Psychic Parasite

Chapter 236: A Warrior's Breakthrough

Chapter 236: A Warrior's Breakthrough

'One day, I will return the favour.' Jyorta clenched his hand into a fist, his expression one of calm. Due to the state of his blue soul, he was unable to retract his false persona. So, irrespective of what he faced, Jyorta was bound to remain in a state of calm, optimism, and filled with focus.

7:50 PM, Jyorta retracted his psychic arm, feeling a headache. He had been using his abilities for a long period, placing him under mental strain. As his psychic energy had been fully expended, Jyorta decided to call it a day.

Within this duration, he had managed to finish training with three red contraptions. The first was a normal barrier, the second was a flat plane that acted as a mirror, and the third was a flat plane that acted as a lens.

Based on how they were used, just these three techniques alone would raise a person's survival rate. Jyorta was satisfied with his progress. Based on his nurturing, his psychic energy reserves would be fully replenished within a week. So, he planned to learn more during then.

'But, this way, I would consume the entire month just to learn Line Controller techniques. It won't be possible to learn Area Controller techniques. That would be true unless I do something about my soul's state.'

Jyorta planned to first resolve the issue in his blue soul. Using the blue soul's abilities, he would be able to master the Esper abilities as long as he experienced it once. Extracting the memories and experiencing it many times, etching them into a person's being, turning them into muscle memory, or even instinct. It was possible for him.

But, he didn't know if Laila would strike again. It was wiser to leave the blue soul in its current state until he graduated. But, if he did that, his growth would be hindered. Also, there was the hidden threat of Ehara Gobi's memory fragments.

Thankfully, they were in his subsoul and Laila's soul tendril only roamed in his soul. It didn't seem to care about his Wisdom Parasite's soul, which worked in Jyorta's favour. But, since he wasn't able to grasp the reason for her actions, Jyorta felt conflicted.

'I'll deal with it in the same manner if it repeats. The slower my growth, the wider the gap between us gets. That would place me at a disadvantage in the future.' He firmed his thoughts, planning to resolve the murkiness in his blue soul.

He had already comprehended a significant part of his previous life's memories. With the passing of each day, his character was becoming more defined. Jyorta estimated he would finish comprehending his previous life's memories by the time he graduated from the military academy.

He was constantly changing his mindset, having faced one setback after another. He felt a lot of turbulent emotions every time he remembered such memories, then realising that he couldn't do anything about them.

And, every time he thought about the injustice he faced, he remembered the incident that plagued him every day, pouring chill water over the broiling emotions.

'I am standing on the corpses of 28 people.' Jyorta exited the room, making his way through the corridor, eventually exiting the Yellow Building. As he walked towards the cafeteria, intending to have his dinner, he noticed a figure walk towards the Head Office Building, looking solemn. It was Dalna Doppler.

Jyorta glanced at her for a couple of seconds, soon noticing Haesha follow behind her. He also saw Ashten Coorg and Esina Hawker. They were approaching the Head Office Building from different directions, their expressions resolute.

Staring at them for a while, watching their backs as they entered the Head Office one by one, Jyorta derived the cause. His fighting spirit was stirred, 'So, they have accumulated enough and are feeling confident. I will be left behind if I slack.'

9:00 PM, seated on a straw mat was a girl. Her surroundings were dark, the environment humid. It was silent, allowing her to hear the sounds of her heartbeat, which expressed her mild tension.

A gentle, masculine voice resounded, the source untraceable, "Cadet Dalna Doppler, are you ready?"

After a momentary hesitation, Dalna Doppler nodded, "Yes sir, I am good to go."


Her mind resounded with this thought. In response to it, her heart rate changed. The heart was the first organ to exhibit emotions. It was in the sense that to express an emotion, the body behaves in a certain manner, requiring the heart to pump the blood accordingly.

Suppose a person expressed anger. Before the emotion is expressed on his face or body language, the first to express it is the heart. It would express it by varying the heart rate. Similarly, according to every emotional or mental state, the heart rate varies.

