Psychic Parasite

Chapter 126: 67%

Chapter 126: 67%

"Don't feel disillusioned for the drop," The head doctor patted his shoulder, "Your life was at risk. I have no idea of the task Madam has assigned to you, one that would leave you in such a state but, I hope you can persevere."

He then exited the room, taking the door that led into the narrow hallwayone whose walls sported the painting, almost endless in length. The other doctors too trailed after him, giving Jyorta perfunctory words of encouragement. Not one inquired about the reason for his actions or the reason he had ended up in such a state.

It was like they weren't bothered about the reasons, only doing their job meticulously. Upon their exit, except for the green workbench his body rested on, the remaining tools and apparatus in green dissolved into psychic energy, dissipating into the surroundings, their path directed towards the narrow hallway.

"Sir," Jyorta sat up, regaining control of his body, the sensation steadily encroaching him. "What happened? Why did I lose control of my psychic energy? I still cannot feel the presence of my psychic energy."

"Your body had an intake of Brain Crystals that were beyond its natural extraction mechanism. It became a poison, affecting you. Don't worry; you will soon regain your abilities as time passes. I presume it would take you a week to regain your strength."

"A week" Jyorta murmured, displaying a mild frown. The false persona did an exceptional job, giving him the cool-headedness to think his actions through and plan for the future, trying to device other means.

'I have barely scratched the surface in the task of converting the soul of sister's Wisdom Parasite into my subsoul. But, without being able to achieve anything, I ended up in such a pathetic state.'

Jyorta closed his eyes, taking in the vision of his blue soul, watching his surroundings turn dark. The blue soul created a soul tendril, making a connection with the Brain Crystal, feeling resistance when it tried to siphon the psychic energy.

When he noticed his prior state, the blue soul immediately severed the 12 connections it made with the Brain Crystal. Now, the Brain Crystal was empty, bereft of any psychic energy. Moreover, there wasn't any influx of psychic energy from the body that sought to fill in the vacancy.

Since the Wisdom Parasite had stopped its Nurturing process, there wasn't any psychic energy being produced in his body, leading to his current state.

He had hoped to explore the region of his brain where the white impurities were still present, destroying them with his corrosion. But, the vision of his blue soul could only detect the presence of other souls. Everything else was just like the eyes, the only difference being the range, angle of vision, and ocular capacity.

Even when it connected with the various parts of the body, it was done through certain guidance, established between the body and the soul. It was more like an instinctual process, the position of each body parts hence apparent.

Anything beyond that, resembling close to actual vision was impossible. Hence, Jyorta couldn't discover the spots where the traces of the white impurities existed. He didn't want to blindly activate his corrosion while directing his Soul Cornea into his brain; that would be a wonderful way to commit suicide.

'Now, I am in a passive situation. If I am unable to recover psychic energy in my Brain Crystal, just depending on my soul foundation alone to tackle sister's case is an impossibility.' Jyorta opened his eyes, glancing around the room, lingering his sight on the door that led into Heima's room.

The door to his back opened and out came Atika Light, carrying a beaker filled with a saline solution, mixed with various chemicals. She arrived before Jyorta, placing the beaker in his hand, "Drink this; it will cure you."

Jyorta held the beaker, glancing at the solution within it, looking viscous to the extent resembling castor oil. It was a shade of dark green, mixed with layers of yellow and pink, forming a multi-varied design, looking no different from the witch potions recorded in the fable.

'Is this a cure? Or is this a mind-breaking poison?' Jyorta thought, showcasing zero trust in Atika Light. After living in this world and experiencing many things, he had come to a frightening conclusion.

No adult was simple-minded; they were filled with numerous thoughts, schemes, cunning, etc. none were naive or straightforward; the simple-minded ones had long since lost control thanks to the Wisdom Parasite grasping hold of their character.

