Psychic Parasite

Chapter 131: Greater Warlord

Chapter 131: Greater Warlord

The marble barrier shouldered the brunt of the Spider World's momentum, shattering within a second. Wunris Marble wrapped a psychic arm around himself, making use of the instant gained by the barrier, creating a gap between the two. The moment his marble barrier had shattered, he retracted his psychic arms, seeping them through the bodies of the thousands of soldiers under him.

The psychic arms threw their bodies in the direction of Marble City, leaving their fate in the hands of the Ground controllers mixed among them.

The bodies of the soldiers broke through the sound barrier, feeling a massive strain. The Espers had reacted in time, wrapping all of their respective psychic arms around themselves, protecting their bodies from harm as they flew.

Among the Warriors, the Shifters were perfectly fine; the momentum experienced by them, and the resulting air friction was well within their tolerable levels. The Developers though, were worse off, with most of them bleeding, suffering numerous injuries from the air that scraped past them. The effect burned their armours, peeling off parts that were aerodynamically affected, hurting the body within.

The Ground Controllers soon took charge, spreading three of their psychic arms in their vicinity, seeping them through the bodies of all the Developers and Wave Controllers, bringing them closer. Their psychic arms then pushed the Shifters to the boundary, creating numerous links, soon taking help from the Wave Controllers who had comprehended their intentions.

They formed a huge dome, bordering it with the bodies of the Shifters at the front, layering it with their psychic arms, creating a protective layer for the Developers and the Wave Controllers to take a breather.

The Ground Controllers exerted their strength, controlling the direction and flight of the dome, supplementing their initial momentum, gained thanks to Wunris Marble's actions.

"Has the distress signal been sent to Central Command?" A Ground Controller questioned, glancing at the Esper in charge of the message transmissions.

The Esper replied in a fluster, "The signals have been blocked."

Their conversation was done through their psychic arms, the transmission swift, taking naught but an instant, the contents crisp, delivered with startling clarity. The Ground Controller frowned, having activated his domain; he detected something, alarmed at its power, his expression morphing into a fluster.

"Amplify my actions!" He bellowed through his psychic energy, transmitting the contents to all the Ground Controllers, controlling the dome they had created.

The dome swerved towards its left, plopping towards the ground, watching the air in its previous spot igniting into a sea of flames. Numerous silk ropes shot towards them, the thickness of each a metre in radius, bringing with them tremendous momentum.

Thanks to all the Ground Controllers working together, the dome managed to barely scrape through the silk rope assaults, each of which was imbued with Tier 5 strength. A thick rope shot towards them, its speed surpassing the previous attacks, bringing with it enough momentum to shatter their defences.

A marble wall appeared between them, held by three psychic arms, blocking the impact. The instant when the thick rope experienced recoil, the three psychic arms held the escaping dome and hurled it once again, raising its speed to the limits its structural stability could withstand, displaying the computational capabilities of a high Tiered Esper.

Wunris Marble appeared behind the marble wall, sending a command to the flying dome through his psychic energy, "Don't care about the energy expenditure. Proceed at full speed!"

Another thick silk rope appeared, lashing out at him like a whip, impacting the barrier he had erected around him with two psychic arms. Wunris Marble was sent flying towards the ground, forming a straight line due to the momentum, unaffected by gravity. He crashed into it, creating a massive dust cloud, coursing tremors along the ground, creating wide cracks that spread out like a web.

From the Spider World that had unfurled into coiling threads, numerous Floating Spiders flew out, both Warriors and Espers, dispersing themselves into the air, trailing after the escaping dome, not giving the chance for Wunris Marble to defend it.

At Tier 5, an Esper was capable of creating five psychic arms. Each psychic arm was capable of lifting 10 tonnes in weight, proceed at a speed of 10 kilometres per second, and have an active range of 10 kilometres around the Esper.

Wunris Marble had a Sync Rate of 94 percent, leading each of his psychic arms to possess a slightly decreased power: 9.4 tonnes in weight, 9.4 kilometres per second in speed, and sport an active range with a radius of 9.4 kilometres.

If he combined all his psychic arms into a whole, the weight would experience an additive increase while the speed grew based on a relation with the total power he could exhibit. Even then, Wunris Marble felt helpless against his foe, having to face off against the attacks of seven Tier 5 Floating Spiders, with their attacks always directed at the escaping dome.

This forced Wunris Marble to block them head-on, suffering a massive drain in his psychic energy reserves.

From the Spider World, except for a single Tier 5 Floating Spider that controlled it, all the other Floating Spiders flew out, including the remaining six Tier 5 existences. Each of them delivered their attacks, dispersed into the wide area, attacking the dome through all possible means.

