Psychic Parasite

Chapter 155: First Generation, Dysfunctional Thoughts

Chapter 155: First Generation, Dysfunctional Thoughts

Jyorta sat cross-legged on the hard bed, sweating profusely. He looked at the surroundings, noticing the atmosphere instilled with a sense of desolation, filled with a primal semblance. He thought about the memories Atika Light had imparted him, realising the cause for the situation.

'The harsher the environment, the greater the chances of success; the harshness of the environment shouldn't exceed a certain threshold. Everything has been calculated through decades of research.' Jyorta noticed a book and pen appear before him, condensed through a beam of light.

The book was a shade of green, its conception easily recognisable. It had been created through the Unranked Skill, Marble Sonata, nurtured till Tier 4. At Tier 6, the products resulted from Marble Sonata were magenta, yellow at Tier 5, and green at Tier 4.

They were ones Jyorta had personally witnessed. Madam Mila had once demonstrated it in class, gifting everyone a glass jar filled with yellow dust. She claimed the dust possessed something that would help the Espers. Moreover, Madam Mila had instructed everyone to finish turning all the yellow dust in their respective glass jars into their Refined Objects.

Though, considering the sequence of events he was subjected to, Jyorta hadn't had the time to finish it. He also possessed a Tier 6 Artifact, gifted to him by Psychic Ancestor Marble, it was magenta in colour. When being implanted by the Trait of Efficiency, he witnessed the staff in charge of the process use Marble Sonata at Tier 4.

'The ability to create matter that could exist indefinitely, its physical properties altered to suit the circumstances, and its versatility. Marble Sonata is one of the best Unranked Skills. Moreover, the user of the Skill can create Artifacts in a matter of seconds, customising it according to the needs of each individual. In a society, its uses are economical, able to be mass-produced, short production periods, and the lack of requirement in raw materials.' Jyorta sighed once, picking up the pen as he flipped the book, hovering at the first page.

He began jotting down all the details, including his thoughts about the matter at hand, making it as descriptive as possible. He described the features of the hound, its posture, behaviour, its attack ability, and its habits, everything he had witnessed.

Though, he had descended to reality before the hound had made a move on Ehara Gobi, preventing him from witnessing the entire process.

When the pen scribbled on a page in the notebook, lines magically appeared, coloured in dark green. It didn't form a perfect contrast with the green shaded page but it was still visible enough to be read.

Moreover, as he brushed his hand over the words he had written, he felt slight indentations, as if he had carved them. Also, the reverse of the pen could be used like an eraser, giving him the choice to erase and rewrite the parts that he felt were sloppy.

Time passed in such a manner, when Jyorta was finally done with his task, he felt a change erupt in his head, prompting him to close his eyes and sense using his psychic energy. A change enveloped him, akin to the feeling before the breakthrough, one where he had full control over his psychic energy.

Moreover, the Nurturing process had increased to a staggering rate as compared to before he began to scribble on the notebook. Based on his senses, thanks to the guidance from Atika Light, he could arrive at a guess, one that was almost accurate.

'My Sync Rate is currently at 57 percent. So, my Sync Rate fell by 8 percent during the breakthrough. How does this outcome fare in comparison with the others?' Jyorta pondered, calculating how much he could increase through the 70 Tier 4 Frenzy Fruits Atika Light mentioned of rewarding him.

'Each Tier 4 Frenzy Fruit gives a 0.1 percent increase in Sync Rate. So, my Sync Rate will rise by 7 percent, a percent more than the amount that decreased while helping Heima. I guess this is all they are willing to give me.'

But, Jyorta was more than satisfied with the outcome. Atika Light had provided him with gains that surpassed just an increase in Sync Rate. First of all, he now possessed six subsouls. The false personathe face maskhe had created proved more than sufficient for his needs, thanks to its robust structure, created using an abundance of soul energy, only possible due to the inexhaustible supply of Tier 1 Brain Crystals.

He gained insight into his abilities of the soul, also gaining ample experience in using his corrosion, stuff that wouldn't have been possible in the military academy, under the prying eyes of Madam Mary.

Apart from that, he was now an Area Controller, a Tier 2 Esper. This placed him at a massive advantage when compared to his peers, promising him numerous awards. His soul too had achieved Tier 2, creating another Soul Cornea for his use.

Overall, he had profited plenty from this exchange, for something he would have done voluntarily. After all, it was his sister's life that was at risk here. So, when considering everything, the promise of Atika Light gifting him 70 Tier 4 Frenzy Fruits was beyond necessary.

