Psychic Parasite

Chapter 362: My World is My Personal Research Facility

Chapter 362: My World is My Personal Research Facility

The scene had returned to the meadow, the atmosphere serene. The sounds of birds chirped as two people sat on stone chairs, facing each other. A table was in-between them, atop which two teacups were placed.

Vaika sipped her tea as she said, "The purpose behind my Crimson Desert is two factors: one, to trap my enemies in my world while I swiftly kill them in reality, and two, using their trapped presences for my agenda."

"Agenda?" Jyorta placed his teacup on the table, repeating her statement.

"What do you think is happening in the Crimson Desert? Why do you think I created the world as is?" Vaika responded with a question.

Jyorta thought but was unable to come up with an answer. Too many things happened in the Crimson Desert for him to think up an answer on the spot. Maybe after he pondered it for a while, he would be able to conclude. But, seeing that Vaika didn't have the thoughts of giving him that much time to think, he shook his head, implying he didn't have an answer.

"Do you know about the concept of reincarnation?" Vaika's question suddenly jolted his mind awake. Before he could give a response, Vaika spoke, gazing deeply into his eyes, "In simple terms, we can say it as a concept of the soul shedding its shell and taking house in another."

The teacup magically refilled before her as she lifted it for another sip, "Stories of reincarnation were pretty popular in the silicon era. Through my access, I managed to read through some of them. They had fairly interesting ideas."

"The things people can come up with to curb their boredom is pretty impressive," She chuckled. "Through that, I devised the prime means of what I needed."

"I'll pull the presence of a being into Crimson Desert while I would kill it in reality, trapping it there permanently. Then, I would infuse the presence in a newborn within one of the Clans while allowing it to retain all its life's memories and experiences." Vaika noticed that the teacup was empty again, swiftly refilling it.

It showed that she has an acquired taste for tea. Vaika drank as she continued to speak, "Using its life's memories and experiences, it would live as the baby, slowly adapting to the Crimson Desert. Over time, when it realises some similarities between the tattoos and the aura it was used to in its previous life, it would try to use that knowledge to its advantage."

Jyorta could sense a puzzle of sorts be filled piece by piece as he listened. Vaika smiled, "In this manner, it would develop the tattoos and other aspects of life in the Crimson Desert, which enriches it. This makes my world more complete. And also,"

Her smiled deepened, causing a chill in Jyorta, "When they develop the tattoos, it enriches my comprehension of Aura Induction. When they think of something impressive, it gets added to my repertoire of knowledge."

Jyorta shuddered as he heard Vaika conclude, "The Crimson Desert is a weapon I use, a shield to save myself, a trove of knowledge I possess, and my personal research facility."

"Basically, the development of a world is yours and yours alone." Jyorta nodded, awestruck. The more he heard, the more he realised the nurse before him was a formidable character in the truest sense.

Just the fact that she had a worldeven though it wasn't largeresearching aura for her made her an individual of strategic value. Moreover, she didn't think them up based on her convenience but had pulled their presence from reality. So, it created a constant influx of ideas and changes, the product of which developed her own understanding of the Aura path, and deepened her skill with Aura Induction.

'A strong ability that will help in battles, but can also aid personal development. I see, she developed this into a top-tier ability.' Jyorta marvelled, experiencing a chill the more he thought. The foresight, planning, determination, and most of all, the intelligence required to conceptualise, create, use, and develop something into an ability of strategic value; even extraordinary individuals paled in comparison.

"So, that is the true use of Aura Induction." Jyorta nodded, his eyes widening with expectation.

"Yes," Vaika nodded, "And, what I said were only stuff that I have explored. They are not the limits of Aura Induction. Aura path itself is still under development after all."

"Ma'am," Jyorta nodded in thought, "If we take the value of 100 as a path being complete, then what scores will the four paths have?"

"Good question," Vaika nodded in thought, becoming silent. After more than 20 minutes had passed in silence, she spoke, "If we are talking about the parasite path, it will get a score of 90. After all, it is close to being complete. Moreover, not just becoming complete, it will also end."