In order to resist and outsmart the Wisdom Parasite in them, humans were forced to think harder, turning their thoughts complex, greater than the extent ought to have been the norm. The higher the Tier, the greater the Wisdom Parasite's development; it soon became equivalent to humans, engaging in an impasse.

In order to survive, humans were forced to outsmart the Wisdom Parasite through all means possible, the only hope for their survival and betterment. Under such a prolonged state, the mental state of humans experienced changes, soon becoming the current status quo.

Jyorta gazed into the beaker for a couple of seconds, deciding on his course of action. At present, he was in a poor state, unable to use his psychic energy, lacking any other means to save his sister. So, he had no choice but to jump the gun.

Jyorta brought the beaker close to his mouth, taking a sniff, finding the smell lacking. It was similar to lavender, the concentration weak to the extent he couldn't detect any smell. Closing his eyes, Jyorta downed the contents in one go, finding the taste bland, similar to water drunk when fully hydrated.

As the solution seeped through his food pipe, Jyorta felt a warm sensation course through him, the feeling abating after a couple of seconds. He then noticed Atika Light motioning for Anruk Light to oversee him.

She headed towards Heima's room, turning around a foot before the door, gazing at Jyorta, "I advise ample rest for the next two hours. The tonic has an affinity to the Brain Crystal impurities. Using it as a catalyst, the impurities will be extracted from your Wisdom Parasite, ejected by your body naturally after some time."

"You have yet to eat anything since morning. Once your body has finished purifying itself, grab some lunch before coming here." Atika Light opened the door, entering the room upon confirming Jyorta's response.

As the door closed shut, Jyorta stood up, feeling his body returning to normal, except for the lack of his Esper abilities. Giving a bow to Anruk Light, Jyorta entered the cramped room, lying down on the bed.

The blue soul severed some connections, allowing his body to instantly enter a state of rest. The blue soul neither went through the memory fragments related to the prior event nor did it try to deal with the persona forming in its corner.

The morning's mission had already taxed both the body and the mind. Now, Jyorta needed some rest to recover, allowing him to later exert full strength.

2:30 PM, Jyorta sat up with a start and hurried to the bathroom, carrying his towel. Thirty minutes later, he walked out, looking refreshed, feeling a sense of clarity return to his mind.

'My condition is only a bit inferior to when I woke up today.' Jyorta inspected his body, sensing the return of his psychic energy, the process slow, equivalent to a trickle. The Wisdom Parasite had once again begun its Nurturing process, despite the rate being slightly slower as compared to before.

"My Sync Rate had dropped by four percent, falling to 67 percent. No wonder the Nurturing process seems slower; my Wisdom Parasite has yet to be fully purified, also attributing to the decreased Nurturing."

The return of his Esper abilities brought a smile to his face, giving him the hope to continue with his efforts, all for the glimmer in chance to rescue his sister. Jyorta exited the room, finding Anruk Light standing at the same spot as before.

Sensing his condition, Anruk Light flashed a smile, accompanying him to lunch, arriving at the same dining section as the previous day. This time, the area was mostly empty, except for the presence of the doctors who treated him a couple of hours ago.

On noticing them, Jyorta gave a heartfelt bow, expressing gratitude for saving his life. He then filled his plate with the food that Anruk Light labelled safe for his consumption.

3:45 PM, en route to Heima's room, Jyorta finally managed to summon his psychic arm, despite it being a miniature version as compared to before. He approached the room, making a couple of knocks, the force application, and the frequency of knocks taught to him by Anruk Light.

Anruk Light leaned on the wall, occupying the spot next to the door, silently activating his domain, sensing the frequency of the door's vibration, actuated by a snap from Atika Light's fingers. He then nodded towards Jyorta, permitting him to enter.

Jyorta nodded in response, pushing the door and peeking inside. Everything was the same as before; he entered the room and seated himself beside Heima's hip, holding the rectangular box on his left.

Taking in a deep breath, he summoned his Caterpillar, intending to repeat the process, this time with renewed vigour.


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