Psychic Parasite

Chapter 135: The Green Energy

Chapter 135: The Green Energy

"Just kidding," A voice resounded from the bone giant, retracting into its centre, turning back into the figure of Jyovic Bone, retaining a smaller pair of wings on his back. Jyovic Bone smiled at Vi Ha Su Warlord, making the latter unconsciously increase the distance between them by another hundred metres.

Jyovic bone extended his hand forward, placing it on the chest of the dead Vu He Su Warlord, watching the flesh in the area of contact squirm, opening a pathway for his hand to enter. Jyovic Bone inserted his hand through the gap, emitting faint green energy, allowing it to coagulate within, circulating through its body once.

He then retracted his hands, pulling out two objectstwo thumb-sized crystals, spherical in shape, one crimson, and the other creamy whitepocketing them. The wings on his back flapped, bringing him towards a crater.

Making use of the chance when the Floating Spiders were wary of him, unwilling to get near him, Jyovic Bone landed next to the corpse of Wunris Marble, placing his hand over the mashed remains of his head, emitting the same green energy as before.

The green energy coursed through Wunris Marble's body, extracting a certain essence, forming two thumb-sized spheresone yellow, and the other transparent. The yellow sphere looked pristine, showing no signs of damage while the transparent sphere was filled with cracks, disintegrating into fine energy upon touch.

Jyovic Bone sighed, pocketing the yellow sphere, "At least, I managed to preserve a part of your legacy, Sir Marble."

"I have to congratulate you for giving me my privacy," Jyovic Bone said, allowing his body to be carried by the wings on his back, flying towards the sky. He noticed the state of Ankrakhen Light, getting overwhelmed by the two Sky Controller Floating Spiders.

As an Esper with an Unranked Skill specialised in the field of research, his battle prowess was equivalent to a regular Sky Controller. While facing off against the two Sky Controller Floating Spiders, he could not gain an upper hand, barely using the Relics with him to stall for time.

'They seem to have taken his two Relics.' Jyovic Bone directed his gaze towards the Spider World, focusing on a certain section that seemed weaker than the rest, figured out through his rich experience in fighting against the Floating Spiders.

Jyovic Bone snapped his finger, producing faint sparks in the air due to the friction of his action. Ankrakhen Light smiled, despite getting pummelled, expending greater amounts of his psychic energy to protect himself.

The wings behind Jyovic Bone widened its wingspan, turning 40 metres long. His aura spiked, convulsing the flesh in his body, expanding in size, soon transforming into the 8-metre tall bone giant.

The bone giant flew towards the Spider World, alarming the Floating Spiders to react. Along the way, the bone giant caught hold of the dead body of Vu He Su Warlordmaking a free fallpausing in the air for an instant, absorbing all the energy in its heart crystal.

The body of Vu He Su Warlord experienced some changes, morphing its shape, splitting into three. They soon formed into bone giants, looking similar to the one Jyovic Bone had transformed into but a tad smaller.

The three bones giants unfurled transparent wings on their backs, flapping them as they flew towards the Spider World, engaging in battle with the three Floating Spider Warlords. Taking the chance when the three foes were busy in battle, the bone giant that Jyovic Bone had transformed into crashed into the Spider World, pausing in action.

Vi Ha Su Warlord defended against an attack, glancing at its back, looking at the silent Spider World in anticipation. The silk ropes that made up the entirety of the Spider World were capable of siphoning energy from any individual that touched it, barring the ones that the owner considered allies.

The greater the surface area of contact, the greater the volume of the energy siphoned out. It was why Wunris Marble failed to withstand the first attack of his psychic energy getting absorbed. It was because the silk ropes overlaid themselves over Wunris Marble's psychic arms shielding the dome, covering its entire surface area.

Considering the size of the 8-metre tall bone giant, even though the energy siphoned from it would be less than that of the first attack on Wunris Marble, it would still be a considerable sum, continuously siphoned every second unless the other party retracted themselves.

At the next moment of contact, the silk ropes converged from other areas, forming a layer over the bone giant, pressing it onto the surface of the Spider World, trapping it in place. The silk ropes were sturdy, unable to be cut easily by even Tier 5 Artifacts. Adding onto their tensile strength capable of lifting tens of tonnes of kilograms per each silk rope, it would prove to be an almost impossible feat to escape from their clutches.

Wrapped under a multitude of layers formed by the silk ropes, a faint undulation erupted from the bone giant, coursing through the surface of the Spider World, forming a ripple spanning the entirety of its exterior.

It was then followed by absolute silence, the outcome of the exchange unknown. Vi Ha Su Warlord sent out a punch, blasting the head of the bone giant facing it, turning the rest of its body into a mush of flesh and blood. It had used its Tier 5 Skill to avoid a head-on confrontation, quickly dispatching it with a sneak attack.