"The saturation point in the Mental Realm." Jyorta nodded.

"Yes," Vaika sighed, "The Mental Realm was something created as a result of our progression in the Parasite path. But, the Mental Realm itself will become the cause that will end this path."

"The day we attain the saturation point in the Mental Realm is when the Parasite path will achieve completion," Vaika frowned, "But, we can also say it is because the Parasite path cannot develop beyond that point."

She tapped her index finger on the teacup, thinking for a couple of minutes before speaking, "As for the Aura path, it is somewhat developed. Moreover, its development has accelerated in recent years as some Tier 3 Warrior Skills have emerged in this path. So, I can say it gets a score of around 38."

"Now," She closed her eyes, feeling some difficulties in deciding, "I can't give an accurate number for the Soul path, since everything of value in this path was in the hands of Rhachis Ancestor Space. After her death, everything was lost."

"But," She sighed, "If we are talking about the progression of the world in this path, it is at most 1-2 percent. There are neither any abilities nor any research being conducted in this field. After all, just the soul alone is something we cannot detect. This factor alone has hindered the development of this path."

"Finally," Her eyes lit up in interest, "The Mind path is better developed in that regard. After all, many abilities can affect the mind, like the Tier 3 Skills, Mental Calm, and Mental Frenzy. And, from what I heard, Central Command is in possession of an Unranked Skill related to this path. So, I can give it a score of say around 8-10?"

'That Unranked Skill should be Deific Inference. So, either she doesn't know about it or she doesn't wish to divulge such sensitive information.' Jyorta nodded in gratitude, "So, apart from the Parasite path, the most beneficial is to delve into the Aura path."

"Indeed," Vaika nodded, "At least, in Aura path, you can get some references, help, research materials, train of thought of our predecessors, etc. These can help your development. Treading in a less developed path like the Mind path or the Soul path, though advantageous as it gives you an edge, but would be harsh. After all, to gain anything of value or substance in a path, research worth decades to a century is needed. It wasn't as if Aura Induction was created in a day. It took almost a century."

Vaika massaged her brows, standing up as she felt it was time to end it, "I guess we'll call it a day now. We have spent a lot of time here. When we return to reality, you'll demonstrate Regen once to show that you have grasped everything. Do you have anything else you wish to ask here?"

"Yes," Jyorta nodded, intending to ask a question plaguing his mind ever since he exited the Crimson Desert. Since everything that happened in this meadow would stay with them, it was better to ask it here than in reality where others were subject to hearing it.

Jyorta expressed his confusion and curiosity, making eye contact with Vaika, "Ma'am, why is someone as talented and important as you working as a nurse here? Shouldn't any position you seek be available to you?"

"Being a nurse is my secondary occupation," Vaika coughed, obviously embarrassed at the genuine praise, "And, my primary occupation is that of a soldier, nothing more nothing less. Though, I am no longer drafted for any missions that would risk my life. Central Command does value my life."

"Now, to answer your question," Vaika gazed at Jyorta, "It is simple actually. We are here to find worthy successors of our knowledge, techniques, accomplishments, etc. Only here, where students are tested on all fronts can we find worthy candidates. And"

She smiled, "Every staff here is an expert in a field of their own. That is one of the prerequisites to become a staff here. Also, when we find a successor, Central Command will heavily reward us. We would also receive royalties from our inheritor. These reasons allow us to impart our life's accomplishments without regret. Only by nurturing the young can Marble City develop and prosper."

"So yes," Vaika laughed, "I'm not the only awesome individual here. Sure, if we are comparing everyone, then I'm probably the most awesome in this military academyahh, there is Madam Principal. So, I'm the second awesome, hehe."

Jyorta laughed, "Ma'am, you are the most awesome."

"I'm glad that you think of me as such," Vaika laughed as she snapped her finger. The scene changed as Jyorta found himself seated on a chair. Opposite him were three chairs, at the centre of which sat Vaika, looking slightly tired.

Just when he was about to thank her and leave, Jyorta stared in shock, for a moment assuming he was in another hallucination. For through the windows at the back, gentle sunlight shone.


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