Of the six Tier 5 Frenzy Beasts, four paused in the air, emitting a sharp flux of aura, having activated a certain Unranked Skill exclusive to their branch among the Floating Spiders. They spanned a size of 4 metres, sporting eight legs that were covered with thin hair.

Their eight eyes glistened with a menacing hue, causing their mandibles to create clanging sounds as they converged and diverged. They were Warriors; the remaining two Floating Spiders were Espers, sporting the same appearance but spanning only 2 metres in size.

The two Sky Controller Floating Spiders dispersed into opposite directions, charging towards the flying dome, expanding their domains, overlapping them over it, despite the distance the dome had covered.

The moment the domain overlapped the flying dome, a psychic arm appeared without warning, grabbing hold of it, destroying its momentum. The psychic arm contracted, exerting force on the dome, producing cracking sounds. But, its task wasn't easy, the attack it launched resisted by the soldiers inside the dome.

The Ground Controllers were the majority that resisted the force, getting used to the strength in an instant, putting up an equal fight. A second later, they overwhelmed the psychic arm, pushing it back. Countless chakrams flew out, each carried by a psychic arm, dicing into the enemy's psychic arm, rending it within a second, breaking free from the confinement.

The dome swiftly raised its speed, barely escaping another psychic arm that grasped its previous location. But, the soldiers inside it didn't look relieved in the least, sporting expressions of distraught, and despair.

At the next instant, two domains overlapped it once again, allowing two psychic arms to slam at them from opposite directions, morphing the dome's shape. A third domain covered the region, wrestling control with the other two, giving the dome some reprieve.

Wunris Marble flew out from the ground, ignoring the massive crater his crash had created. He infused three psychic arms into his body, raising his speed by a multiple, appearing beside the dome after a second. His other two psychic arms coiled around the psychic arms of his foes, grabbing hold of them.

"Aargh," Wunris Marble shouted, exerting greater force, pulling the two psychic arms aside, freeing the dome once again. Of the three psychic arms infused into his body, two emerged out, fusing into one and grabbing hold of the dome.

The dome shot forward, instantly breaking past the sound barrier, proceeding towards speeds beyond 10 kilometres per second. Two psychic arms coursed into it from the other direction, immediately placing it in an impasse.

Six psychic arms slammed at Wunris Marble, in pairs of three, arriving from opposing directions, causing cracks to appear in his defence. A flash of yellow covered the psychic armwrapped around his bodyshielding him from harm, raising his defensive strength, mending the previous cracks.

The two Sky Controller Floating Spiders appeared on his side, separated by a kilometre, floating at opposing spots, with Wunris Marble taking the centre.

Two of his psychic arms wrestled with two psychic arms of his opponents; two other psychic armsfused into a single entityprotected the dome and sought to throw it towards Marble City, its progress hindered by two psychic arms from his foes; finally, a single psychic armyellow in colourdefended him from the attacks of six psychic arms, placing him in a precarious situation.

The two Sky Controller Floating Spiders each used their remainder three psychic arms to slam at Wunris Marble, locking him in place, preventing him from executing any other plans.

Wunris Marble turned two of his psychic armswrestling with his opponent's psychic arms, numbering twoyellow, raising their structural integrity. They also thinned, turning into a blade, their edges sharp, retaining their flexibility. The yellow psychic arms coiled around the psychic arms of the foes, cutting into them easily, beginning to shred them into pieces.

The two Sky Controller Floating Spiders each retracted a psychic arm from Wunris Marble, fusing them into the psychic arm wrestling with the yellow psychic arm. All the actions happened in a couple of seconds, the high-intensity battle showing no signs of victor as of present.

Through his domain, Wunris Marble noticed the appearances of Tier 4 Floating spiders along the periphery, intending to soon join the battle. It was then; a spike in aura impacted him, alarming his senses.

The four Transformer Floating Spiders had finally activated their Unranked Skills, emitting a massive wave of aura.

Wunris Marble shielded the dome from the aura, thanks to psychic arma fusion of two psychic armsshielding it.

His expression twisted up in a rage, turning his eyes bloodshot; veins popped across his forehead, his emotions apparent. He knew very well of the Unranked Skill they had activated, clouding his mind with anger.

The bodies of the four Transformer Floating Spiders underwent a change, morphing their body frames, elongating it, raising their height. Of their eight legs, one pair turned perpendicular to their bottom, straightening itself. The remaining three pairs moved upwards the abdomen, their tips experiencing other changes, growing five stumps each, further segmented into three.

The position of the eyes proceeded downward; the head oriented itself, perpendicular to its front, creating a narrow body part that supported the head, connecting it to the rest of the body. The mandibles clattered in frenzy, spewing out copious amounts of aura, shooting them towards Wunris Marble like a hail of bullets.

Their bodies had completely transformed, turning humanoid, altering their essence, changing the influence they exhibited into the surroundings.

Unranked SkillGreater Warlord!


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