Finally, Jyorta had made up his mind. When he attains Tier 3, he would try to enter Grapple Force. Based on his intuition, despite feeling apprehensive about Atika Light, he was also in awe at the capabilities she had displayed.

She had an Ancestor as her son, one who has been claimed to become the strongest among the Ancestors once he Nurtured his Tier 6 Skill. Heima was already part of the Grapple Force.

Moreover, he realised the fact that what Atika Light had shown him was just the tip of the iceberg. As someone who headed an official organisation in Marble City, including the elites from all the Aristocratic and Royal Families, not to mention the general populace, she was a heavyweight character.

Even though Heima had suffered life-threatening injuries this time, due to a mission issued by Grapple force, Jyorta realised that there wasn't a free meal in this world. If he wanted to gain something, then he ought to reciprocate the equivalent effort.

'Also, my gains from the Mental Realm are fruitful.' Jyorta smiled, taking in the view of his blue soul, watching the soul belonging to his Wisdom Parasite. The memory fragments inside it were currently still, the formed ego had become placid, lacking a consciousness.

Jyorta had gained some insights through his experience in the Mental Realm; when he had absorbed some fragments from the Cogent Phrenics battling him and from Ehara Gobi when he pierced her body, he perceived something mystical.

Even though he had yet to determine the insight he had received, he could instinctively sense something different about him. It was like he had a slight increase in his life experience. Though, the topic pertaining to the increase, he was unsure.

'If my conjecture is right, the Mental Realm is a treasure trove of knowledge and experience. I should attempt absorbing some in my next breakthrough.' His train of thought was broken when the knob on the door twisted, craning it open.

An exhausted middle-aged manwearing loose cotton clothes, white in colourpeeked in, glancing around the room before looking at Jyorta in surprise. "Did you see my mother?"

Jyorta hurriedly stood up, standing straight, performing a standard salute, "She was here five minutes ago. I don't know where she went now, sir."

"Okay," The middle-aged man nodded and closed the door. Before Jyorta could sigh in relief, the door opened once again as the middle-aged man walked in, "Jyorta Bone?"

"Yes, sir." Jyorta nodded, remaining in his saluting pose. He then noticed the other party walk towards the chair, his footsteps not producing any sound. He was barefoot, his actions exuding a friendly demeanour.

He sat on the chair, grunting in exhaustion, motioning for Jyorta to sit, "How do you feel about living in this world?"

"Idon't know." Jyorta shook his head, trying to be honest, his line of thought referencing his changed mentality.

"Tell me your experience," The middle-aged man smiled, "If you were to compare both the worlds, which one would prefer to live in?"

"My previous one," Jyorta replied, "There, as long as you weren't born poor, you can lead a comfortable life. You will still have to face many worries but, they are in no way comparable to the ones we have to face here. I experienced that in the last few hours when the subsoul of my Wisdom Parasite broke free of my influence."

"Oh," The middle-aged man frowned, "Based on my knowledge, something like that shouldn't have been possible. Recount me everything from the start."

"Yes, sir," Jyorta nodded, beginning from his sister, and how she broke away from being a subsoul of Gajara Rahi thanks to Rhachis Ancestor Light, the injury she had encountered at present that led to many complications, and finally the appearance of Ehara Gobi as he treated Heima.

On hearing about the presence of Ehara Gobi, the middle-aged man felt goosebumps appear on his skin, recalling the conversation he shared with his mother, Atika Light upon witnessing the state of Heima before.

"I wish to talk with you more and know about your previous world. But, these aren't the times for that. Our city is in a precarious situation, as one of its three defenders, I am pretty busy." The middle-aged man stood up, turned around, and headed towards the door. "When the situation has stabilised, we can have a good chat. By that time, you should have grown stronger, possessing greater experience under your belt."

He twisted the door know, craning the door open, pausing before he exited, turning around to gaze at Jyorta, "How much of your abilities does my mother know?"

"I don't even have an estimate to fathom," Jyorta shook his head. "When I displayed my abilities while trying to save my sister, Heima, not once did Madam question my choice. Maybe she knows everything but, I can't give a guarantee." 

"My advice is to reveal everything you know to her." The middle-aged man looked into Jyorta's eyes, his gaze making the other party shudder involuntarily, "Only she can help you escape that man's arrangements. Those folks from the first generation have dysfunctional thought processes, I hope you remember that."


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