Vi Ha Su Warlord then glanced in the direction of the other two Warlords, noticing them having destroyed the bone giants they faced. One was encased into a sculpture of ice, shattered at the next second into innumerable fragments. The other burned up in flames, dropping to the ground as a melted mush.

"Their attacks were simple but, their body is as strong as ours." One of them commented, having arrived next to Vi Ha Su Warlord, looking at the Spider World wrapped in silence. "He probably perfected the Unranked Skill. Otherwise, changing Vu He Su Warlord's body like that is not possible."

"The sense of threat has appeared once again." Vi Ha Su Warlord murmured, closing in on the Spider World, arriving next to the spot the bone giant was wrapped.

Tier 5 SkillSensory Invisibility! 

Vi Ha Su Warlord disappeared from view while the other two Floating Spider Warlords arrived at its spot, looking at the cocoon in nervousness. They spoke with each other in a flurry, discussing their mode of attack against the opponent. They didn't have a choice since the Spider World shielded all forms of detection.

"I don't think he would be trapped like that. This is Jyovic Bone we are talking about; just a month ago he killed a Transformer from the Web Family. So, he should be the most knowledgeable about our Spider World." A Floating Spider Warlord, sporting faint sparks around its fists said.

"I'll kill the other human. We can then besiege Jyovic Bone from all sides and take his life. Even if he manages to do something, we will be able to deal with him as long as our Espers are freed." The other Floating Spider Warlord, sporting a pair of arms encased in ice said, flying towards Ankrakhen Light.

Seeing a third foe fly towards him, the trace smile on his face vanished, replaced by an expression of grim. Ankrakhen Light noticed the state of the Spider World through one of his psychic arms he managed to free momentarily, feeling the building tension in his body abate, followed by a sense of relaxation.

The approaching Floating Spider Warlord sent its fists forward, emitting a beam of energy, bluish-white in colour, targeting Ankrakhen Light.

Ankrakhen Light brought a chakram forwardyellow in colour, a Tier 5 Artifact fused with a Tier 4 Relicexpanding it in size until it blacked the entirety of the energy beam. The chakram spun with increasing speed, turning its surface rough, raising its friction with the air, burning up its exterior.

The generated heat helped it resist the energy beam serving to freeze it, shielding Ankrakhen Light from the attack. Though, while doing this, the number of psychic arms left to defend himself had dropped down to four, leaving him in an increasingly dangerous situation. But, even then, Ankrakhen Light wasn't flustered, seemingly waiting for something.

Just when the Floating Spider Warlord was about to deliver another attack, a shrill scream erupted from the Spider World, followed by a bone giant peaking out, snapping the silk ropes without trouble. The silk ropes lacked their prior strength, easily snapping under the slightest of force exertion.

"Thanks for the grub" The bone giant had the upper half of its body peak out when a hand pierced through its chest, originating from its back, holding a beating heart in its hand.

"Haha," Vi Ha Su Warlord laughed in delight, feeling its emotions brim with euphoria. Without any delay, it crushed the beating heart, also inserting its other hand through the bone giant's head, piercing through its defence, and emerging on the other side, holding a brain.

"Good riddance; the sneaky ones always fall for this trick." A voice resounded from under the bone giant. Before Vi Ha Su Warlord could react, the body of the bone giant turned into a white puddle, forming into various needles that drilled into its body. It was the same for the brain and heart clutched in its hands, turning into a mush of flesh, wrapping around its body, constricting it.

The needles didn't require any power to penetrate through its body. The moment they touched the epidermis, the surrounding flesh caved in, allowing them to burrow themselves deep into Vi Ha Su Warlord's body.

The needles pierced through the internals, burrowing their way towards the heart, damaging everything along their way, seeking to rend everything in sight. Vi Ha Su Warlord hurriedly flew backward, intending to put as much distance as it could.

A hand emerged from beneath the bone giant, directing the palm towards the escaping Vi Ha Su Warlord, stopping its body, allowing numerous outgrowths to form on its body, striving to influence the rest of its body.

One of the Sky Controller Floating Spiders diverted its psychic arm from the fight, seeping it into the body of Vi Ha Su Warlord, forming a barrier around its body, abating most of the influence. The psychic arm then brought Vi Ha Su Warlord away from the battlefield, pausing for a second in thought.

'His influence only spans a kilometre.' A voice resounded next to all the Tier 5 Floating Spiders, alerting them of the details it had inferred based on the previous exchange.

Jyovic Bone stood atop the remains of his bone giant form, placing the three thumb-sized spheres on his stomach, allowing it to seep inside his flesh, safeguarding them. He then noticed one of the Sky Controller Floating Spiders approach him, directing five bladescarried by a psychic arm eachhis way.

'The Puppet Family' His expression turned serious, tapping on the bone giant below him, forming a hole, paving way towards the inside of the Spider World. Suddenly, he received a message, feeling his tension relax a bit.

Without a second thought, Jyovic Bone jumped through it, allowing the hole to fill up, escaping from embroiling in a direct fight against the Sky Controller Floating Spider.


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