Protagonist Knows Everything

Chapter 17: Workspace

Chapter 17: Workspace

Rumors about the Hagnut guild entering a long term contract with the Siris Chamber spread quickly. I didnt spread those rumors. It was all done by Ron.

Of course, that wasnt the only thing he did.

Have you heard?

Uh. It looks like the Wyvern Guild interfered with other guilds quests.

It was Burns.

I didnt expect these things from Mr. Burns.

The problem is the guild leader of the Wyvern Guild.

That summed up the conversation between adventurers for the past few days. According to the rumors, the reputation of the Wyvern Guild plummeted a lot. Ron must have spread the rumor on purpose.

He mustve been furious after they tried to burn his assets.

In addition, the Siris chamber cut off their connections with the Wyvern Guild. For the guild, it was like losing a big customer.

This tastes good.

Sain replied with a smile at my unexpected remark, It should. This place is supposed to serve luxurious food only.

As she said, we were sitting in one of the most expensive restaurants in Kelk city, not the usual adventurers bar.

This all started with Kashas remarks this morning.

Ill buy us dinner today!

Can I just deduct the meal fee from your monthly salary?

Wow, the grumpy Tay is trying to make a joke.

It was a joke alright, but not all of it.

Kasha looked back at Sain and asked, Do you have any time, as well?

Yeah? Am I invited too?

Sure. I completed several A-class quests and my pockets are quite loaded. I always save it, but I want to treat you to dinner today.

Sain nodded her head in embarrassment. Maybe this was the first time an adventurer made such an offer.

Kasha said that she wanted to treat us to expensive food. So she told us to meet her at the Moonlit Place tonight. And the place where I am sitting is that expensive restaurant.

Sain said, staring at the luxurious dishes in front, I dont know, this might burden Kasha too much. She invited us in the heat of the moment

Considering the monthly salary she receives, this is the least she can do.

Huh, that sounded good inside my head.

After waiting for a few minutes, I finally heard Kashas voice, We are here.


Yeah. We!

As she said, there was someone standing behind Kasha. It was her younger sister whom I saw that day.

Before I had the chance to look up the register, she bowed her head and greeted us.

Hi, nice to meet you. I am Elena Flame.

After that I opened the personnel register, her information was registered.

[Name: Elena Flame]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: 15]

[Occupation: None]

[Equipment: None]

[Family Relations: Kasha Flame (Sister)]

[Potential: A-class(Development degree 0%)]

Well, the last ones surprising.

Then Kasha said, Im sorry for not introducing you before. Shes my younger sister she.shes nice.

Then, Elena covered her mouth and laughed gracefully, quite unusual for her age.


Why are you laughing?

No. no. nothing.

Then Kasha spoke in a worked up tone, I wanted to introduce the friends I made in this city! So, I dragged Elena out here.

There was an unusual shine in Elenas eyes, maybe Sain noticed it as well. But anyway I decided to ignore it. For now.

Anyway, nice to see you. Please take a seat.

Then they took a seat and sat down. Kasha sat next to me, and Elena sat next to Sain.

Maybe you planned to sit like beforehand?

Hmmm. Kasha replied after coughing in an adult way.

Did you place an order yet?

No. Not yet.

Then lets do it quickly. You can order whatever you like today.

As always Kasha was sitting there with her proud face while sticking out her chest. Elena smiled and gently intervened.

My sister said shed wanted to eat here with Mr. Tay, so she just starved herself the whole day.

Hey, hey. Why did you say that?

Sorry. Was that supposed to be a secret?

Of course!

Then she spent the evening choosing the right dress because she wanted to look good in front of Mr. Tay. Oh was that supposed to be secret as well?

Then Kashas face was filled with embarrassment. She grabbed Elenas cheeks and pinched them hard.

Ah ah. That hurts that hurts sis.

Its called etiquette.

Never thought Id hear that word come out of Kashas mouth.

Now I roughly understand the relationship between Kasha and her sister. It seems that her older sisters grown-upness and the younger ones carefree attitude were swapped. One would easily get confused if they didnt know their exact ages.

Sain quickly stopped the two.

Calm down. We have to order first.

Ah yes.

I am hungry.

The restaurants atmosphere was really suited for a peaceful meal. The meal was really nice. Looking at Kashas pace, maybe Elena was telling the truth when she said that Kasha starved herself. Meanwhile, Elena was talking with us with a fairly noble and graceful manner.

I know you moved from afar. Are you getting used to this place?

To be honest, its still difficult. Because I dont know many people around here.

I see. Still, dont worry. In Kelk City, the people are simple and kind, so youll get close to them really quickly.

Yeah. It certainly seems like that.

There, Elena added in a bitter tone, At least better than where we lived before.

I knew exactly what she meant. She was definitely saying that before moving, Kasha was betrayed by her colleagues, and she wasnt there to help her sister. She felt really bad about that. Her unusual gloomy demeanor proved my point.

Then Elena said, Recently, I was looking for a job.

A job? At that age?

Sain asked in surprise, and Kasha swallowed her food and replied instead.

Please say something to her Sain, shes so young right now. But still shes looking for a job.

