Protagonist?Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 23: 23:Framing

Chapter 23: 23:Framing

A black Rolls Royce Cullinan entered the Academy.

From it, a pair of beautiful couples walked out.

Seph held the gorgeous lady and escorted her under everyone's blatant eyes.

"Why is it so crowded today?"The girl asked with her eyes peering around.

The girl was none other than Ella Befort, Leon's step-sister who would soon hold an engagement ceremony with Seph.

Meanwhile, Seph's eyes caught the sight of a damaged Ferrari.

One of the sidekicks of Seph came running and informed them.

"Leon and John got into a fight. Lin Fang was about to make a move but they were stopped by Miss Su Lin."

Seph raised his eyes curiously.

At the beginning of the play, there were three heroines.

Ella Befort, Leon's step-sister.

Ling Quxi, the campus belle who transferred from the military school.

And Su Lin of the prominent Su family.

Seph started with Ella because he had prior contact with her and this was easy to woo.

A few sweet promises, a handsome charming mature smile, and a lot of gifts were enough to conquer her heart fully.

"That stupid brother of mine is still messing around."Ella frowned."I need to put some sense into him otherwise he will be expelled from the school."

"How nice of you to care for him. If only he was intelligent enough to understand your goodness."Seph caressed Ella's hair displaying a loving scene.

'I wish that brain dead was the protagonist. Alas, he is just an ant that went down even before I could make a move.'


Inside the principal's office, a solemn somber atmosphere prevailed that was broken by a banging sound.


"Fighting near a school without any sense of decorum and courtesy. Do you take the authority in your eyes?"The middle-aged man in a neatly dressed suit screamed at the top of his lungs angrily.

He was Albert Frost, the Principal of the academy.

His eyes darted at John and his group, then to Leon who stood there indifferently as if he was here for a stroll.

Both were troublesome kids that created a lot of trouble. While Leon's boss image faded away after Seph took the stage, John was still being notorious.

If you add Seph Greymore who in the last three weeks shook the upper echelon by storm, Albert was sure that the Academy would be caught up in the crossfire in between their fights.

Poor old man, if he knew just what he was dealing with for real, he would beg the Council to make him retire before things start becoming messy.

"Leon, stop behaving like a low-class hooligan. Don't you see the principal is saying something?''Su Lin interjected, glaring at Leon who was whistling while looking around.

Leon stared at the snow-white beauty with a cold expression on her face and said.

"There is no need for me to keep up my appearance and act like a noble elegant man which I am not. I am already thrown trash and am free to do as I wish."


The loud sound echoed forcing silence onto everyone.

"You know your actions were inappropriate and against the law. If you keep on doing this, you will stain the academy's prestige. I thought that you would have grown up already after causing a ruckus but it seems some people never change."Albert condemned him but as he looked at John's crew, his expression softened.

But in truth, he was peeking at Lin Fang and assuring him that things would be alright.

This didn't go unnoticed in Leon's eyes.

If not for being in the new world, he would have already shown his middle finger and screamed.

'Fuck your law and authority.'

"Now apologize to John and his group. I can't waste my whole day on this useless matter."

The moment John heard this he smirked at Leon.

"His kick broke my ribs so he had to bow his head, kneel, and apologize."

"I agree!"Lin Fang supported John adding his opinion, which no one asked.

"It's better to expel him. Since menaces like this would soil the entire academy."

"Hmm!" Albert nodded his head finding Lin Fang's words quite pleasing to his ears

"He needs to bow his head to each one of us, "John's group demanded.

Su Lin frowned feeling that John was being excessive and opened her lips to intervene but stopped seeing Leon raising his hands

Taking a gentle approach, Leon raised his hand like a dignified student.

"Now what?"Albert asked irritatingly.

"It seems you all are having a grave misunderstanding. I didn't start all of this, rather he started it first and punched me."

"Also John, get your facts right. I punched you, not kicked. And Principal, you can just play the CCTV, you will know the truth."

Albert instead of speaking, opened the computer, clicked it a few times, and then turned the screen towards everyone.

