Psychic Parasite

Chapter 265: Cleansement Manoeuvre

Chapter 265: Cleansement Manoeuvre

"We finally managed to extract the Unranked Skill from the Lava Turtle in its Skill form and not as a Relic." Minaela Marble gently smiled. "Though, we are currently limited to extracting it from a Shifter Lava Turtle. We were unable to replicate the same to a Transformer Lava Turtle or with any other Frenzy Beast Race."

Marink Marble coughed once before saying, "It is not an Unranked Skill in the truest sense. It is Ingrained Earth, full and full. But, its limit is Tier 4. Only a Shifter can obtain it. Moreover, it will never develop to Tier 5."

"But, this is more than enough for now." Anserah returned to her monotonous expression, nodding in thought, "A Warrior with Ingrained Earth can absorb at least three to four times the experience fragments from the Mental Realm as compared to others. This will prove beneficial to us, despite the shortcomings."

"Indeed," Marink's grating voice resounded as the layer of yellow on his throat began to peel off, "The candidates we have selected are those who have no hope to reach Tier 5 in their lives. So, Ingrained Earth with a limit of Tier 4 is good enough for them."

The layer of yellow on his throat completely peeled off as he wheezed for breath, feeling difficulty to even speak. Even his psychic arm trembled, becoming unstable. He glanced at the two seated before him, all Tier 5 beings with immense power and authority, "I'll be leaving the rest to you two."

His gaze lingered on Minaela for a couple more seconds before his body gently floated up. His body trembled, the psychic energy infused into him turning unstable. He slowly floated towards the exit, unleashing another psychic arm to open the door.

The psychic arm was beginning to dissipate, showing cracks in many places. Segments of it even shattered and fell like torn patches of cloth, dissipating into psychic energy midway. The density of psychic energy within the room rose towards terrifying levels. The remaining two calmly sat in their spots, watching Marink slowly make his way out.

Minaela Marble gazed at his back, her complex emotions finally settling down. Her voice resounded with a sense of exhaustion, "You won't be alone for long."

His flying posture unconsciously turned steady for an instant, brimming with unconcealable power. Marink Marble strained his throat until his voice cracked, "I'll have plenty of company there. Sadly, I retired long ago. Otherwise, I would have been able to help with the Cleansing."

He floated his way through the reception hall. All the staff that witnessed him promptly saluted, respect and admiration deep in their gazes. They remained in their spots until he disappeared from view.

Soon, he arrived in a massive underground roomsituated in the Lower Stratawhere Gerude Eagle was busy organising people for the upcoming task. Assembled before him were men and women of all ages, originating from all social classes. There were around 15 people at present, with a steady stream joining them.

One thing common in the eyes of everyone present was a sense of resoluteness, the willingness to sacrifice for a better future. They seemed to have all said their farewells, the room for regrets barren in them.

Marink Marble floated before them, his form unsteady, trembling from time to time. The crowd became larger and larger, the people among them being from Tier 1 to Tier 4.

Two hours passed in such a manner; Marink Marble was no longer able to float steadily, having created a wheelchair to seat upon. He closed his eyes, concentrating all his mental strength to unleash his psychic arms and focus their power in his throat, with the remainder infusing in his body.

His entire body turned yellow, imbuing in him tremendous power. The wheelchair disappeared as he stood, his booming voice echoing within the room, "You are all here."

He looked at Gerude Eagle to see him nod in return, signalling the presence of everyone they had arranged. Glancing around for an instant, Marink spoke, "3761 Observers, 498 Line Controllers, 859 Amplifiers, 134 Area Controllers, 67 Developers, 13 Wave Controllers, 14 Shifters and 3 Ground Controllers; I thank you all for coming here."

"Your bravery and dedication to Marble City is unmatched. All of you will be remembered as heroes from today onwards. Tonight, everyone will become members of Steam Force, including me." His words caused bouts of surprise from the crowd.

As they shot him gazes of shock and surprise, Marink gently shook his head, "I won't be participating in this operation. I lost the qualification 54 years ago. My battle is different from the lot of you, but my spirit will accompany you."

"We are honoured, sir!" Everyone collectively exclaimed, thumping their fists on their chests, their thundering voice rattling the very ground.