Dalna Doppler thought of wanting to breakthrough, solely focusing on the notion. Her heart rate visibly changed, slowing down to the same level as when asleep. In discrete intervals, the heart rate spiked to the same level as when she sprinted, looping the pattern.

The blood flow changed; the transmission of signals in the nerves heightened up by a notch. In response to the changes, the spinal cord actuated a certain effect. Dalna Doppler felt clarity in her hearing and vision. Her thoughts also seemed to flow faster, allowing her to think more in a short duration.

Tier 1 SkillDynamic Acuity!

Her Tier 1 Skill was automatically activated. Her body enacted a mystical effect, producing a faint stench, one that smelled like sweat but mixed with the scent of grass and water. The stench emanated from her body, dissipating into the surroundings.

Affected by the mystical effect, the stench didn't dissipate far, slowly beginning to revolve around her body. It eventually created an olfactory cocoon, invisible to the eye and touch, but could be smelled.

The olfactory cocoon was fragile, looking on the verge of shattering with the slightest of winds. Dalna Doppler's breaths became gentle, light, her inhales and exhales becoming as weak as humanely possible. Now, even if a person were to place a finger before her nose, they would hardly feel any flow of air.

A faint force moved her body, making her assume a posture of lying on the floor. Her right leg rested on her left while her hands rested on her stomach. It was the posture her body could relax the most in.

Dalna Doppler felt her eyes turning heavy. She didn't resist, watching her eyelids close slowly. At the next moment, she felt startling clarity, sensing two perspectives: a first-person perspective and an omniscient perspective.

The two perspectives felt as natural as breathing to her, as if she had them since birth. They were both focused on her heart, on her Heart Crystal to be exact. Her heartbeats were powerful, full of vigour. They pumped the blood through her strengthened body, having to withstand and flow under greater muscular pressure.

A pulse emanated from the Heart Crystal; it was a formless force, its destination being her spine. Dalna Doppler felt a sticky sensation along her back. It was hot at one second, cold at the next. She felt her back becoming heavy, feeling the strain of her body weight. At the next second, it felt like her body had become weightless; the strain on her back had disappeared.

She instinctually sensed something mix with her blood, flowing through the veins, traversing through the myriad complex network. Soon, she noticed a white fragmentgelatinousenter her heartright atriumthrough the largest vein, the inferior vena cava.

At the next moment, she saw another fragment enter through the superior vena cava. The fragments continued forth in their journey, being pumped into the right ventricle. As the heart muscles squeezed, the white fragments accompanied the blood and travelled through the pulmonary artery that split into two, with each heading to a lung respectively.

The blood became oxygenated, sent back into the left atrium through the pulmonary veins. The white fragments followed suit. Through the pumping of the left atrium, the blood flowed into the left ventricle.

Dalna Doppler became serious, sensing the flow of time relatively slow down. When the white fragments flowed into the left ventricle, she willed them, trying to force them towards the heart muscles.

Her Heart Crystal was located below the aortic valve; it had a streamlined shape to not hinder the blood blow. Above the Heart Crystal was the aorta, the vessel through which blood was pumped into the other arteries.

The left ventricle had the highest pumping power. Dalna Doppler focused on the two white fragments, pulling them towards the Heart Crystal, forcing them to break free from the high pressured blood flow.

The left ventricle compressed, causing the blood to flow into the aorta. The pressure was high, beyond what her Will could affect. It just depicted the strength of her body that had developed faster than her Will.

She still managed to grab hold of a white fragment, using the flow of the blood to collide it into the Heart Crystal. The white fragment was fairly compressed onto the Heart Crystal, looking firmly attached, unable to be peeled off for the current period.

Switching back to her omniscient perspective, Dalna Doppler noticed numerous white fragments enter her right atrium. Followed by the process, as the white fragments entered the left ventricle, she tried to pull as many of the white fragments as possible towards the Heart Crystal.

When she was facing difficulties, a second Will emerged. It belonged to her Wisdom Parasite. Even though it was incomparable to her sturdy Will, every bit of advantage helped her situation. An addition of its Will helped collide a greater number of white fragments into the Heart Crystal. 


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