Psychic Parasite

Chapter 256: Nail Floating is a No-No

Chapter 256: Nail Floating is a No-No

"You see, there isn't much of a method to personify your aura," The nurse lady, Vaika said, pointing a finger at Jyorta. At the next moment, his surroundings changed, replaced by the meadow.

But, unlike before, Jyorta was currently a boulder standing atop a mound, feeling strands of swaying grass brush the bottom of the boulder from time to time. The sensation wasn't flesh-related but seemed like the reception of vibrations, light absorption, etc.

A second later, all senses were cut off, placing him in eternal darkness, with neither sound nor the sense of touch. He couldn't even feel his body weight, also feeling suffocated. The internal pressure in him began to expand his body, at least, based on what he felt. He felt he was about to explode any second, suddenly finding himself back on the hospital bed.

But, another point of difference was the presence of a window beside the bed, and the lack of people around him. The scenery outside the window was the same meadow from before, but it was dusk.

Jyorta sprang up from his bed, feeling alarmed, peering through the window, watching the colour of dusk fade around the edges. It was then he noticed a massive meteor heading towards him, blotting out the sky. The colour of dusk was due to the heat and light the meteor emitted. It was currently night time, evidenced by the barely visible stars in the backdrop.

He could feel the heat; it was getting progressively hotter. Even the air he exhaled was becoming dry while the surroundings became devoid of moisture. He was just about to take in the vision of the blue soul when the scenery changed.

Jyorta was back in the room, seated on the hospital bed, in the same pose he sat at first. Vaika smiled, "You had moved in that hallucination but in reality, your body hadn't moved a single inch from this spot."

She continued with a smile, "Aura is shaped by your imagination; it is not something that you can create instantaneously. Even after conceptualising the aura personification, you will need to gradually accumulate your experience into it, turning it more realistic."

Finally, she gave a conclusion, "Remember the scene where your aura was filled with killing intent the moment you had killed a Spiked-Lizard? That is the clue you need. Proceed in that direction; think about what you felt then and what acted as the catalyst. That will help you in personifying your aura. If the aura personification you're suitable towards had been the same as mine, then I would have been able to help you. But, until you determine your path, I won't be able to help much."

"Ma'am, I currently have a thought," Jyorta nodded, "I am basing it on a weird dream I once had since it had quite the impact on me. But, I don't know if it is suitable for me. How will I determine if it is suitable for me?"

"Good question," Vaika nodded, thinking for a good two minutes in silence. She then clapped her hands, having recalled the content she needed. "There is a method to determine it. Go to the armoury and ask for a bowl. The bowl should big enough to fully immerse your head inside. Also, its inner surface should form a mirror."

She unleashed a psychic arm, solidifying it into a bowl large enough to fit her head inside, "Remember, it should not be too big. If you say it is for aura personification, they will give you an appropriate one. Fill it to the brim with water until it forms a thin layer above the bowl's confines."

The bowl before her was filled with water, with a small portion peeking out at the top. Vaika then laughed, "Add exactly 1 millilitre of your blood into it after removing the same volume of water from the bowl beforehand. Wait until the blood completely diffuses into the water."

She then glanced at Jyorta, her gaze boring into him, "Clip the excess growth of the nail on your thumb. Tie 12 strands of your hair on it, one above another, leaving most of their lengths free. They don't need to have the exact length; some inaccuracy doesn't affect the outcome. When the blood has fully diffused into the water, gently place this on the surface."

As Jyorta listened with rapt attention, a fist made from a psychic armpale blue in coloursmacked him. Before his brain could register the pain, a warm feeling pervaded his body, also filling the psychic energy reserves in his Brain Crystal a little.

Vaika chuckled, "After this, all you have to do is unleash exactly 1 percent of your aura into it and try everything you want. If the hair stands up, then it means the personification you tried is not suitable for you. The more the number of hair strands that stand up, the less it is suitable for you. If no hair strand stands up, then it is perfect for you. Generally, three hair strands or less is preferred."

She shook her head once, letting out a forlorn sigh, "I have seen Cadets chose personifications that even had 8 strands floating up. When the strand floats, it means your body is rejecting the related aura personification. If the hair even starts to wriggle, then it means using the aura personification will damage your body."

"That is what happened to you when you infused your killing intent into your aura. That is why I could easily conclude that it wasn't suitable to you," Her expression turned serious, her voice suffused with formless pressure, "Remember, if the nail ever leaves the water surface and floats above, stop unleashing your aura immediately and never try that aura personification ever again. Unleash it in full strength, and you will either lose control or straight up die."

"Every person has a nature. Due to our circumstances, there are times where we are forced to act against our true nature. But, our body doesn't care about that. If you do stuff that goes against it, it will eventually stop functioning. Since the aura is your body's presence in its purest form, this effect is magnified." She stared at Jyorta, making him feel embarrassed.

"You understand what I am saying, right?"

"Yes, ma'am, I perfectly understood it. Nail floating is a no-no." Jyorta laughed, scratching his cheek once.

Vaika laughed in response, flicking his forehead once. But, her eyes stared at him with all seriousness, "Hair dancing is also a no-no."

2:00 PM, the students of the October Batch were seated in a large rectangular hall, situated in the Head Office Building. Everyone had their own table and chair, situated around three metres from each.

The distance prevented them from cheating. Though, it wasn't necessary because of the presence of a certain individual.

"This test is one of the 21 tests that will decide your future path. So, attempt it with all seriousness. There are no right or wrong answers, so write whatever you feel is correct. Be honest with your feelings. Only then will you get choices that you like. Don't regret it later." Madam Mary's voice resounded, carrying with it a hint of pressure.

A small portion of the students who were indecisive, and were planning to take reference from their friends shuddered, no longer having the guts to do so. Seated in the third row and occupying the seat on the right extreme was Jyorta.

Held in his hand was a pen. That's all he carried with him, knowing beforehand that the test would only require one to write. Besides, they weren't allowed to carry anything extra. To his back sat Ashten Coorg, pouting a little as he cast a gaze filled with longing at a pouch Madam Mary had confiscated. Contained in it were myriad stationery, enough to fund his needs for a year.

Jyorta blinked once, finding a question booklet before him. It was rectangular in shape, spanning a length of 20 centimetres and a breadth of 30 centimetres. There were 30 pages in total, with the booklet sealed by a piece of paper tape. On the front was a set of instructions that Jyorta read in silence, nodding his head in understanding.

[The Question booklet contains 30 questions, subjective answer type. Space is provided underneath each question for answering. There is neither a minimum word requirement for any question nor is there any limit. Use all the space if needed.]

[Time limit: 2 hours]

[Subject: Humanity]

He flipped the booklet, noticing the words 'Honesty is a Virtue' printed on the back in a large, bold font.

Madam Mary spoke, "Your primary job, i.e. being a soldier is not daily-bound. You will be summoned in shifts, a day or two per week. For missions, you will be assigned in intervals of 3-4 months. It will also vary depending on the severity of the mission and your contribution. If you were to participate in Raids, you will be exempted for at least a year. Participation is mandatory for Waves though."

She nodded at the examiner, seeing him nod back with a subservient attitude. She then addressed the crowd, "So, most of your life is spent with your secondary job. Your primary job earns you contribution points while your secondary job earns you money. This test decides the choice of secondary jobs that will be available to you. So, be honest with your desires."

She nodded at the examiner and disappeared from the examination hall. The examiner, a man with a long nose and broad shoulders spoke, his booming voice resounded throughout the hall, making the ears of the students ring, "You have two hours. You can break the seals now."

"Start writing!"


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