"Wonderful, as expected of Marble City's guardians." Marink nodded in praise, "Central Command will wholly support your families from today onwards."

"Gerude will detail the operation," He clenched his fist, raising his hand, bellowing with all his might. His voice resounded like a clap of thunder, the last vestiges of his vigour, "Glory to Marble City! Glory to Humanity!"

"Glory to Marble City!"

"Glory to Humanity!"

As the crowd echoed back, Marink Marble disappeared from view, appearing in an underground roomwith respect to the Upper Strata. The room was 10 metres in breadth, spanning a length of 100 metres.

Seated at the entrance was an old lady, looking no different from him in age. The moment she glanced at him, she let out a forlorn sigh, "How time flies."

"Indeed," Marink nodded, glancing at her as he steadily walked towards the end of the room. "What are you planning to do next?"

"Just work," The old lady shook her head, "I'm sorry that I can't accompany you. I don't wish to leave this place until I see the face of my great-granddaughter."

"Hah," Marink chuckled, waving his hands. "See you, then."

Seeing his lonely back, the eyes of the old lady moistened up a little. Soon, she firmed herself, pulling a lever beside her.

At the end of the 100-metre long room was a stone wall, its surface inscribed with murals of a river and a giant fish peeking at the sun, with its head above the water while the remainder of its body stayed within.

When Marink Marble stood before the mural, the stone wall rumbled, beginning to move downwards. Soon, it fully entered the ground, displaying a brook flowing past, its murky flow slower than his walking pace.

The river neither had smell nor produced a sound as it moved, its form ethereal. Marink muttered, "The Memoir Brook; this is it, then."

He took a step forward, placing his right foot into the brook, watching everything immersed in the water be washed away. Without any hesitation, he tilted his body, watching gravity do the rest of the work.

He deactivated his Esper abilities, revealing his wrinkled, thin form, watching the brook water come closer and closer. His entire body fell into the brook, turning transparent as it moved along the flow, dissipating when it reached the room's end.

Marink Marble was no more. The brook continued to flow just the same as the stone wall blocked it from view. The old lady took up a register and noted down the details, finally closing it with a sigh. She then slumped down on a chair at the entrance, gazing at the empty corridor in silence.

She then gazed at the mural, "What does this mural signify? Despite being here all these years, I still cannot make sense of it. As expected of the product of Ancestor Strongest. Its mystery is on another level."

In the large room situated in the Lower Strata, Gerude Eagle finished iterating his plan. Standing behind him was Minaela Marble, active with announcing the plans and other courses of action everyone had to take. Standing next to her were 10 people, all Shifters, slightly tensed under the atmosphere.

She suddenly sensed something; a psychic arm wrapped her body, silently wiping a tear that streamed out her eye. She retracted her psychic arm and launched their plan, "Take up your respective positions in the Limitless Tower. Everyone will start the moment I signal you."

She then glanced to her side, gazing at the 10 Shifters, "You will attempt to breakthrough only after I signal you. Firm your mindset until then. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, ma'am!" The 10 Shifters saluted in return.

Under her lead, everyone marched into the Limitless Tower, soon taking up their spots. The 10 Shifters each took up a floor from the top, occupying floors 111 to 120. The remaining members were all crammed into the remaining floors, seated next to each other.

Gerude Eagle flew around the entire tower, ensuring everything was in order. Limitless Tower was sealed, preventing anyone from intruding their mission. A notice was put up, prompting the citizens willing to attempt a breakthrough to head to the Limitless Tower in a different Ring.

A straw mat was arranged for everyone to be seated on, the sole thing they obtained. Everyone wore the simplest of clothes, not carrying any other belongings on them. Some of them prayed while others meditated in silence. Not one uttered any word; the atmosphere was solemn, the calm before the storm.

Time passed in all the dark rooms, the atmosphere within becoming stuffy due to a lack of ventilation. A flash of yellow appeared, forming cubicles that enclosed everyone within each. It was to prevent every individual from the effect of the subsequent mayhem that would ensue.

Followed by a flash of magenta, the marble figure of Psychic Ancestor Marble arrived before Minaela Marble as her voice resounded in the ears of everyone within the Limitless Tower, "Let the Cleansement Manoeuvre start!"


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