyrinth until 12th November ends. Beyond that, students cannot accumulate Credits, so I would be asked to leave. I only have until then to finish my setup.'

His Soul Corneas entered the River Whale's soul, vaporising the trace murkiness that had seeped into it. They then began siphoning the energy into his blue soul that was then converted into psychic energy to be fed into his Brain Crystal.

His psychic arms turned blue, healing him, recovering his presence as it was being consumed. He kept the flow at an equilibrium, matching the usage of psychic energy be the same as the River Whale's refilling capacity. He also kept his aura expenditure at the same level the incoming psychic energy using Regen could refill.

With this, he could continue the process without any interruptions. The River Whale munched on the Lava Turtle carcasses while the Rigordile and Bundle Flea rested for some time before proceeding towards layer 4. He had commanded them to hunt more Lava Turtles.

The Bundle Flea landed on the Rigordile's back, curling itself into a ball. Suddenly, ripples appeared on the shallow waters, with the Bundle Flea being the epicentre. Its aura spiked all of a sudden, entering the realm of Tier 3.

Sensing the change, Jyorta's eyes widened in anticipation, "Is it finally activating its Tier 2 Skill?"

Tier 2 SkillHair Burst!

The Bundle Flea's hair began to grow at an alarming pace, apparent to the naked eye. It grew a centimetre every second, expending the energy stored in its Heart Crystal. Two minutes later, the Bundle Flea retracted its aura, taking a bite out of a Lava Turtle before curling itself into a ball.

It didn't seem to have expended a great deal of energy in the process, still looking brisk. The Rigordile's body faintly shuddered as it swam through the water, still reeling from the brunt of the Bundle Flea's aura.

Based on everything he witnessed, Jyorta judged the Bundle Flea was intelligent enough to save itself, even in a dangerous region like layer 4. Moreover, thanks to the effect of Brethren Bait, most of the Lava Turtles and the Hunter Clams on their backspositioned at the entrance of layer 4were injured.

So, the risk they would pose to it wouldn't be as much as before. Just to be on the safer side, Jyorta transmitted a command to the Bundle Flea, "If the situation looks life-threatening, use the Rigordile as a shield to save yourself. Swiftly return after that. Don't care about its well-being."

The Bundle Flea gazed his way, tilting its head to the side once before letting out cheerful cackles like a human baby. Jyorta's skin crawled as he watched the two Frenzy Beasts move towards the path leading into layer 4.

The River Whale still maintained the film of water around itself. Jyorta unleashed both his domains, keeping vigilant against any oddity that might arise. With the layers of protection, he was confident of surviving against any sneak attack.

Now that his worries had abated, he focused his aura on the embryonic tattoo he had created, activating Aura Induction while using the aura personification of hallucination. He didn't change the environment within the tattoo, still keeping it a blank space.

The presence of the Frenzy Parasite was floating within, present in an inactive state. Before it died, he had siphoned its soul and stored it within a soul husk, intending to use it later. As it was sealed within the soul husk, there wasn't any danger of it damaging the blue soul.

Jyorta used his aura to enlarge the embryonic tattoo. It had only been the size of his nail when he had created it. Now, as he fed it his aura, it slowly became bigger and bigger. He had placed it on his back, positioned under the nape. Like the roots of a tree growing within the soil, the tattoo extended downward.

He was laying the groundwork for the world, engraving all the concepts he had planned to install in place. He left the parts with the environmental factors empty, save for a couple of other elements. He just focused on firming the space where he could store more presences. That was his objective for now.

He only planned to build it further at a later date, once he had stored enough presences and his aura had grown enough to create a bigger world. He didn't wish to create anything that would use up a significant portion of his brainpower, reducing his battle strength.

As it was a continuous process, a portion of his mental strength could be considered completely engaged. He didn't wish to see that, so he limited himself to the storage capacity for now. "The volume of 41,90,476 cubic metres, I should consider filling it up entirely with the presences."

The tattoo steadily grew in size, its design looking similar to a fibrous root. 


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