Even when she first saw Kasha she was surprised. A world with no labour laws sure is scary.

Then Kasha muttered, You dont have to work, you know. I earn enough.

Sister. Its not about that.

Elena gently smacked Kasha as if she was her mother.

Its not because I dont have money. Im just trying to get used to the town more quickly.

I cant always stay at home. People have to work to live.

I liked her words.


Really. So relax and finish eating. Clean your mouth. And eat properly

Elena then wiped Kashas mouth with a napkin.

That should be the other way around.

It was then. The waitress suddenly put down an expensive-looking wine on our table.

Ugh. We didnt order this.

The customer over there ordered this for you.

The waitress pointed towards a table. Two men were sitting at the table. Both of them are characters I know very well.

Dirk Pechen

Dirk waved at us and got up from his seat. The man sitting across from him, Burns Iai, also got up and approached us.

Then Dirk said, I didnt expect that Id run into you here.

Sains warm expression was gone. She replied in a chilly tone, opposite to the soft tone she had spoken to Elena so far.

What is this? We arent close enough to receive drinks like this.

Sain Still blunt as ever.

Elena also noticed the sudden change in the atmosphere.

Even Kashas expression changed. That is to be expected. She is facing the same Dirk that broke her relationship with Kate. Theres no way she wouldnt be angry.

Well, I was involved in that incident. A little bit

In addition to that, theres also a Burns who almost killed me during our quest.

The Hagnut Guild has grown a lot. And they sure know how to get an A-class adventurer.

Kasha responded to that, The Hagnut Guild sure treats its A-classes better than you treat yours.

Even though Dirk heard it clearly, he just ignored it.

Isnt that Ms. Kasha, who has become famous recently? The one who completed 5 A-class quests one after another.

Kate is still looking for you anxiously.

I replied before Kasha could say another weird thing.

Why are you here? Mr. Dirk.

Dirks expression, which was relaxed and tense at the same time.

I just stopped by to say hello.

As the greetings are over, theres nothing more to look at. After that I turned to Burns and asked, How are the kids?

Burns was agitated.

Theyre good.

Thats fortunate.

Burns looked at Kasha and said, Kasha.


If Menain sees you, he will be very happy. Please contact me.

Kashas face hardened terribly at his sarcastic tone, How do you know Menain?

We met a few times when I was serving as an escort during the guild general meeting. We became a bitfriendly.

Ah, can you say hello in my place?

I can roughly guess the circumstances. Menain must be the name of the guy who went on the A plus quest with Kasha before she moved to Kelk city. The trash that betrayed Kasha, left her to die in the collapsing dungeon, and falsely reported her death.

Kasha is trembling.

I said with a sigh, Hey. Mr. Burns.

Burnt replied with a sour face, What?

Kasha is our guilds precious adventurer.

My dear little adventurer.

Trying to verbally attack our precious adventurer isnt a good idea.

Burns eyebrows wriggled, I should have cut you down that time.

If so, you wouldve been killed by Kasha.

Burns opened his mouth to try to say something, but Dirk stopped him.

Lets stop. Mr. Burns.

Mr. Dirk. But

There are a lot of eyes around here.

It seemed like they were prepared to do more if we were in a different place. I didnt want to say anything more but I did anyway.

It would be bad if you lowered the reputation of the Wyvern Guild anymore than this.

Hearing that Dirk laughed and said, Thats right.

We have to look out for this guy.

After that they left the restaurant.

Kasha, this girl. Are you sticking your tongue out on their backs now? Dont do that. You are seventeen. Its true that youre a kid, but not kid enough to do that.

Kasha turned her head and said, Really lucky hairs

Sister. Fine words.

Im sorry. When my sister gets angry, she has a habit of saying strange words.

I know very well.

Elena politely apologizes to us. Then the atmosphere returned to being peaceful.

Maybe this was one of her talents.

Sain replied in a soft voice, Thank you for handling the situation Tay. I dont know what I wouldve done.

No need to thank me. I was just doing my job.

Kasha giggled for a bit then asked, Tay. Please repeat what you said a while ago.

That thing.

Kasha is my dear little adventurer.

I remember saying that you were a precious adventurer for our guild.

Kasha begins to mutter something alone. Did she eat something wrong?

I took a sip of water and looked at Elena. She had a deep and thoughtful face, not quite suited for her age. I want to say something, but not now. Anyway, there were brief interruptions, but the meal ended in a peaceful way.

Kasha came out of the moonlight, patting her stomach with satisfaction, she said, Alas. I ate well. Where should we go now?

Sister. They have to work again tomorrow. They need to rest.


Kasha, who listens to her younger sister like a child, quitely nodded.

Then Sain said, Thank you for the dinner Kasha.

No need to thank me.

So well be taking our leave now.

Just before leaving, Elena grabbed my sleeve and pulled me.

She whispered a little, Mr. Tay. You should look out.


No matter how you look at it, their relationship isnt just like any other competitive guilds.

She noticed Sain and spoke in a smaller voice.

There must be another reason for their behaviour, its not just competition

You might encounter situations like today again, its better if you look out.

Look at her. Even though she just met us, she assessed this much of our situation.

You would look good at work.

She looks promising enough.


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