Su Lin leaned forward exposing a bit of her white neck and the ravine created between two mountains.

Leon turned a bit and sniffed a strong floral soothing scent. Then he observed the recording in which there was no scene of Leon punching.

Leon looked at John who sneered at him giving him a playful smile while Lin Fang ridiculed him.

'Why are the people so weird here? Always making such annoying faces even after the winner had been decided.'

"Now, what do you want to say?"Albert asked while Su Lin glared at him.

"Leon, you are clearly at fault yet you are lying with a straight face."Su Lin also reprimanded Leon.

Leon stepped forward staring straight into the Principal's eyes.

"Respected Sir, I will give you a chance to come clean and show the original video. Many people present there can also be witnesses.

Albert was taken aback by seeing a soulless cold gaze coming from someone this young.

"What do you mean by that? Are you threatening me and accusing me? As per the witness, call them. I want to hear what they have to say.

"I am not accusing you rather I am spitting facts," Leon replied with his hand and grabbed the computer screens and keyboard.

Knowing that it was useless to call a witness, Leon decided to take the matter into his own hands.

"What the hell are you doing?"Albert shouted but didn't stop Leon who searched around a bit.

Knowing what he was searching for, Albert let him do that without interrupting him while others observed him in curiosity.

In his eyes, Leon was just fooling around. It was just a desperate attempt.

"Well played!"Leon commented on taking out his new phone and an OTG cable sticking the other end to the port.

Leon clicked his smartphone a few times and then taped it onto the keyboard.


His hands danced crazily with swift agile and mesmerizing movements that made an onlooker desire to watch more.

"Here it is, the original one."

Leon shifted his eyes at Albert abruptly scaring a shit out of him.


Leon presses enter and soon the original video plays out.

Su Lin's lips opened wide in shock as she watched this. The difference between this one and the other one was evident.

In the first one, John throws the cane, followed by Leon attacking him immediately, cutting part of John and trash-talking.


Su Lin's eyes turned cold as she looked at Albert who felt a chill down the spine.

"I never expected this from an honorable person like you."

The entire room froze as Su Lin subconsciously released her aura. She was an apt teacher who always cared for her students condemning right and wrong.

She had also reprimanded Leon many times before and found that he wasn't that bad except for being lustful like he never bullied weak, skipped class, and forced a woman.

He chased girls but never took them by force, maintaining distance between them. She investigated a bit out of worry and found that even though he visited the bar frequently, he hadn't touched the girls there physically.

The only thing she hated about him was his dog-like boot-licking nature and even advised him sincerely that if you acted serious and mysterious instead of licking dogs, the girls would throw themselves at your feet.....


As per John, he was a thoroughly rotten playboy. She had a good impression of Lin Fang despite his low grades as the Principal had always spoken highly of him and his morale but now a tinge of doubt painted her thoughts.

After all, will a good person become a lackey of a bad guy secondly, he was in cahoot with John to best Leon.

"As you see I acted in self-defense. It's John and his sidekicks who looked troubled against him, "Leon declared, taking back his phone in amusement.

'You are quite unlucky to play computer games with a top hacker,' Leon looked at Albert in pity then at the protagonist.

Generally, such protagonists had a beautiful teacher's backing but it seems Lin Fang had a Principal who had yet to set him up with Su Lin.

Unfortunately for him, the moment she came in contact with him, Lin Fang's protagonist halo was now useless. So now if he wants to court her, he needs to grind her.

But can these brain-dead protagonists be even capable of getting women if not for helping them?

Which is either saving them from trouble, kidnappers, or rape them leading them to fall in love, quite ironically.

"Now that I am done, I will leave."

Leon exited causally following which Su Lin's chilly eyes ran around everyone.

Then she turned around to leave with cold words.

"Principal just waited until I informed the Council about this."

"No Professor Su Lin, wait..."

Albert cried out but his words fell on deaf ears.

"Damn it!"Albert roared angrily, slamming his fist on the table, and breaking it apart.


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